

Opening her eyes slowly a smile forms on her face. Waking up to a cup of coffee was great and to Jason's face even better. Sitting up just a little bit Katie takes the coffee and sips it glancing to the window for a moment.

"I guess he dosnt want to wast any daylight huh?"

With minutes Katie is showered, dressed, coffee gone , gun loaded, and a small backpack with a few things slung on her back.

Some might think it was funny to see Katie in hiking boots, camo pants, and a white wife beater with a bandad tucked nicly under her hair but Katie new her old ranch atire would come in handy again sometime.

"I'm ready as I even am gonna be."

Standing from her desk Hope makes her way over to where Scott was. She had become very proude of his over the last few weeks. Even the slightest of change ment alot and was a step forward.

"Your not wasting my time Scott. You have been making improvments and even if they were small they are still there and I see them and am pleased with what I see."

Stoping alongside Scott Hope just looks out the window with him. It was a bit cloudy out today but the sun was trying to shine through.

"You know Scott I was thinking, I know you dont like talking about what happend to you and I would never force you to by any means. But I was thinking maybe if you feel up to it, you could breakdown what happend to you into numbers or me or make even put together pictures. I'd like to take that last step forward with you. I believe your strong enough now if your willing to just try. Dosnt even have to be the whole thing only a peace. If you would like to bring someone alse here with you to make you feel more comfortable you are more than welcome you. I'd even allow you to bring Domino."

Hope gives a soft smile to Scott. She didnt want to push him to much, but maybe a little bump was good.

Hearing Kyle's voice Alice smile.

"I see you got your phone fixed."

Letting his invatation liner for a moment Alice finally speaks again a little noise going on in the background of papers rustaling and some shouting.

"Seven at the plaza, sure I'll be there. Think I should bring some sugar for you too? I'll be there around 6:30. Cant wait to see you than."

Hanging up the phone Alice cant help but smile and shake her head. She was happy Kyle had invited her and today it would just be for enjoyment and sapport of a friend. No work involved.

Dialing Axel's number Jess waits till finally the vocie mail picks up.

"Hey Axel its Jess. I was wondering if you were going to the Jetstream consert
tonight. If you were I was gonna ask if I could tag along. Well just let me know. Thanks."

Haning up the phone Jess pulls all of her bags out of her car and makes her way to the front door.

Fumbaling around for the key for a moment Jess goes to unlock the door but finds it open already. That was odd she always locked the door when she left the house.
Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stiffen Jess opens the door the rest of the way and sets her bags down inside. Flicking the lights on she does a quick search of the apartment and see nothing out of place. Finding it odd but nothing wrong Jess could only assume that because she was in a hurry she forgot to lock the door this morning and for now, she would believe it.

Last time

Ryder lifts his face to rest his chin on his hands instead. "Thanks Katie." Though he was grateful, the hope had left his voice. "Carson's right... it isn't worth risking you guys. If TJY was confident he really wanted to be on the right side, they would have sent a team in already, but all they have is proof of him collaborating with the Agency, so I guess I can't really blame them." He pauses. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right off the bat. Guess I just knew how it would turn out anyway. Appreciate your heart though."

Silent for several moments, he finally rises from the swing without looking back at Katie. "Goodnight. Can't find something or need anything, holler. I'll be in the back room." And then he is gone, the porch quiet, the night settling into its fullness.

Jason ease own on the edge of the bed and reaches up to push aside a lock of Katie's hair. He smiles a little and just watches her sleep for several moments. Finally though, he leans forward and puts the hot cop of coffee nearer her nose. "Good morning, princess," he rouses gently. "Carson's pushing to get out of here asap, so we have to roll before the sun."

Ryder holsters his handgun, then throws his blanket back over his bed. Bending down, he laces up his boots, slaps on his watch and grabs his binoculars and water canteen. Carson wanted to get to the vantage point before it got too hot, and Ryder would get them there if it killed him. Carson didn't trust him, but he'd show him he was on their side.

Carson downs his coffee and throws the leftover in the sink. "Daylight's burning!" he calls loudly.

"Sun isn't up yet," Ryder reminds, coming around the corner. "You ready for a trek?"


