
All ready

Both Bret’s landline phone and cell phone go off at the same time. One hand goes to his caller ID, the other to flip open his phone to see who’s calling.

A groan escapes his lips as he sees his caller ID, and he let’s the answering machine pick up as he goes ahead and answers his cell. “Hey, Charlotte.” He tries to sound cheery the best he can. “What’s up?”

As he talks, his answering machine starts recording. “Bret…I know you’re home…I saw your car a few minutes ago as I drove by. Still know how to take care of that baby, don’t you.”

Bret struggles to hear what Charlotte has to say, over the other voice, and he growls. “Hang on a minute, babe.”

Holding his cell phone out to one side, he leans over to his other phone and picks it up. “You call me one more time,” he hisses, “and you’ll be sorry. Drop it, Ron. The answer is no.”

He listens for a moment, his voice getting a little louder. “Look, been there done that. I’m not risking it again. No! Tell him I said no! I don’t care. Just…dang it all, Ron, shut up and leave me alone.”

Slamming the phone down, he takes a deep breath, and runs a hand over his face. Suddenly he remembers the cell phone in his hand. “Aw, Charlotte…” He sits up straighter on the couch, then leans to rest his elbows on his knees. “Sorry, um…what were you saying?”

Con and Wyatt receive Katie’s instructions, nodding and holstering their weapons. Both start to roam the room, checking doors and windows and hallways, sniffing out the corners. The band sets up and soon people are filtering in and out, noise starting to fill the room.

Once the stage is set, Jen takes her place behind the table down in front for the sound check, signaling the guys one by one to test out their instruments and mics. Kyle tries out the keyboard with one hand, doing a fair job for not being able to use his right. He directs Misty to her own mic beside him, giving her a thumbs up. Once all together, the band plays through one song, Jason leading vocals as usual, Kyle giving Misty her cues for backup.

Soon, everyone is ready, and the families are starting to filter in. The guys leave the stage for a few minutes to regroup before they're on.

Scott wanders in from the back and scans the room, finally spotting Katie. Smiling, he comes up next to her and nudges her with an elbow. "Evening ma'am. I looked in the mirror and saw a suspicious man. You won't arrest me, will you?"

Back down the hall, the band converses about several of their songs, have a prayer, then try to get ready.

Kyle leans back against the hallway wall and closes his eyes, letting out a sigh.

Phil's eyes narrow slightly. "Hey, you alright?"

Kyle throws his eyes open and pastes on a good smile. He nods. "Never better," he croaks.

Phil smirks. "Yeah, you sound like it."

Jason shakes his head. "You sure you want to be up there?"

Kyle rolls his eyes and thumbs to Misty.

"Yeah, I know you got backup so we could do this thing...but you know good and well we agreed because you were stubborn. Now are you sure you'll be alright?"

Kyle sighs and throws up his good arm. "Will you guys just shut up and leave me alone? If I wasn't fine, I wouldn't be here!" He blinks and shakes his head, slapping on a quirky grin, then moving to knock his brother upside the head.

Phil gives a dry laugh. "Alright, alright... Let's get this show on the road."

Mike, Jason and Phil head back down the hall, while Kyle stays behind a moment, throwing Misty a wink. He was running on pure adrenaline right now and had no idea how he'd make it through the night. But he would...he would.

Half an hour later, the lights were being dimmed and JetStream was walking on stage.


*Katie gives a nod to Jason receving his emotional message. She understood how he felt. She was nervouse too. She had done this before no problem, but this time with so many people being there so much more rided on not making the wrong move.

Slinnging an arm around Jason's shoulders and one around Con's she smiles as they make there way back up top.*

"We are going to be ok, everyone is going to be ok. As long as we keep our eyes sharp and stay on our toes everything is gonna be ok."

*Katie's words were strong but on the inside she was just as scaired. She old could pray God protected them and let them be ok tonight.

Once getting up top and seeing Wyatt and Nate Katie gives a wave.*

"You guys ready to rock?"

*Nate grins at Katie's enthuseasum. She always was up for a good fight even if she was scaired.

Throwing on his sunglass and his dark brown leather jacket Nate stratens.*

"Lets do this. Hotshot we are still going over everything when we get there right one last time?"

