

*Nate smiles and nods at Laura heading back to the office. He wish the afternoon with Laura could go on. He had a nice time at lunch and helping her with Jamie's house. But all good things come to an end and there would always be tomarrow.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint as she stands her hand in his watching the water. He did bring her the comfort she needed and wanted even though he words were few. It felt like he said so much.*

"Well I am glad your not gonna run away. Thank you Clint. For helping me feel better."

*Wendy takes her hand from Clint's and slips her arm around his shoulders shairing out at the water for a long while. How peaceful she felt again as a new excitemnt grew. She had a brother.*

*As Damien heads back inside he walks to the room where little BJ was playing standing in the doorway for a long while just watching him. Slowly turning Damien goes back to the table with the others and sits back down to join in the char.*

*Jamie laughs again listing to the noises in the background and hearing Con laugh. He sounded happy and Jamie new he needed to smile. She felt warm inside hearing it.*

"Well Con as long as they dont keep ya....I'm glad your doing well...and its good to hear you laugh Con."

*Jamie continues to talk with Con for a while longer laughing herself at the noises in the background.*

"Well I better let ya go. Its a wonderful day out and I think I am gonna take a walk with Cindy to see there new house that is going to be built. Take care Con and I will see you soon."

*Jamie hangs up the phone and heads out into the other room to find Cindy.*

*Misty cant help but laugh at Carson's comment.*

"Adventures huh? That could be dangerouse you know!!"

*Misty makes her way with Carson up the elavator not being able to help his comment.*

"Sometimes I think they should put me under lock and key. I get in enough trouble as of late myself."

*Misty cant help but playfuly kick Carson's leg as she gets off the elavator giving a wave to the sacurity guards as she passes.*

"How about....some Greek food? Thats my faverot and I know a place the has the best beef pitas this side of the state. So jucie and the cucumber sause my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Eather than or I am think of your kiss again."

Lock and Key

Laura grimaces at Nate’s calling from the other room. “Yeah, well…I’m glad he’s fascinating to you.” She shakes her head. “I wouldn’t say I’m scared of Ed, he just…creeps me out.” A slight grin forms.

When Nate joins her in the kitchen, she’s just glancing at Jamie’s mail to make sure nothing looked urgent, then sets all the envelopes on the counter. “Well, I guess that’s that… everything seems okay in here….” She sighs deeply. “I suppose that means it’s back to the office.”

She scrunches up her nose a little, really not looking forward to the rest of the work day. It was so nice outside, she hated to miss it. But she headed for the door. Duty called.

Clint’s fingers interlace with Wendy’s, his eyes still on the water. “Eh, what can this change? I mean really…so BJ is your brother…I know that’s pretty heavy, but I wouldn’t worry about it changing a whole lot. Nothing’s gonna change with your mom…this place…anything like that.”

He gives her hand a light squeeze. “And I’m certainly not going anywhere.”

Sparky gives Damien and encouraging nod, and watches him leave back toward the mess hall. He stays alone for several moments before wandering over to a pasture fence. He looks out at the grass…the horses. There were bits and pieces of peace here…if one knew where to look. But so much turmoil. So many questions. So much tension. Yet life was progressing. Luke and Angel were getting married, Wes and Cindy’s wedding was days away, Rosetta and Mick were getting married… Mick had interacted with his kids, BJ was now discovered to be family…Damien was here, interacting with Angel and Wendy… There were so many elements that no one had foreseen. Where did the Agency fit into all of this? Did they see the happiness and were trying to ruin it?

Shaking his head, Sparky eases away from the fence and aims for the bunk house. For now, he would let his mind settle as everyone else was doing. He knew that most likely, everyone here would simply let the new information sink in over the day and probably wouldn’t be discussed as a group again until tomorrow at the earliest. It was probably best that way, especially for Jamie.

“Everything is fine,” Con replies with confidence to Jamie, still holding the squirming boys and keeping Michaela locked in as well. “No problems.”

He pauses as Mindy wanders into the kitchen, hearing the racket. She immediately lights up and starts working at Con’s arm to free her brother and cousin.

Con holds the phone out to the side, giving the little girl a teasing look. “Hey, whose side are you on, anyway?”

Mindy looks up at him and giggles. “I don’t know.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Con grins and lets her keep trying, though her little hands are no where near a match for his strong arms. He returns the phone to his ear. “Um, I talked to Laura earlier and Jason’s court date is in five days. Nobody knows why or how it can happen so fast…they’re pretty sure it has something to do with the Agency, though it feels fishy, seeing as though that will just get Jason out of there sooner. But…otherwise, that’s it on that end of things, that I know of.”