Scott stands at the window, his hands in his pockets. He was worried about Angel. He was worried about Jason and Katie. He missed his house. He missed stability. He missed the desire to work. His stomach hurt and his heat hurt. He missed his dog.

Today had been a quiet visit to Hope. He hadn't spoken much. Hope hadn't pushed him. He just felt tired.

He keeps staring out the window. His camera was back on a chair, waiting to be used, but he hadn't yet. "I feel like I'm wasting your time," he mentions quietly.

"Kyle! You gonna be ready tonight?"

Kyle pries one eye open as he hears Phil's voice on the other side of his closed door. "Mm-hmm," he mumbles.

"Alright. Mike's at three. Got it? ...Kyle?"

"Yeah, yeah." Kyle yawns and stretches. His body ached. He was incredibly sleepy, even though he'd gotten well over nine hours of sleep.

After a few minutes, he crawls out of bed, heading to the bathroom. Shower, meds, then cereal for breakfast. It wasn't exciting, but it was routine. His stomach didn't much like the day though. It was his last concert with JetStream.

Fingering the phone he'd picked up the day before, he finds Alice's number and dials. "Alice, it's Kyle. Concert tonight. It's at seven down at the plaza. If you want to come early, it's fine, just come in the back."

Look Out

Katie watches Carson and than turns back to Ryder again. Just listing to them both.

"But...Carson what if he IS being held aganst his will cant we at least check it out some how? We can't leave Ryder in the dust not when he has helped us this much."

Knowing her pleeding would get her no where Katie feels so helpless. She wanted to help Ryder, she new how hard it had to be, to have your own family member left alive and know there was nothing you could do.

Letting out her own sigh Katie goes over to the swing and sinks down next to Ryder on it. There really was nothing she could do.

"I'm sorry."

Staying silent for a moment Katie just lets her own thoughts run, thinking about many differnt things. Till finally she stratens and looks to Ryder keeping her voice low.

"Your brothers name was Brian right? Tell me what he look like and...I'll keep my eye out. Thats not saying I am making a promise to get him out, or put my team in danger but I'll keep it in mind and if it looks like there is a chanse that maybe he is on ourside or is there aganst his will...I wont leave him. You have my promise!"

The look in Katie's eyes shows she ment what she said and though she really wouldent put the other two in danger she was willing to at least make an effort to see if there was hope for Ryder's brother.

Not worth it

Hope glimmers in Ryder's eyes. "Really? You don't know what this means to me. I mean... I'm here for you guys, but... if we can get Brian too..."

The crooked smile returns. "Thanks, Katie. Even if we can't do it, I appreciate your willingness to help." He pauses, then nods his head at her question. "The Agency keeps anyone they can in their clutches for as long as their prisoners can last. I'm sure you know this. They kill parents, grab the kids and make them their slaves."

Suddenly, a shadow appears in the doorway, and Carson leans against the frame casually, looking through the screen at Katie and Ryder. Getting a surprised look from Ryder, Carson shakes his head, speaking very casually. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Please, keep going. I was just waiting for you to tell Katie why TJY hadn't supported a rescue mission."

Something flashes in Ryder's eyes and he takes a step back. "What? I mean... that's what happened with your friend Scott wasn't it? TJY just didn't want the risk."

"TJY didn't have proof Scott was alive," Carson counters. "That was the gamble they didn't approve of. You, on the other hand, are positive that your broother is in there. Why won't TJY help you?"

"I don't know," Ryder answers a tad spitefully. "They've never given me a reason."

Carson sees Ryder's eyes move to the side, then back again. He opens the screen door and slips out onto the porch, taking a stance next to Katie. "You're lying," he accuses calmly. "TJY always gives reasons, whether we like them or not." He studies Ryder's face that had started to pale. "Your brother is an agent, isn't he?"

Ryder grits his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening.

Carson shakes his head. "Sorry, mate, but we'll take this mission from here. I know the territory well enough myself. I'm not going to jeapordize it, running after someone who doesn't relaly want out." He turns, heading back inside.

"No, wait!" Ryder steps forward again, his eyes wide and pleading. "If we can just get him out, he'll want to stay out, I know he will! Look at you!"