*Nate follows as the others head out the door. This was another job to him, was he nervouse maybe a little but Nate refused to let it show. Fear was a weekness and at a time like this there no room for it.*

*Misty gives a wave to Phil and the other as her and Kyle slowly start to walk to join the others. She cant help the laugh and grin that esacpe her lips at Kyle and Phil go back and forth. It was always fun watching the brother go at it. Misty cant help but laugh again as Kyle makes his way over to his keybored. Following along Misty starts to help as she looks over the music.*

*Once Jason had left the room Katie looks around at all the faces that staired back at her. Reaching into a bag she pulls out some silencers and hands them to everyone. Glancing around the room and than down at the lay out Katie starts to point.*

"Wyatt, I want you and Nate at the entrince till the consert starts. Than I want you both to fan out along the back. Con I want you on the right side of the stage keep your eyes on Jen inbetween everything asle and I will be on the left doing the same. You guys pretty much know the drill if we catch anyone. Try not to let the crowd know, call officer Brown. If you think something it to dangerouse than go with you gut."

*Charlotte glances down at her watch as she grabs her lunch bag for break. It had been a long day so far at work and she was happy to get to eat finally. Sitting down at a small picnic table Charlottle opens her bag and pulls out her food. Than pulls out her phone Charlotte dials Bret's number. That was pretty much her normal rutean when she new he would be around.*


Kyle's shoulders drop a little. He knew he needed rest. After everything his body had gone through the last couple days, and how sick he'd been not twelve hours earlier, he needed sleep. But he couldn't. Not now.

He lets his smile fade, knowing Misty could see through it anyway. "I have to go...it's me their after...I know they're going to try something tonight."

A small grin emerges, mischief forced into his eyes and he reaches out to tap a finger under Misty's chin. "You'll just have to keep me awake."

Without waiting for any further argument, he heads to the door, opening it for her to exit first.

Jason takes a deep breath, nodding. It was one thing to be on a case for TJY. It was another thing to be on a case that involved his friends. And it was different still as he wouldn't even be able to help from onstage. He had to trust the others and resolve not to be on security tonight.

"Yeah...the Agency is just so hard to predict. As much as I hate to admit it, I almost wish we had Carson there 'cause he might recognize these goons."

Con quirks an eyebrow. "Well...let's just hope they got their idiot thugs on this one. They shouldn't be all that hard to spot."

"No, I just..." Jason sighs, gathering up all his fears into one bundle and stuffing them under the surface. I just feel so helpless on this one. "I just want to make sure we don't make mistakes. Nothing could happen tonight...it might be as quiet as anything. But something in my gut tells me otherwise. I think Kyle's right."

Shaking his head, he gathers up several of the firearms. "Come on...let's get this stuff together, meet up with Nate and Wyatt upstairs, then head on over. The rest of the band will be waiting."

"Yo man, there you are!" Phil looks up from the stage as he sees Misty and Kyle approaching. "I've been trying to call you all day!"

Kyle rolls his eyes and throws his arm in the air.

Phil smirks. "Yeah, you were probably ignoring me on purpose. Don't do that to me...we thought maybe you got taken down for good or something."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow and nods to Misty as if saying, 'what do you think I got her around for.'

Phil just shakes his head. "Well get your butt on up here and help us set up then. And show Misty the music so she knows what on earth is going on. And for pete's sake stay out of trouble."

Kyle sighs a little, but his smile is there. Jogging the last couple steps he leaps up onto the stage, whirling around and shifting his weight, squinting and pointing a finger at Misty.

Jen laughs from her place on the floor. "Kyle, will you settle down? What did you have for lunch? Sugar?"

Kyle thinks for a moment, then just grins and dances over to where his keyboard needed to be set up. He waves to Misty, asking her to come up and help him.

"Alright guys..." Jason stands at the back of the room with Katie, Con, Wyatt and Nate. "I have to go set up, so....." He looks to Katie. "You're in charge. Don't forget the silencers so if we do have to fire, the audience won't be alerted right away. And be on standby to call the cops. Brown knows there might be trouble. If anyone's caught, let them come pick the goons up so you all can stick around in case there's a second wave."


Jason turns around and looks to the stage. "Coming, coming!" He looks back at the others. "Alright. See you later."

Bret flops down on the couch and flips on the television. Tonight it was a lonely night...he'd made no plans...but didn't feel like getting out anyway. Noticing his answering machine light blinking, he listens to the message.

"Bret...you're ignoring me. You know better than that. Ten days...you know you want to...for more reasons that one. Call me. You know where I am." Click

Bret grits his teeth and immediately erases the message. No, he wouldn't be returning the call.