Jake finally wriggles free of Con’s grip and somehow manages to get his cousin loose as well. Noting they’re starting to flee, Con sticks out his foot, hooking Keith’s legs to trip him, then hold him firmly between his ankles. Keith lets out something like a combination of a howl and a laugh as he hits the floor, his legs stuck between Con’s, with no way out. “No fair!”
Michaela, now free from the wall, tries to pry apart Con’s legs, but it’s not much use.

Con stifles his laugh as the kids try to figure out how to win this game, and tries to hear Jamie. “Me?” He looks around at the gleeful chaos. “I think I’m at a zoo.” His own teasing tone seems an out of place rarity, as his heart every so slowly gains back a small portion his own sense of happiness. “But don’t worry, I convinced them not to keep me here with the rest of the gorillas.”

“A date?” Carson rolls his eyes as he stands from his chair. “Carson Banks does not go on dates. He has adventures.” He starts to follow Misty, giving a glance across the floor to make sure that his exit doesn’t set off some sort of alarm in someone’s mind. “And I dare say that Misty Miller doesn’t go on dates either.” He throws her a sly grin.

Once outside, he looks at Misty with question. “So where are we going anyway, that we can’t get into trouble for? Or should I say…somewhere I can’t get into trouble for. You’re not the one under lock and key.”

Not to bad

*As Nate opens Laura's door he smiles back at her. Her eyes shows a glint of a new trust twords Nate. It was very small but it made him happy to see it non the less. All he wanted more than anything was Laura's trust. He would be pashent and let the rest come in time.*

"Your very welcome."

*Geting into the drivers side Nate once again starts the car and makes his way to Jamie. Once geting there he heads into the kitchen to get some frozen mice for Ed. Walking back into Jamie's office where he was Nate yells over his shoulder.*

"Ed really is harmless Laura. He's even quiet loyle to Jamie. Did anyone tell you that he bit one of the guys that took Jamie. They are quite intresting, but I could understand the fear of them. Tv makes they out to be so horrable."

*Nate finishes with Ed and than joins Laura in the other room to see if she needs anymore help.*

*Felling Clint's touch and than its retreat Wendy reaches her own hand out not caring having about the oil. For a long moment Wendy looks out at the water watching the ducks padle along, and the fish jumping every once and a while.*

"No I dont think there is anything you can do. Though the company is nice. Sometimes when a heart is troubled just having someone near is nice. This just all happend so fast, I have a brother now and everything is going to change, and I dont know where that will leave somethings. Its all just so confusing you know?! I...just dont know what to think."

*As Damien listens to Sparky a yerning enters his heart. He did want to get to know his son but he still just wasent sure if he could raise a child. He'd always been a loner, and he had a bad past. People forgave him for it but it was still non the less. Was he fit to be a father? Pushing off of the truck he holds his hand out to Sparky. These people here he thought would never accept him for what he did had learned to forgive and that was something new. These people were differnt, truly God had given each of them gifts.*

"Thank you Sparky, for everything. I guess your right about Mick telling BJ. I'll be there. I still dont know what I am going to do, but I still want to be apart of my son's life no matter what I decied. Even if he dosent live with me, I dont want to write him out again. He's my flesh and blood even if I cant remember."

*Damien starts to make his way back to the mess hall.*

*Jamie wasent sure where Con was, hearing noises and shouting in the background confused a bit she figures he is probley at her Mom and Dad's place.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok. Was emotional giving them the news. It braught back alot of memories for me too. But I am trying to deal. Had a hard time sleeping but that cuz it was someplace new. Its peaceful here and everyone is really nice. I just had I had to bring them such news to shock them all. Oh well though. I'm trying to work out some of my own problems while I am here too. My nerves seem to be calming so thats nice. I think after I get all this stuff in the open I will have alittle time to sit here and just relax thinking things though ya know. Its very pretty here too. Was good to see Austin and Pete they both said Hi."

*Jamie is quiet for a moment hearing more laughter in the background trying to figure out if Con was at the restront or not.*

"I'll probley stay till the end of the week. So five more days. Its gonna seem like a life time though. I am missing you already."

*Jamie cant help but laugh.*

"How is everything at home going? No problems? And hurd anything about Jason?"