"I didn't want to stay out," Carson informs. "I only wanted to save my hide. I would have double-crossed TJY in a heartbeat, just to get my Agency status back. Your brother obviously hasn't attempted to escape or get out, or even help TJY from the inside. That proves to me that he not only doesn't want to leave, but he's certainly not worth risking the four of us and the stability of TJY." He turns around again, going all the way inside.

"But he's my brother!" Ryder shouts. "I don't care if he's on the wrong side! He'll change, I know it!" Seeing that Carson was no longer listening, Ryder throws his arms up in the air, then goes to flop back down in the swing, putting his face in his hands. It always went like this.


Feeling a bit of color that had come to her face Katie drops her arm from Ryder's arm. Listening to what he has to say Katie can feel an ack as she thinks about Scott.

"It wasnt to long ago we had a friend in the hands of the Agency. We stopped at nothing to get him.."

Katie think for a long moment continplating and wondering if it could be done.

"I'll talk to the others Ryder. Its worth a try to get your brother out."

Katie gives a smile and a knowing nod.

"I think the only one that might not go long with it is Carson, but maybe if we are lucky we can get him to agree, but I cant help myself in asking why was your brother there? Is he being held like you were?"


Ryder doesn't move when Katie touches his arm, but stays where he is, evidence of him feeling torn between two choices.

"You're not playing fair," he teases quietly. "You should know better than to look at me like that. Or didn't you know that your eyes can make a bloke's heart melt?"

He shakes his head a little, daring to reach out and touch the side of Katie's face. "You really want to help... you really do see more than others do, willing to make sacrifices, despite the risks. It's been a long time since I've seen that in someone."

Realizing he might have just overstepped his bounds, he drops his hand and backs up a step. He swallows hard, then finally shrugs, signaling his defeat. "It's my brother. He's in there at the Agency base. It's been five years. I got out, he didn't. All I want is one chance to get him out... one chance to save him from the Agency's torture. Two months ago I got word he was still there and still alive. But my hands have been tied."


Walking a little closer to Ryder Katie puts an out streches hand on his arm very gently. Keeping her voice soft Katie reply.

"Ryder, what is it? Please if we can help you along with ourself..."

Katie did want to help Ryder now, the look in his eyes proved a longing one that made Katie's own heart ack.

"We've all broken rules before, what it is..what is this other mission?"

Keeping her hand on Ryder's arm Katie looks up at him her big green eyes looking back at him.

"You want me to trust you, than please trust me too."


Jason's eyes fly open, woken from his dozing state by Katie's message.

Alright... keep cool. Let me know if you need us.

He rolls off the couch and wanders casually into the kitchen where Carson still was, and keeps his voice quiet. "Katie's talking to Ryder. She says he's hiding something."

Carson nods, his eyes staying on the blueprints in front of him. "Yeah."

"Guess we all figured something was weird."


Jason rolls his eyes. "And this doesn't worry you?"

Carson finally looks up, giving Jason an expression of annoyance. "What, you think Katie can't handle him?"

"No, that's not it. I meant about this whole thing."

"Oh. Not really. We'll get our job done no matter what. He's with TJY - that much I'm sure of. Whatever he's hiding will either get him in trouble, or just be something we ignore or conquer. We're getting what we came for - that much I'm sure of."

Ryder bristles just a little bit, though Katie's soft tone keeps him from becoming upset with her probing. "I understand not trusting me, but I wish you did."

Unable to stay in his vulnerable, position, he finally rights himself to stand up, forcing Katie to her feet as well as he swings his legs down. Padding in his bare feet to the porch railing, he looks out into the dark, just able to make out the trees by the light of the moon.

"Five years," he comments quietly. "Five years I've been trying to find a way in. When Reese said you guys were coming, I jumped on it because your team is the ticket I need. I couldn't do it by myself... but with a team..."

A sad sort of smile surfaces again and he turns around to look at Katie once more. "See, my own personal plans aren't in alignment with those of TJY, so I've had to ignore them for years. But now... with you three..."

