
That day...

Jess looks to Axel and gives a nod. She did have a fun time dispirit everything that had happened at the end of the concert. It was a nice time and everyone seemed friendly but Jess couldn't help but wonder a little about the fight that happened.

"I did have a good time. Thank you for inviting me."

Though she could feel herself being a little skittish still Jess felt a tiny bit better and was not as nervous as she was.

As Katie continues to wrap her fingers around Jason she can feel herself growing weaker, but at the same time she cant feel Jason becoming slightly strong. Though it wasnt much it was enough for him to gain control for the time being till he could get some help and thats what mattered most of all.

It's ok J....

Katie manages to get a few emotions through the pain to Jason. It hurt, it was worse than anything she had ever felt but Katie did it because she new she had to, and she wanted to.

..It's ok, I'll be ok.

As Jason's emotions slow Katie can feel for now he will be ok her bosy slowly becomes limp. She was tired, oh so tired and her mind had been push beyond its limit as the information had been pushed, pulled and fed into her own. It was to much to take and now she slipped into an inconpassatated sleep though she could still feel Jason, and it braught her comfort in this dark state that she herself would be ok.

As Katie's mind is plunged into the darkness mothing can be felt. Returning to the infermary was not even notices as her sleeping start caused her to be unresponsive though her mind was still working, and immages of the past played to her like a movie.

Katie saw her mom's smiling face. How she would laugh, and how Katie could talk with her about everything. The moments when her mom, dad and her had gone to the park out out to dinner. She had been so small than. And she had felt so loved...so how back than she had been so content...

Standing inbetween Axel and Rocky Jess just listens to the story as it was being explained. She thought she remembered Carson mention something bref about it. It was all very intresting something Jess had never incountered before.

Finally as the conversation becomes a little light Jess cant help but laugh at Joel as she can feel her face start to change colors. Giving a bit of a sly grin Jess looks to Axel, than Rocky and than to Joel.

"I'd love some pizza but I think Joel's mouth is full. As for the keeping everyone in line i think we need more than just two people for that."

...As Katie's memories continues the nice happy ones start to fad away and the more hurtfull ones come out. Maybe it was the effect Jason was having on her as he was dealing with his problems or not but slowly Katie's body starts to shake. She wasnt to cry but can not. The feelins return to her of her mom and how it felt when she lost her and her brother. How horrable that day had been. As if the glass to a room shatter Katie lets out a high pitched scream shooting up on the bed and panting her eyes still closed but tears roll down her face. Than slowly Katie falls back down on the pillow as she slowly opens her eyes. She was tired, exsausted completely out of energy and it hurt. Slowly moving her head to the side she see Scott and a smile spreads across her face.

"So the white rabbit decied sit for a bit and wait for Alice did he? Thank you."

Slowly sitting up Katie winces in pain as she brings her hand to her head and falls back on the pillow. Everything seemed so foggy and her head was full of presure. Slowly turning her head to the other side she see Rick and Jason her mouth slowly forming a small smile.

Just stairing back to Kyle for a moment Misty can see the pain the is plastered on his face. How Misty wish she new what to say to make him feel better. Though she understood why the other might feel upset she didnt want to bring him down anymore on that.

Closing the passanger side door one might think that Misty was simply doing what Kyle said and walking away. But a few moments later the driver side door opens and Misty stands next to Kyle again. Remembering the song in her head Misty cant help a few tears that rolled from her eyes. Reaching into the truck Misty takes Kyle in a tight hug.

"No matter what you did great out there."

Pulling away just a little Misty searchs Kyle's face for a moment stoping at her eyes meet his. Behind her eye there was a strange glint that might be easy to miss by most. Leaning in again Mitsy gives Kyle a quick kiss on the forhead.

"I never got to do that one last time."

Letting go of Kyle she smiles as she lets out a long tired sigh. Life was so full of challanges and twists. Sometimes it was hard to know what path to follow. Stepping back just a little Misty gathers her thoughts before speaking again.

"I feel for you Kyle, I feel for you fast and my heart had found what it thought I had lost, but than I became to relize that girls like me done deserve guys like you. You could do so much better and could offer you so much more. So as much as it hurt me, I new I had to let you free. Thats what I wanted to talk to you about that day, not that I wanted to break up with you, but to ask if you really thought we would work. I wanted to see where we really were but I never got the chanse. Don't ever let anyone bring you down Kyle or keep you from your dreams. Your gonna shine, Your gonna shine and I am going to be proud to tell people that once you were mine."

Giving a small smile Misty hesatates but than turns around whiping the tear from her eye. Kyle had let her know how he felt in his song and now she had let him know. It was something that had to be done weather right or wrong. Slowly Misty starts to make her way back to her car.