

Opening her eyes slowly a smile forms on her face. Waking up to a cup of coffee was great and to Jason's face even better. Sitting up just a little bit Katie takes the coffee and sips it glancing to the window for a moment.

"I guess he dosnt want to wast any daylight huh?"

With minutes Katie is showered, dressed, coffee gone , gun loaded, and a small backpack with a few things slung on her back.

Some might think it was funny to see Katie in hiking boots, camo pants, and a white wife beater with a bandad tucked nicly under her hair but Katie new her old ranch atire would come in handy again sometime.

"I'm ready as I even am gonna be."

Standing from her desk Hope makes her way over to where Scott was. She had become very proude of his over the last few weeks. Even the slightest of change ment alot and was a step forward.

"Your not wasting my time Scott. You have been making improvments and even if they were small they are still there and I see them and am pleased with what I see."

Stoping alongside Scott Hope just looks out the window with him. It was a bit cloudy out today but the sun was trying to shine through.

"You know Scott I was thinking, I know you dont like talking about what happend to you and I would never force you to by any means. But I was thinking maybe if you feel up to it, you could breakdown what happend to you into numbers or me or make even put together pictures. I'd like to take that last step forward with you. I believe your strong enough now if your willing to just try. Dosnt even have to be the whole thing only a peace. If you would like to bring someone alse here with you to make you feel more comfortable you are more than welcome you. I'd even allow you to bring Domino."

Hope gives a soft smile to Scott. She didnt want to push him to much, but maybe a little bump was good.

Hearing Kyle's voice Alice smile.

"I see you got your phone fixed."

Letting his invatation liner for a moment Alice finally speaks again a little noise going on in the background of papers rustaling and some shouting.

"Seven at the plaza, sure I'll be there. Think I should bring some sugar for you too? I'll be there around 6:30. Cant wait to see you than."

Hanging up the phone Alice cant help but smile and shake her head. She was happy Kyle had invited her and today it would just be for enjoyment and sapport of a friend. No work involved.

Dialing Axel's number Jess waits till finally the vocie mail picks up.

"Hey Axel its Jess. I was wondering if you were going to the Jetstream consert
tonight. If you were I was gonna ask if I could tag along. Well just let me know. Thanks."

Haning up the phone Jess pulls all of her bags out of her car and makes her way to the front door.

Fumbaling around for the key for a moment Jess goes to unlock the door but finds it open already. That was odd she always locked the door when she left the house.
Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stiffen Jess opens the door the rest of the way and sets her bags down inside. Flicking the lights on she does a quick search of the apartment and see nothing out of place. Finding it odd but nothing wrong Jess could only assume that because she was in a hurry she forgot to lock the door this morning and for now, she would believe it.

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