*As Jamie hears another voice join in with the other in the background and can hear the strain in Con's voice she knows he is not at the restront now but has no idea where he could be. Cerousosity gets the best of Jamie. A giggle in her laught as the small voices of kids in the background.*

"Con where on earth are you with all that noise?"

*Misty taps her fingers on the cubicle wall a smile playing on her face.*

"Is that your way of asking me on a date?"

*Misty turn and leaves Carson siting at the cubicle. Throw a look over her shoulder she gives a sassy smile.*

"Are you coming or what?"

*Katie's eyes widen a bit hearing Wyatt was at her place. That must have been the feeling she felt watching her.*

"Wyatt was here? I dident even relize it. Thanks for having someone check on me Reese."

*Katie steps out of her bedroom and heads to the kitchen relizing her tummy was growling.*

"I probley wont come in today, I'm just not up to it. I'll be in tomarrow though. Thx again Reese."

*Once Katie hangs up the phone she leans on the counter for a moment. She still wasent feeling the greatest but she new she had to eat or Jason would have her head. Grabing some bread, and jelly Katie makes a sandwitch to hold her over for now being heading back into her room.*


Laura can feel herself tense as she feels Nate’s fingers on hers, but she doesn’t pull away. His touch was gentle…warm…she could trust that touch.

Her eyes stayed glued to the table as he talks. Her body language might say she wasn’t listening, but she was absorbing his words like a sponge desiring water. He was strong yet tender. He was different. Different than other men Laura had known.

As Nate withdraws and rises from the table, Laura lifts her head to watch him as he moves around the buffet. She’d known him as an acquaintance…a coworker for quite a while now. She was torn between remaining simply as such, and a strange longing deep down that had been buried…one that threatened to seep into the forefront as Nate slowly gained her trust.

When Nate gets back to the table, Laura resumes her quiet state, pushing her plate to the side, even though she hadn’t eaten everything. She had things she wanted to say…but she withheld them…for now.

Lunch draws to a close, and Laura stands, putting her money on the table and picking up her purse. She takes a deep breath, changing the topic to the whole reason she and Nate were out. “Well, are you ready to go feed that scaly critter?”

Getting to the car, Laura makes an effort to pause and allow Nate to open the door for her…she’d realized it was something he deemed important, and decided to stop rolling her eyes at him over it.

She stops before getting in though, and turns to finally look at him. “Um…thanks. For…for just being honest.”

Clint follows after Wendy, ending up by her side as they walk, but he keeps quiet until they reach the pond. Standing at the edge of the tranquil water, he starts to take Wendy’s hand, but glancing down, he realizes the oil and grease stains on his fingers and palm, so he resists. “Can I do anything for you?” he asks gently.

Sparky gives a bit of a smile to Damien. “Not to make it sound easy, because it isn’t. But…telling a six-year-old is quite a bit different than telling an eighteen-year-old. BJ’s still young…and he might be confused for a while, but with everyone else around here to keep him happy and occupied, it won’t be a trauma for him.”

He glances towards the house. “And…Mick is pretty good with him. I’m sure he’d be happy to help out with that. BJ might receive the information differently from him, though you should probably be there.”

Con looks up at the pipes under the kitchen sink, lying on his back, his broad shoulders preventing him from getting any further underneath. He taps a wrench on one of the pipes, trying to find the source of the problem.

“I told him to call a plumber when he couldn’t find the problem,” Paula comments with annoyance from her seat at the table. “But he kept saying he’d keep working at it.”

Con chuckles at the reference to his uncle Dan. “You gotta give him credit for trying.”

Paula rolls her eyes. “Well if we would have called the plumber, you wouldn’t be under there now.”

“I don’t mind.” Con reaches up with his hand to feel around a seal.

Suddenly his phone starts to ring in the other room, but he doesn’t hear it. “Uncle Con, your phone is ringing!” Seth yells from the living room.

Paula looks to Con, but sees he didn’t hear. “Con, Seth says your phone is ringing.”

“Oh.” Con shifts his head to yell into the other room. “Bring it in here, will ya?”

Seth comes bounding into the kitchen, along with Michaela and Mindy. Before he reaches Con, he flips the phone open. “Oooh, it says Jamie on the screen.”

Michaela’s eyes widen. “A girl is calling Uncle Con!”

Hearing that, Con sits up too quickly, banging his head on the pipes, catching his shoulder on the side of the cupboard. “Oh, shoot. Seth, give it here.”

Seth grins with mischief and presses the button to answer the call. By now, Con is sitting up, and reaches out with speed before his cousin has time to say anything. “Jamie?”

