

Kyle mumbles something and blinks, squinting in the sun coming through the living room window. Feeling Misty shake him and hearing her voice, he realizes how deeply he'd fallen asleep, even if it was just for a short while.

Finally straightening up, he looks at the clock. "Oh, crap." He stands up a little too quickly and sways for a moment as he gets dizzy. Still trying to wake himself up, he looks at Misty with apology for having left her on her own. "Sorry..."

"Oh, good, you're up. I was just coming in to see when you had to leave." Gram comes into the living room, smiling. "You gonna make it?"

"Mm-hmm." Kyle stretches and yawns, giving his grandma a hug goodbye.

"You have fun tonight, alright? Tell your brother and sister hi. Oh, and Uncle Larry is coming next week with a pot of his chili, so anyone's more than welcome to come."

Kyle smiles and nods. "Thanks, Gram."

"Quit talking and get out of here before you're late," she chides, though is still smiling. She turns to Misty for a moment and takes her hand again. "It was so very nice to meet you. You must come again sometime. And watch this boy to make sure he takes care of himself, will you?"

Kyle rolls his eyes and shakes his head, though keeps his grin on the way to the door, waving his farewell.

Once in Misty's car, Kyle leans his head back and closes his eyes again. He knew he was just feeling the effects from being so sick, and he knew his body was telling him that he needed to sleep, but he couldn't. He had to be there tonight. It was too important, and his presence would be the drawing factor if anything was going to go down.

As they pull out of the driveway, Kyle straightens up again and points Misty in the right direction to get them out of this corner of town. His eyes are bloodshot and he struggles not to fall asleep again right here. "Swing by my place," he directs hoarsely. "I need to change, and grab a few things."

Back at his and Phil's apartment, he lets Misty in with him, and heads down the hall to his room. Trying to shake off his sleepiness, he sheds his church clothes to throw on an older pair of jeans, his black t-shirt and his tennis shoes. Running just a bit of gel through his hair, he preps for the show. His hand throbbing from all the moving around today, he opts to wear his sling and is finally ready again.

On the way back to the living room, he stops by the bathroom to swallow a couple pain killers and grab some coughdrops.

Ready, he holds out his arm, throwing on another quirky smile. He knew his eyes would prove to Misty that he wasn't feeling well, but he was going to smile...he was going to make it through tonight. "You ready or what? What's taking you all day?"

Both Con and Jason raise their eyebrows as they hear Katie singing, coming down the hall. Con looks at Jason with question if he was hearing things right, and if he was, as to why on earth she was singing about him, but all Jason can do is shrug lamely.

As Katie pops around the corner, Jason has a hard time not laughing. Thought I was alone, didn't you? That'll teach ya.

Con grins and shakes his head. "Hi to you too, Kat. I'd think you were warming up your voice for tonight, if I didn't know Misty was singing, not you."

Jason rolls his eyes and finally laughs. Trying to get down to business, he nods at Katie. "Yeah, I got a layout of the building and everything. I figure we just put our guys around the main room, we should be okay. I got that printout in my truck to bring with us... Once we meet the guys over there we can have a powow about how things are going to go down. I'll want eyes especially on Kyle and on Jen."

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