

Giving a knock to make sure Gage was up Sapphire enters the small room. She had come into late a little later today but she had to pick up a few things she wanted to bring in for Gage. Entering the room and setting them down on the bed the brown paper bag contained of a few shaving items, some new cloths, a tooth brush and toothpaste, new sneakers. She new he had a few things already but it was always getting new things.

"I picked up a few new things for you. It always helps me feel better when I get some new items. I know its a girl thing and your not a girl but maybe it will help anyways."

Giving Gage a soft smile Sapphire sits on the edge of the bed. Her eyes held a bit of worry for her new found friend. He hadn't been out much, not even to just wonder TJY. She was a bit worried he was falling into a state if depression.

"Gage, I've missed having my lunch buddy the last few days. I know you haven't felt up to going out much but I guess I was hoping if maybe today you would like to go to lunch. It might help you fell better."

Giving another smile Sapphire's eyes held hope. She wanted so bad to help Gage, and he had been doing so well. Now to only take a few steps back. It didn't disappoint her, or upset her, Sapphire's patents were great. It only made her sad that Gage had to feel so trapped.

Hearing her brothers voice Rosetta turns as a grin makes its way across her face. She had missed him so much and she had become so worried.


Rosetta reached out a little to her brother gentily running a hand down his face as if seeing if he was real.

"Oh Jeff.."

Feeling his flesh and seeing he was really there a smile spreads across Rosetta's face as she pulls Jeff into a hug.

"I've been sorry worried about you Jeff, and than Katie was taken, than you came back and Rick called and told us you were so sick."

A few tears rolls out of Rosetta's eyes as she held her brother in a strong hug for a long time. Finally pulling away she dosnt even bother with her tears as she continues to look at her brother.

"Are you back for good now? Are you better? Did they find what was wrong?"


Looking to Nate, Jason hesitates, having to stay focused for a moment before responding. He knew Nate had seen Camryn and wasn't really sure if he needed to say anything or not. He decides not to. "Um, thanks... and yeah... yeah, I think we're going out for pizza."

He gives Nate's arm a good-natured pat before turning around to help with loading up. He'd just as soon not get into a conversation that would lead back to Camryn at this point.

Carson receives Misty, putting his arm around her too. "Well I'm not ready yet," he teases. Ignoring the fact that they weren't alone, he yanks her closer to him, putting her in a rough hold. Grinning, he leans in and puts his lips to hers, giving her a good long, passionate kiss to cover for the whole day they'd been apart.

Rick throws up his arms, rolling his eyes. "Even when you don't work here, you still have to go and make a scene, don't you?" No response. "Carson.... Carson!" Seeing that Carson was totally ignoring him, Rick groans and turns around to get back to his work. "Get out of here, you two, before I throw you out. And Carson, go home at a decent time!"

Having let the kiss linger longer just for the sake of teasing Rick, Carson's laughter finally breaks the exchange. His eyes twinkle with mischief as he gives Misty's lips another peck. "I guess that's our cue to get out of here. I guess I'm ready now."

Gage doesn't react much to Sapphire's company. He was used to it by now. It takes him a long time to respond. He seemed to do that a lot... as if he mulled over every word a person said before speaking himself. Many times during the last few weeks, people had thought he hadn't heard them the first time and they would repeat themselves. Gage never corrected them. He always simply answered after he'd completely formulated his own words, no matter how long it took. And tonight, it seemed to take him even longer.

Sapphire's touch makes his eyes snap up to hers. Though they interacted frequently now, someone's touch still startled him. He doesn't draw back though.

"I hope so."

Turning his palm up, he looks down at their hands and slowly curls his fingers around hers as if testing to see what it felt like. His thumb slides down one of her fingers and he swallows hard. "Goodnight, Sapphire." Slowly, he lets go of her hand, signaling that this short visit was over. He would see her tomorrow.

And tomorrow did come...

Jason parks his truck outside the Curbside Cafe and slides out, gingerly stretching his sore leg. He eyes the crutches in the back seat, and decides to ignore them.

Taking a look around, he's unsure if Camryn is here yet or not. It had been a long morning at work, thinking about his lunch plans. He'd told no one. On one side, he felt guilty, and on another side, it seemed logical enough. Besides, it wasn't like there was anything more to this meeting than just saying hi to an old friend... right?

Jason takes in a deep breath and heads inside. Once his eyes adjust to the lighting, he sees someone wave from the back corner. A small smile emerges and he aims to the table Camryn had been sitting at for fifteen minutes already.