Wanting to play, Seth grabs for the phone while Con dodges him, finally getting to his feet, and putting Seth into a headlock. He tries to concentrate on the call, while fending off Seth, along with Michaela who tries to rescue her brother.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Con lifts an eyebrow. “Yeah, I bet that was quite the news for everyone. I can imagine the shock.” He stumbles to the side as both his cousins put pressure on him, starting to laugh and squeal.

“Children, shh!” Paula chides.

“But he’s got Keith!” Michaela argues, giggling.

Keith’s face is red from laughing as he tries to squirm out from Con’s strong hold. “Let me go!” he cries.

Con tries to hold in his own laughter, struggling to keep the phone to his ear. “So how are you holding up? What do you think of the ranch?”

“Ahh, Uncle Con!” Michaela shrieks as he pins her to the wall behind his back so she can’t help her brother.

All of a sudden, Jake appears, automatically joining in to rescue his cousin.

Con winds up keeping the headlock on Keith, able to grab Jake by the shirt collar with his hand, now holding two squirming boys and trying to salvage his phone call at the same time, ignoring the laughing and playful complaints. “Decided yet how long you’re staying?” he asks Jamie.

Carson looks up from the computer as Misty approaches, and gives her a slight grin. “The only thing fun and exciting around here is you. I feel like I’ve been demoted and am bored out of my mind.”

Rolling his eyes, he glances to his watch. “You wouldn’t want to escort a dangerous sucker like me out to get something to eat, would you?”

“Oh, hi, Katie.” Reese leans back in his chair as he hears who is calling. “Wasn’t sure if I’d hear from you or not. Wyatt said you were sleeping pretty soundly. You’re free to stay home if you want to…don’t feel pressure to come in today, alright?”


*Nate intakes everything Laura had told him. He never new anything about this or would of guess. Laura carryed herself so well. This was defintly not what he was exspecting. Nate looks down at his plate shairing Con's feelings that Laura just told him. This happend awhile ago but Nate cared so much it bothered him to see Laura said. Slowly Nate reaches his hand from under the table and slids it across till it touches Laura's fingers running over them slowly for a moment.*

" I dont want you to be vulnerable Laura, I just want you to be the woman that I have grown to know and like to hang out with. I..I like you the way you the way you are, and the way you look. I'd never want to make you change.If all you want to be is friends Laura, I'm fine with that. I'd never want to do anything that would hurt you. Please dont feel uncomfortable around me. I dont want to make you feel funny, or that you need to shut down. I'd hope you would trust me enough to talk to me about anything. I'm not one that is quick to judge, and I understand alot of things. So always keep that in mind...ok? "

*Nate smiles and moves his hand back to his own side of the table leaning on his elbow. Leting out a sigh he trys to change the subject for Laura's sake.*

" I think I am gonna get some more food. I'll be right back."

*Nate stands and heads back to the buffet grabing another plate and puting food on it.*

*Angel gives alittle smile at Clint and nods her head leting him know she understands.*

*Wendy leans her head up from Clint and stands.*

"Ya I think I would like that."

*Wendy heads out of the mess hall and slowly makes a path for the pond. Making sure to take is slow so Clint could keep up with her.*

*Jamie lets out a sigh and smile at Austin standsing. He always new what she needed when she needed it. Austin was like a second dad to her. Offering him a small hug.*

"Ya I think I will. I wanna see how he is doing anyways. Thank Austin."

*Jamie makes her way to the bed room pulling out her phone and dialing Con's number.*

"Heya, guess who?...how are ya babe? Everything been going ok?...I'm ok..ya I just got done telling everyone her about Sam and BJ. They took it hard but I dont blame them."

*Jamie sits down on her bed leaning her head back her emotions still running while bring back memories.*

*Damien lets out a long sigh trying to remember parts of the past but only coming up with bad memories.*

"Thank you Sparky your right God has a reson for this. I just...dont know how to act of feel. I was having enough of a hard time talking to Wendy who is all grow let along alittle 6 year old boy. where do I even start."

*Damien motions for Sparky to step back and opens his truck door steping out and leaning aganst the car.*

"How do I even tell him I am his dad? "

*Damien lets out another sigh.*

*As Misty finishs up reading the chapter she is on she decieds to get back to work. Heading up the steps she starts to cross the main floor scanning. Her eyes fall to rest on Carson and his new cubicle. Walking up behind him Misty smiles leaning on the wall.*

"Well look at you. Got your own desk and everything. Working on anything fun and exciting?"