*Misty gives a small wave to Kyle's grandfather and than places her own hand on top of Grans she smiles.*

"It was very nice meeting you and thank you so much for lunch. I'll try my best to keep him healthy as well."

*Misty smiles again and than gives Gran a small hug before turning and following Kyle outside.

Following Kyle's directions Misty heads back to his house continuing to keep an eye on the time. Once getting to Kyle's apartment Misty gets out of the car and follows him inside. She takes her place in the living room like normal and just waits.

Finally when Kyle reapears Misty stands. Searching his face for a moment he looked so tired.*

"Kyle, maybe we should call this off? You need your sleep and its silly to put you up there. Your way to tired, and if anything happend I would feel horrable.*

*As Katie's face turns red again as Jason's emotional comment she cant help the single emotions she throws at him with a laugh. Jerk.

Continuing to listen to Jason Katie takes everything said in. This was important they have everything covered. One wrong move and there could be a big problem.*

"Yeah we deffintly should have eyes on Jen and Kyle but I think we should show just as much attachen to the others as well. The Agency could take advantage and know that we are watching them closly and take us off guard targeting the others."


Kyle mumbles something and blinks, squinting in the sun coming through the living room window. Feeling Misty shake him and hearing her voice, he realizes how deeply he'd fallen asleep, even if it was just for a short while.

Finally straightening up, he looks at the clock. "Oh, crap." He stands up a little too quickly and sways for a moment as he gets dizzy. Still trying to wake himself up, he looks at Misty with apology for having left her on her own. "Sorry..."

"Oh, good, you're up. I was just coming in to see when you had to leave." Gram comes into the living room, smiling. "You gonna make it?"

"Mm-hmm." Kyle stretches and yawns, giving his grandma a hug goodbye.

"You have fun tonight, alright? Tell your brother and sister hi. Oh, and Uncle Larry is coming next week with a pot of his chili, so anyone's more than welcome to come."

Kyle smiles and nods. "Thanks, Gram."

"Quit talking and get out of here before you're late," she chides, though is still smiling. She turns to Misty for a moment and takes her hand again. "It was so very nice to meet you. You must come again sometime. And watch this boy to make sure he takes care of himself, will you?"

Kyle rolls his eyes and shakes his head, though keeps his grin on the way to the door, waving his farewell.

Once in Misty's car, Kyle leans his head back and closes his eyes again. He knew he was just feeling the effects from being so sick, and he knew his body was telling him that he needed to sleep, but he couldn't. He had to be there tonight. It was too important, and his presence would be the drawing factor if anything was going to go down.

As they pull out of the driveway, Kyle straightens up again and points Misty in the right direction to get them out of this corner of town. His eyes are bloodshot and he struggles not to fall asleep again right here. "Swing by my place," he directs hoarsely. "I need to change, and grab a few things."

Back at his and Phil's apartment, he lets Misty in with him, and heads down the hall to his room. Trying to shake off his sleepiness, he sheds his church clothes to throw on an older pair of jeans, his black t-shirt and his tennis shoes. Running just a bit of gel through his hair, he preps for the show. His hand throbbing from all the moving around today, he opts to wear his sling and is finally ready again.

On the way back to the living room, he stops by the bathroom to swallow a couple pain killers and grab some coughdrops.

Ready, he holds out his arm, throwing on another quirky smile. He knew his eyes would prove to Misty that he wasn't feeling well, but he was going to smile...he was going to make it through tonight. "You ready or what? What's taking you all day?"

Both Con and Jason raise their eyebrows as they hear Katie singing, coming down the hall. Con looks at Jason with question if he was hearing things right, and if he was, as to why on earth she was singing about him, but all Jason can do is shrug lamely.

As Katie pops around the corner, Jason has a hard time not laughing. Thought I was alone, didn't you? That'll teach ya.

Con grins and shakes his head. "Hi to you too, Kat. I'd think you were warming up your voice for tonight, if I didn't know Misty was singing, not you."

Jason rolls his eyes and finally laughs. Trying to get down to business, he nods at Katie. "Yeah, I got a layout of the building and everything. I figure we just put our guys around the main room, we should be okay. I got that printout in my truck to bring with us... Once we meet the guys over there we can have a powow about how things are going to go down. I'll want eyes especially on Kyle and on Jen."