
Not to bad

*As Nate opens Laura's door he smiles back at her. Her eyes shows a glint of a new trust twords Nate. It was very small but it made him happy to see it non the less. All he wanted more than anything was Laura's trust. He would be pashent and let the rest come in time.*

"Your very welcome."

*Geting into the drivers side Nate once again starts the car and makes his way to Jamie. Once geting there he heads into the kitchen to get some frozen mice for Ed. Walking back into Jamie's office where he was Nate yells over his shoulder.*

"Ed really is harmless Laura. He's even quiet loyle to Jamie. Did anyone tell you that he bit one of the guys that took Jamie. They are quite intresting, but I could understand the fear of them. Tv makes they out to be so horrable."

*Nate finishes with Ed and than joins Laura in the other room to see if she needs anymore help.*

*Felling Clint's touch and than its retreat Wendy reaches her own hand out not caring having about the oil. For a long moment Wendy looks out at the water watching the ducks padle along, and the fish jumping every once and a while.*

"No I dont think there is anything you can do. Though the company is nice. Sometimes when a heart is troubled just having someone near is nice. This just all happend so fast, I have a brother now and everything is going to change, and I dont know where that will leave somethings. Its all just so confusing you know?! I...just dont know what to think."

*As Damien listens to Sparky a yerning enters his heart. He did want to get to know his son but he still just wasent sure if he could raise a child. He'd always been a loner, and he had a bad past. People forgave him for it but it was still non the less. Was he fit to be a father? Pushing off of the truck he holds his hand out to Sparky. These people here he thought would never accept him for what he did had learned to forgive and that was something new. These people were differnt, truly God had given each of them gifts.*

"Thank you Sparky, for everything. I guess your right about Mick telling BJ. I'll be there. I still dont know what I am going to do, but I still want to be apart of my son's life no matter what I decied. Even if he dosent live with me, I dont want to write him out again. He's my flesh and blood even if I cant remember."

*Damien starts to make his way back to the mess hall.*

*Jamie wasent sure where Con was, hearing noises and shouting in the background confused a bit she figures he is probley at her Mom and Dad's place.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok. Was emotional giving them the news. It braught back alot of memories for me too. But I am trying to deal. Had a hard time sleeping but that cuz it was someplace new. Its peaceful here and everyone is really nice. I just had I had to bring them such news to shock them all. Oh well though. I'm trying to work out some of my own problems while I am here too. My nerves seem to be calming so thats nice. I think after I get all this stuff in the open I will have alittle time to sit here and just relax thinking things though ya know. Its very pretty here too. Was good to see Austin and Pete they both said Hi."

*Jamie is quiet for a moment hearing more laughter in the background trying to figure out if Con was at the restront or not.*

"I'll probley stay till the end of the week. So five more days. Its gonna seem like a life time though. I am missing you already."

*Jamie cant help but laugh.*

"How is everything at home going? No problems? And hurd anything about Jason?"

*As Jamie hears another voice join in with the other in the background and can hear the strain in Con's voice she knows he is not at the restront now but has no idea where he could be. Cerousosity gets the best of Jamie. A giggle in her laught as the small voices of kids in the background.*

"Con where on earth are you with all that noise?"

*Misty taps her fingers on the cubicle wall a smile playing on her face.*

"Is that your way of asking me on a date?"

*Misty turn and leaves Carson siting at the cubicle. Throw a look over her shoulder she gives a sassy smile.*

"Are you coming or what?"

*Katie's eyes widen a bit hearing Wyatt was at her place. That must have been the feeling she felt watching her.*

"Wyatt was here? I dident even relize it. Thanks for having someone check on me Reese."

*Katie steps out of her bedroom and heads to the kitchen relizing her tummy was growling.*

"I probley wont come in today, I'm just not up to it. I'll be in tomarrow though. Thx again Reese."

*Once Katie hangs up the phone she leans on the counter for a moment. She still wasent feeling the greatest but she new she had to eat or Jason would have her head. Grabing some bread, and jelly Katie makes a sandwitch to hold her over for now being heading back into her room.*

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