*Katie slowly opens her eyes and sits up. Looking around the room she gets her barings for a moment and than remembers whats going on. After the court room Katie had come home and never went back to work. Maybe she should call Reese and let him know eveything was ok. Taking her phone she dials his number and waits.*

"Hey Reese its Katie."

I can't

Laura stirs the ice in her glass with a straw, watching the small cubes swirl in circles. She had heard Nate's question, but let the silence befriend her for several moments. She didn't know why she wanted to tell Nate about this...maybe she just wanted him to be able to understand where she was coming from. Though hesitant towards him, he was still a nice guy and deserved to know why she was trying so hard to ignore him.

"His name was Bryce." Laura finally raises her eyes for just a moment to look at Nate, then looks back down at her food. "I'd known him in high school, then about four years ago we happened to meet...hit it off...started dating...were together for over a year."

She reflects on the past, giving a quiet sigh as she stares at her water glass. "I got burned. Bryce wasn't the guy I thought he was...he, um..." Laura swallows hard, finding it hard to dredge up the memories, let alone not get into details Nate didn't want to know. "He took advantage of me...I got hurt...and that was the end of that."

She picks up her fork to take another mouthful of chicken and rice, trying to stay on top of the emotions she thought she'd gotten past. "My brother was ready to kill him, but he got what he deserved in the end, so I convinced Con not to do anything." Laura sets her fork down again, indecisive about eating more, and fixes her gaze on the table. "Relationships are hard for me, Nate, and...and when there's a chance of...something more than..." Her words trail off, the heat returning to her face. "I turn guys down...it's my pattern. And...I just..." She takes a deep breath, forming the words slowly and deliberately. "I don't want to lead you on because you'll just end up like every other guy in the last three years - disappointed...because I can't make myself vulnerable again."

Carson scans an email, quirking an eyebrow. He knew about this...the TJY agent was asking about a Kirk Malleroy over in Utah. Carson recognized the name, and knew of the situation going on there.

Inserting himself into the contact, he hits 'reply.' Reese wanted him to help, so he would.

Clint glances over to Angel, conveying a look that told her he understood her daughter was going through a rough time, and all he wanted to do was offer support. He looks back down to Wendy and speaks to her quietly. "You want to go for a walk?"

Mick stands up and paces in a small circle, thinking. He knew what it was like to raise kids. It had been a lot of work. Certainly worth it, but it hadn't been easy, and two parents had been involved. He couldn't imagine taking on the responsibility alone - that would be a huge thing for Damien to do.

Austin can see the tension on Jamie's face, and knows this must have been hard for her. He'd been told a little bit about what had happened back in Nevada, and surely she was still feeling the effects from that trauma.

He makes his way slowly to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "How about we break up for a while and let this settle. Later we can get together and talk more after we've thought things through." He cocks his head, knowing one thing that might make Jamie feel better. "Maybe Con would like to know that we all know now."


*Nate smiles at Laura. He could tell she was uncomfortable but he dident want to draw attachen to it. Nate dident want her to feel any more out of place than she already was. Maybe it was best if for now he just gave up. He never wanted to hurt Laura and he felt like he was only making matters worse.*

“Its ok Laura.”

*Nate wanted to say more, he wanted to let Laura know that just being with her was all the company he needed words dident need to be said. Nate wanted to tell her that her eyes said a thousand words to him when he looks into them. But he new he couldent. Biting his toung he takes another sip of he coke.*

“Is everything ok? You seem destint today like something is on your mind!”

*Misty keeps herself busy most of the day. Working on files with Rick, Going out a few times with him to check on people, and goes over some other blood and evidence for him. Being able to break something down and see what was to it came in handy. Misty never though she would be able to us the talent she had in the area as much as she did here. Finally Misty is finished with her work for the day but dosent want to leave TJY yet. Taking the book she was reading ealyer she heads down to the rec room to study a bit more.*

*Jamie shakes her head at Mick’s questions. She had many answers to there questions, but not nearly enough in this situation.*

“All she told me is she wanted him to be safe and with family. She wanted BJ to know his family and not be but in the system. Other than thay I don’t know what alse she wanted. I have answers but I don’t have all the answers. I’m sorry.”