A laugh escapes. "But you're all pretty dedicated to sticking with rules and regulations, so who am I fooling?"

The soberness returns, and Ryder wanders close enough to Katie to look down into her eyes. "Or would you risk your mission for another?" He shakes his head. "No... you're here for your friend, Angel. And now I see that I can't let my personal feelings or plans get in the way. So I won't interfere. I won't add to the load of this mission."


Sqinting her eyes just a little Katie trys to see past what was really there in front of her. It almost felt like Ryder was scaired of something or really being left.

"I've learned not to trust people that I dont know Ryder. I might be kind and I might be nice but I have see far to many bad things happen to good people in the cold world."

Katie thinks for a moment chooseing her words wisly, Katie opens a bit of her emotions sending a message to Jason.

He's hidding something and he is scaired if he tells us we will leave him. Dont you guys come out here guns blazing I am gonna see if I can get him to tell me. I just wanted you to be awair.

"If your honest and upfront with you Ryder we would have no reason to leave you in the dust. Thats just not us, but if you hide things it makes you look bad. I can promise you I will not leave you as long as I know what your hidding."

Katie eyes scan Ryders as her pearcing stair looks deep into them, searching, searching for what was going untold.

Whose side

"You're very dedicated to your work." There was genuine admiration in Ryder's voice, for the bold words Katie spoke.

But when she questions him, he hesitates again. Forcing a smile to the surface though, he squints at her. "And why do you still not trust me?" But guilt laid behind his eyes and he knew it. He wanted to get up and walk away, but with Katie still sitting in front of him, he didn't have an easy route of escape.

Finally, he purses his lips, becoming a little more sober. "Look, Katie... this is bigger than just you guys coming here for your antidote. This is a chance for me, and I don't want to blow it. If I told your blokes what was going on though, they'd leave me in the dust, and I can't risk that. Now you can go tell them I'm hiding something, or you can trust me that I'm here to help and leave it at that."

While his gaze asked for understanding, and tried to convince Katie that he was a friend, there was still evidence of a hidden agenda... hidden plans... whose side was he really on?


Listening to Ryder his story was alot of Carson with its minor differnces but both storys end on the good page of coming to TJY. Though there was a bit of sadness behind Ryder's on the matter there was a certin hope as well.

"My Mom and baby brother were killed by the Agency. I only got to see him once and even though I was small its the only memorie I have of him. I havent visited those memories in a while."

Katie is silent for a moment it was obvies that there was some pain attached to work words and behind her eyes on the memories. So many things when hand and hand with that event that it was hard to just think of the good.

But as fast as the smile faded another one made itself know though Katie for a moment picked up on Ryders hesatance and change of subjest.

"Thank you for the comment but beautiful or not I would follow my team to the death. This is my job and I know the dangers when I started out. I mean I can be in danger walking out my front door too I am a Pent. I goes with the family name, so like my family I want to do something to maybe make a better future."

Stopping for a moment Katie finally turns her whole body to Ryder a bit of worry, and maybe a bit of her strongness she had shown with him earlyer showing.

"Ryder, is there something your not telling us? We need to know as much as we can and if you know something we dont...."


Ryder listens to Katie, his stare a pensive one as he takes in who this woman was. At her question, he shakes his head. "I wound up with TJY because I needed help."

Sighing, his eyes drift to the darkness. He didn't normally talk about this. But it seemed easy with Katie. "My family was randomly selected by Medridge when I was just a kid. I saw my parents murdered, and I was taken in by the Agency to channel my vengeance." He glances back to the screen door. "My story is probably similar to Carson's. But I never did conform. I was trapped, forced against my will to take the wrong side. Until finally there was one mission where TJY was on to us and I ran. Reese asked me to join them and I couldn't refuse. So... here I am."

A grin surfaces again. "I give tours to city-slicker vacationers half the time, and the other half, I'm working for TJY."

Ryder looks down for a moment, his thumbnail working at a bit of dried-out paint on the swing. "When we go in to find the antidote, there's..."

His voice trails off as if he's changed his mind about what it was he was going to say. He catches Katie's eye again, watching her. "You realize you're too beautiful to risk getting hurt out here, don't you?"