

*Nate smiles and nods at Laura heading back to the office. He wish the afternoon with Laura could go on. He had a nice time at lunch and helping her with Jamie's house. But all good things come to an end and there would always be tomarrow.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint as she stands her hand in his watching the water. He did bring her the comfort she needed and wanted even though he words were few. It felt like he said so much.*

"Well I am glad your not gonna run away. Thank you Clint. For helping me feel better."

*Wendy takes her hand from Clint's and slips her arm around his shoulders shairing out at the water for a long while. How peaceful she felt again as a new excitemnt grew. She had a brother.*

*As Damien heads back inside he walks to the room where little BJ was playing standing in the doorway for a long while just watching him. Slowly turning Damien goes back to the table with the others and sits back down to join in the char.*

*Jamie laughs again listing to the noises in the background and hearing Con laugh. He sounded happy and Jamie new he needed to smile. She felt warm inside hearing it.*

"Well Con as long as they dont keep ya....I'm glad your doing well...and its good to hear you laugh Con."

*Jamie continues to talk with Con for a while longer laughing herself at the noises in the background.*

"Well I better let ya go. Its a wonderful day out and I think I am gonna take a walk with Cindy to see there new house that is going to be built. Take care Con and I will see you soon."

*Jamie hangs up the phone and heads out into the other room to find Cindy.*

*Misty cant help but laugh at Carson's comment.*

"Adventures huh? That could be dangerouse you know!!"

*Misty makes her way with Carson up the elavator not being able to help his comment.*

"Sometimes I think they should put me under lock and key. I get in enough trouble as of late myself."

*Misty cant help but playfuly kick Carson's leg as she gets off the elavator giving a wave to the sacurity guards as she passes.*

"How about....some Greek food? Thats my faverot and I know a place the has the best beef pitas this side of the state. So jucie and the cucumber sause my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Eather than or I am think of your kiss again."

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