The dining hall was quiet. While the barns and corrals were busy with activity on this gorgeous day, the ranch's buildings remained fairly still.

Slowly, the lone figure steps up onto the porch, making his way inside. His stride seems heavy, his shoulders seeming to carry an invisible burden. But looking around and spotting Rosetta in the kitchen, his eyes try to spark and a grin toys with his mouth.

Making his way across the floor, he's finally in the kitchen doorway. "Gonna make me find my own welcome around here or what?" Jeff's smile spreads. "What's a guy gotta do to get a little attention anyway?"


Making his way to the back Nate hangs up the phone with Laura turning the corner just in time to see Camryn walking away. Standing still for a moment Nate wasn't sure what was going on or what to think. Con had asked him to find Jason, and just coming around to see Camryn was a little bit of a shock.

"She looks different from that last time I saw her."

Letting out a small sigh its the only thing on the matter Nate says. Anything else was not his never mind even if he wanted to say something about it.

"You were good out there tonight Hotshot! Con wanted me to come and get you see if everyone was going out for pizza tonight or not? I guess Jamie is oddly enough starving tonight."

Looking up and giving a smile to Carson she motions she will be just a moment as she finishes up writing a few things down. She had been busy at work today between working on helping Rick with Jim, checkin on Alex and Gage, to doing her own side project on nerve damage repair it had hardly left any free time.

Finally putting the few things she had out into the filing cabinet Misty grabs her light jacket and wallet slipping it into her back pocket.

Coming up behind Carson Misty slips her arms around him and gives a small squeeze. Leaning her head against him for a moment.

"I am all set when you are."

Slowly entering the room where Gage sat Sapphire pokes her head in. She had knocked and not getting answer Sapphire had worried. The last few days it felt like Gage had been pulling away and she had the strangest feeling it wasn't a good thing.

"Hey Gage, its just me."

Going over the the best Sapphire could see the look in his eyes that told her he was far away. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she moves back so she can lean aganst the wall. Even if Gage didn't talk she wanted him to know she was there if he needed her. Gently reaching out Sapphire sets her hand on top of his.

"It's gonna be ok Gage."

Keep an eye on him

The night at the concert goes well. Despite a rough start, all the pieces fall into place by the time Jason, Mike and Phil take the stage. Axel is present to help Jen run sound, though hadn't been able to help much with setting up. Rocky is there too, and even Taylor came about halfway through.

Jason's performance is as good as ever, the crowd loving him. Only to those closest to him would it be obvious that he had slipped on a mask that he is so very good at doing. He smiled like always, joked with Phil and his voice rang true and clear. By the time the concert was coming to a close, the crowd was disappointed it was over already. But the band promised they'd be playing again soon.

Once the audience is starting to file out, JetStream starts taking things down. Jason wanders backstage for a few minutes to catch his breath. He sets his guitar down and grabs a new water bottle to take a good long drink. With the band milling around, starting to pack up, he didn't think much of feeling someone behind him.

"You still sound good."

Jason almost spits out his water before he whirls around. He can't help the look of shock that crosses his face. "Camryn?"

A smile slowly spreads. Her eyes still sparkle with the same energy she used to have, but something is different. Perhaps she was just a little more subdued. "Hey, Hotshot."

Jason isn't even sure what to say or how he's supposed to react. He keeps a hold on his water bottle, so his hands remain busy. "What, um... what are you doing here? I mean... I didn't know you were in town."

"I just got in last night," Camryn admits. She tucks her hands in her jeans pockets. "Heard JetStream had a show, so... I guess I couldn't resist."

"Wow." Jason tries to get over his surprise. Mixed emotions surface. "This is um..."

"Awkward, I know." Camryn gives a light laugh. "I'm sorry. But I didn't think it would be right for me to come without at least saying hi."

Jason finally offers her a small smile. "Naw, it's okay. I mean... yeah, this is awkward." He runs a hand through his hair a bit nervously. "You, um... you look good."

"Well, thanks." Camryn looks down at herself for a moment, then back up. Her hair wasn't quite as wild... her clothes weren't quite as rebellious. She stood a little straighter, her demeanor perhaps a little more mature. "You look good yourself." She cocks her head, just studying his eyes. "You've changed."

Jason laughs. "After two minutes, you know that?"

"You think I would have forgotten you?" Camryn shakes her head slowly. "No, Jason Stevenson, maybe I made some mistakes, but I still remember you... and I'd say you're a bit more wise."

Jason swallows hard and looks down for a moment before coming back up to meet her eyes. "Looks like you are too."