*Jamie sits back in her chair in thought. Her mind turning back to when she had been taken by The Agency. Her mind skips to how Sam had helped her. Been there to keep her strong. The look on Sam’s face as she told Jamie her story. Jamie hasent known Sam long but she had formed a bond with her. Jamie had seen her die it wasent a memorie she wanted to remember, but she did and it hurt.*

*Wendy leans into Clint her forhead resting on his shoulder. She just dident know what to do. Everything was changing so fast again. Clint was so good to her. She was thankful God brang him to the ranch that day. He had become her best friend instinly and she wouldent change a day since than.*

In it together

Laura focuses on her menu, continuing to avoid looking Nate in the eye. "Um...something chicken." She rolls her eyes. "Like that narrows it down."

Conversation is minimal until food arrives and lunch is started. Laura picks at her food...though having been her choice to come here, her appetite suddenly wasn't there. Why couldn't she just act like herself? She was getting so frustrated with herself... Nate was trying so hard...she could tell, and she was completely ignoring him. If she was trying to send him the signal that she was unapproachable, she was certainly doing it well... but she was doing it too well, to the point of frustrating the whole situation. She didn't mean to be offish...she didn't want to be mean... It just...happened.

Setting down her fork, Laura takes a sip of her water, and just stares down at the table for several moments. She can feel her cheeks growing warm again...something she hoped Nate didn't notice. "I...I'm sorry I'm not very good company today, Nate." She takes her fork again to resume picking at her food. "Just ignore me."

Carson leans back in his chair and just looks around the small cubicle. It felt strange. He was working for TJY...the very enemy of the corporation he'd worked for almost all his life.

Reaching out, he picks up the files Reese had given him. Apparently he was to go through them and double check names and locations, comparing them to what he knew from the Agency. The results would give TJY a better handle on who out there was Agency and who wasn't, and would help create patterns to follow in the future.

Carson taps his fingers on the desk absentmindedly before grabbing another piece of gum. His smoke yesterday hadn't helped things a bit, and it was back to square one.

Looking around, he can feel a bit of boredom sinking in again. Turning to the computer, he decides to do as Reese suggested and read through some emails of outside contacts...there might be something in their cases that Carson might know about, and if so, he could help.

Mick still feels the shock, still trying to process everything Jamie is saying. "But...what do we do now? I mean...where does BJ end up? He needs a family...he can't just live in limbo. And..." He glances to the door. "What about Damien? I don't know that he'd want...I mean...I can't imagine what he must be thinking right now, but can he be expected to just start being a dad? I mean, I know that...that apparently BJ is is son, but...can he take care of him? Is he in a position to? Would he even want to?"

The questions seem so overwhelming. "Did Sam say what she wanted beyond BJ being safe?"

Clint can feel Wendy's turmoil, and without thinking, he reaches to put his arm around her shoulders. "It's alright," he comforts quietly. "It'll all get straightened out, I promise."

Sparky leans on the truck, absorbing Damien's hesitance...fear...anxiety. "What kind of person does that make you?" he repeats. "One that was taken advantage of by monsters at the Agency. One that is not responsible for what happened. One that can't be blamed for a loss of memories."

He pauses, cocking his head. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling, Damien. But bear in mind that God has His hand in this. You didn't come here out of sheer coincidence... the chances are too great. You have a daughter who you are slowly getting to know, despite a terrible past. You're learning about a life you didn't even know existed until today...but you're growing."

Sparky looks him in the eye. "And if you think the rest of us here are just gonna leave you high and dry through this, then you got another thing coming. That little boy in there has grown on a lot of people around this place, and no one's gonna let him down, or you. Goodness knows I wouldn't know how to be a father...it's strange enough realizing that he's my nephew...but even though BJ may be your son, we're all in this together. We can't let the Agency win this one, Damien."

"But you haven't even asked him."

"I know what he'd say."

"Yeah, he'd say no." Phil sets his hands on his hips.

Kyle shrugs, holding the disc in his hand. "Only because he's too humble for his own good sometimes."

"And lacking confidence," Mike adds from the drumset.

Jen rolls her eyes as she watches the other three in Mike's basement. "I think it's fine."

Kyle grins. "See? Our manager thinks it's fine."

"But we don't even know what's going to happen," Phil argues. "We may never be the same again."

"Then at least we've had a one-time adventure." Kyle picks up his phone.

"But Kyle!" Phil groans. "No one's even heard that one. It wasn't a final cut."

"So?" Kyle starts to dial. "It was a good cut. It was one of the best."

"But he may not even have wanted to use that ever."

"It's too good not to." Kyle puts his ear to his phone. "People are gonna hear it."