

Jen smiles a little to hide her disappointment that Katie wasn't willing to talk about what was bothering her. Jen knew that the night before at the concert, her friend had wanted so badly to say more but had held back. Now she had locked herself tight again. But Jen couldn't force her to communicate if she didn't want to.

"Mike and I are doing well." She grins as she continues to nibble on a cookie. "He's been kinda busy with work and whenever he comes over to my house or I go to his, he winds up falling asleep, he's been so tired. He feels bad, but... at least I get to spend time with him." She shrugs. "That's the main thing... I mean... sometimes I want more attention... sometimes I wish he'd call me a little more often but... I know he cares about me and he's doing his best so... yeah."

She giggles. "Took him long enough to ask me out, I can't expect anything else to happen for a while. We're good though... we're learning to compromise... that one was a hard one for me. I didn't realize I was selfish until I started seeing that he was doing everything for me all the time and I wasn't giving back. He didn't complain but... I started to see that relationships are all about compromise... it's a two-way street, ya know? After I figured that one out, things were better and they keep getting better."

She cocks her head after taking a sip of tea. "What about you and Jason? I hardly ever see you two apart."

Reese nods. "Great. Really, any time is good. The sooner the better, though I know your schedule must be pretty busy. I mean, I'd even start tomorrow at least with one of the men. Probably we'll tackle Alec first - he may be in for prison time but I want your help with him especially. You tell me when though - we'll work on your time table with this one."

Jason quirks an eyebrow and leans back in his chair, almost skeptically. "I'm... fine... just fine." He pauses, studying Misty's face. He knew that she knew what had been going on. It wasn't like it was a secret, and she spent most of her time in the infirmary.

"Just because Katie's having a hard time dealing with this, doesn't mean I am."

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