

*Nate smiles at Laura. He could tell she was uncomfortable but he dident want to draw attachen to it. Nate dident want her to feel any more out of place than she already was. Maybe it was best if for now he just gave up. He never wanted to hurt Laura and he felt like he was only making matters worse.*

“Its ok Laura.”

*Nate wanted to say more, he wanted to let Laura know that just being with her was all the company he needed words dident need to be said. Nate wanted to tell her that her eyes said a thousand words to him when he looks into them. But he new he couldent. Biting his toung he takes another sip of he coke.*

“Is everything ok? You seem destint today like something is on your mind!”

*Misty keeps herself busy most of the day. Working on files with Rick, Going out a few times with him to check on people, and goes over some other blood and evidence for him. Being able to break something down and see what was to it came in handy. Misty never though she would be able to us the talent she had in the area as much as she did here. Finally Misty is finished with her work for the day but dosent want to leave TJY yet. Taking the book she was reading ealyer she heads down to the rec room to study a bit more.*

*Jamie shakes her head at Mick’s questions. She had many answers to there questions, but not nearly enough in this situation.*

“All she told me is she wanted him to be safe and with family. She wanted BJ to know his family and not be but in the system. Other than thay I don’t know what alse she wanted. I have answers but I don’t have all the answers. I’m sorry.”

*Jamie sits back in her chair in thought. Her mind turning back to when she had been taken by The Agency. Her mind skips to how Sam had helped her. Been there to keep her strong. The look on Sam’s face as she told Jamie her story. Jamie hasent known Sam long but she had formed a bond with her. Jamie had seen her die it wasent a memorie she wanted to remember, but she did and it hurt.*

*Wendy leans into Clint her forhead resting on his shoulder. She just dident know what to do. Everything was changing so fast again. Clint was so good to her. She was thankful God brang him to the ranch that day. He had become her best friend instinly and she wouldent change a day since than.*

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