Camryn is quiet for several seconds, the noise of other people invading their halfway-private conversation. "You gonna be free sometime tomorrow?"

Jason quirks an eyebrow. "Depends on what I'd be free for."

Camryn laughs. "I just thought maybe we could sit and talk or something. Maybe over a cup of coffee. Or are you still into orange juice?"

Jason can't help a little laugh of his own. "It's about half and half now I'd say. Um..." His mind races. What did Camryn want? She didn't appear to want anything more than a friendly chat. There wasn't anything wrong with that, was there? Though there was nothing between them now, he couldn't ignore how close they'd been at one time. He at least owed her the chance to say whatever it was she wanted to say. The thought of Katie crosses his mind. She'd understand, wouldn't she?

Camryn reads his hesitation, and grows a little more solemn. "I just feel like there's a few things I need to say... I know it's been a long time, but... I just thought... I could use a few minutes one-on-one... if it's okay with you. I... I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Jason fidgets with his water bottle. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen her so subdued. He was uncomfortable... but something made him want to go anyway. His eyes leave her for a moment to glance back out to the floor where he could see people like Nate and Con. He wondered if they knew Camryn was here. Even if they did, what did it matter? "Okay. How about lunch tomorrow? I'll have an hour."

Camryn grins. "Where?"

"Um..." Mom and Pop's was the first thing that came to mind but... maybe that wasn't such a good idea. "There's that little cafe down by the strip mall... I can't remember what it's called."

"I know the place." Camryn nods. "I'll be there... noon?"

"Yeah." Jason's gaze follows her as she walks away, and for a moment is left standing numbly.

Carson wanders into the infirmary, knocking on the door. He'd come after closing up Mom and Pop's a little early to see Misty and follow her back to her place for the evening. Seeing Rick he gives a wave. "Hey, Rick."


"How's it going?"

Rick shrugs. "Oh... it's going."

Carson chuckles and glances down to where Misty was, throwing her a smile to let her know he'd wait for her. He turns his attention back to Rick. "I haven't heard much about your... shall we say, Agency wards."

"You mean Alec and Gage?"

Carson nods.

Rick sighs. "Well, Alec seems to have calmed down a little bit, but he reminds me too much of you." He smirks. "I'm not sure what it'll take to straighten out that attitude, but they're not sending him to jail."

Carson moves on quickly, not really wanting to talk about his brother. "And Gage?"

"Mmm..." Rick thinks a moment. "Quiet. Especially the last few days. He hasn't even wanted to go out with Sapphire anymore, though I know she's tried. He just seems withdrawn all of a sudden.... not sure why. Reese just thinks he's starting to want to go back, but I don't think that's it."

"Has Alec gotten to him?"

"No... they've been separated this whole time. I think Reese has found a secure place for Gage though, but I don't know about Alec."

Carson thinks a moment, solemn as he's been distracted from waiting for Misty. "Rick... keep a close eye on Gage."

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "Well he's got freedom around here at the moment. I mean, so far he's been fine and-"

"That's not what I mean. Remember right after I came here?" Carson looks at him with seriousness. "When I realized I was so messed up? Gage has been taught that helping kill people was fine. Now he's here where he's learned it's not. What do you think that's doing to him up here?" He taps his head.

Rick is quiet for a moment. "You think... he'd be that desperate to hurt himself?"

"I don't know. But if he's gotten that withdrawn all of a sudden... I wouldn't take it too lightly. Just keep an eye on him. You might want Hope to come back and see him. And you might want to tell Sapphire to be watchful too."

"That's it? You can't go any further?"

Scott shakes his head as he looks at the computer screen, Gunner staring over his shoulder. "No. It's password protected."

"You can't hack around it?"

"I've already hacked more than I should have!" Scott disconnects, and the screen goes blank. "We both could lose our jobs just from the little bit we did here - you know that."

Gunner sighs and folds his arms. "Yeah... I know. I just thought this would be easier."

"Than what?"

"Nothing." Gunner turns around, aiming for the door. "I'll let ya be. See you at work."

"Yeah..." Scott watches him leave, then shakes his head. Why did Gunner want access to someone's hospital records from six months ago? It seemed odd. Oh well... he'd done what he could without breaking too many rules. But if Gunner wanted any more, he'd have to go through the right channels.

Wandering over to the couch, Scott flops down, quickly joined by Domino. It would be a quiet night. Those were the hardest. But he would survive like he always did.

Gage sits curled up in the corner of the spare room on top of the bed. His head rests against the wall, his arms wrapped around his legs. If one would see him, they would believe his mind was a thousand miles away. Maybe it was.