

Giving a knock to make sure Gage was up Sapphire enters the small room. She had come into late a little later today but she had to pick up a few things she wanted to bring in for Gage. Entering the room and setting them down on the bed the brown paper bag contained of a few shaving items, some new cloths, a tooth brush and toothpaste, new sneakers. She new he had a few things already but it was always getting new things.

"I picked up a few new things for you. It always helps me feel better when I get some new items. I know its a girl thing and your not a girl but maybe it will help anyways."

Giving Gage a soft smile Sapphire sits on the edge of the bed. Her eyes held a bit of worry for her new found friend. He hadn't been out much, not even to just wonder TJY. She was a bit worried he was falling into a state if depression.

"Gage, I've missed having my lunch buddy the last few days. I know you haven't felt up to going out much but I guess I was hoping if maybe today you would like to go to lunch. It might help you fell better."

Giving another smile Sapphire's eyes held hope. She wanted so bad to help Gage, and he had been doing so well. Now to only take a few steps back. It didn't disappoint her, or upset her, Sapphire's patents were great. It only made her sad that Gage had to feel so trapped.

Hearing her brothers voice Rosetta turns as a grin makes its way across her face. She had missed him so much and she had become so worried.


Rosetta reached out a little to her brother gentily running a hand down his face as if seeing if he was real.

"Oh Jeff.."

Feeling his flesh and seeing he was really there a smile spreads across Rosetta's face as she pulls Jeff into a hug.

"I've been sorry worried about you Jeff, and than Katie was taken, than you came back and Rick called and told us you were so sick."

A few tears rolls out of Rosetta's eyes as she held her brother in a strong hug for a long time. Finally pulling away she dosnt even bother with her tears as she continues to look at her brother.

"Are you back for good now? Are you better? Did they find what was wrong?"

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