

Making his way to the back Nate hangs up the phone with Laura turning the corner just in time to see Camryn walking away. Standing still for a moment Nate wasn't sure what was going on or what to think. Con had asked him to find Jason, and just coming around to see Camryn was a little bit of a shock.

"She looks different from that last time I saw her."

Letting out a small sigh its the only thing on the matter Nate says. Anything else was not his never mind even if he wanted to say something about it.

"You were good out there tonight Hotshot! Con wanted me to come and get you see if everyone was going out for pizza tonight or not? I guess Jamie is oddly enough starving tonight."

Looking up and giving a smile to Carson she motions she will be just a moment as she finishes up writing a few things down. She had been busy at work today between working on helping Rick with Jim, checkin on Alex and Gage, to doing her own side project on nerve damage repair it had hardly left any free time.

Finally putting the few things she had out into the filing cabinet Misty grabs her light jacket and wallet slipping it into her back pocket.

Coming up behind Carson Misty slips her arms around him and gives a small squeeze. Leaning her head against him for a moment.

"I am all set when you are."

Slowly entering the room where Gage sat Sapphire pokes her head in. She had knocked and not getting answer Sapphire had worried. The last few days it felt like Gage had been pulling away and she had the strangest feeling it wasn't a good thing.

"Hey Gage, its just me."

Going over the the best Sapphire could see the look in his eyes that told her he was far away. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she moves back so she can lean aganst the wall. Even if Gage didn't talk she wanted him to know she was there if he needed her. Gently reaching out Sapphire sets her hand on top of his.

"It's gonna be ok Gage."

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