
You shoulen't..

*Jamie grabs her phone as it rings. Seeing Con's name Jamie answers.*

"Hey Babe. You know you can always come over. I got some stuff from my dad he and Carson made extra so I got the food covered. I can always check on Katie for you later as well if you want. Ok..well I am already home. I'll see you in a bit. Love ya."

*Jamie hangs up the phone and heads into the kitchen to grab some plates and warm up the food waiting for Con.*

*As Jason draws near the feeling of him being close increases till finally Katie knows her is standing outside the door and than enter. Feeling even more embarrassed and foolish Katie trys to stop her sobs but still cant. To much was going on to ever try and control those emotions.

Feeling Jason's hand run though her hair causes Katie to jump a little. Why she wasn't sure. He didn't startle her she new he was there, never before had his touch felt so strange. Though is still offered a bit of comfort it just wasn't enough and though his words were soft and soothing to the ears it just didn't take away the embarrassment she felt. She really had made herself look like a fool the last few days.

Looking up at Jason for a moment though her tears she can feel the heat on her face rise as she replays the last few days in her head. As she looks into those endless eyes. Having Jason sitting there was so perfect he looked so good and yet Katie shouldn't be thinking that for Jason was no longer hers. Keeping her face burred in the pillows Katie moves just a little and than speaks.*

"I'm...sorry for the last few days. You should have said something. I feel like an idiot and for some reason I feel so scared. I just, I don't know. You shouldn't be here J. You should be with Camryn, its your night with her. You shouldn't have come to me it will only mess everything you have up."

*Katie brings a hand to her face trying to whip away some of her tears, trying to continue to calm herself down but not having much luck. Katie trys to let Jason's touch bring her comfort aas she quivers slightly, but it was hard . Everything seemed, differnt now and she hated the feeling because something told her it never use to be this hard. Reaching up Katie takes Jason's hand in hers. She wasent sure why other than she just wanted to feel him close to her. Maybe because deep inside she new Jason was the only one who could make her feel better.*


Con watches Katie go into the house to make sure she gets inside okay, then slowly pulls away. Grabbing his cell phone he uses the speed dial and puts it up to his good ear. "Yeah, Jamie, it's me. I just dropped Katie off. She's not doing so great. Can I come over to your place for a while? We can eat something, then I might come back to check on her or at least have Laura make sure she's okay when she gets home."

Camryn dismounts Jason's motorcycle and takes off her helmet, running a hand through her hair.

Jason follows suit, but remains still as Camryn starts to walk away. She turns and looks at him with question. "You coming?"

Jason is quiet for a moment and just stares at the ground. His mind raced. He could feel a strange tension...he could feel the new strain on his connection with Katie and it didn't feel good. He knew she was upset, and it had to be bad for him to be able to sense it.

Camryn pauses and cocks her head to see his face. "Jase...you coming?"

He finally looks back up at her, the apology in his eyes. "I have to go see her, Cam."

Camryn's shoulders drop. She liked Katie and felt so horribly bad for her, but...did Jason really have to go? "But...what about our evening? Katie will be okay...Con will make sure of that."

"I know but...it's different...it's not something I have control over."

Camryn backtracks to stand in front of him. "I know this is hard on you guys...but please...for us...let her work through this. She's a strong person and can do this. I know this is terrible and it's tearing Katie up...I couldn't imagine being in her shoes. But...you can't always just run after her."

As her words hit Jason's ears, a strange irritation grows. He didn't expect anyone to really understand this - he had a hard enough time with it himself. But what he did expect was a little more help from Camryn.

Reaching out, he takes her by the shoulders and looks down, forcing her to look him in the eye. His voice comes out quiet but stern. "Katie doesn't know what she's capable of. If she shuts down, Cam, I could die." That truth is startling and clear. Jason searches Camryn's eyes that start to fill with tears. "I'm sorry...but I have to go."

Pulling her close for a tight embrace and a kiss, Jason lets her go and remounts his bike, throwing his helmet back on. "I'll call you later."

As the bike speeds back down the street, Camryn stands alone, watching until he's out of sight as a tear rolls down her cheek.

The house is quiet. Jason waits for several moments after he's run the doorbell, but he can hear nothing inside. All he knew was that the tension was rising, and it was getting harder for him to retain everything. He had to help Katie calm down before she hurt him or herself.

Letting himself in, he scans the apartment, and sees everything in order. He walks slowly to the hall and then can hear Katie's sobbing. His heart catches in his throat. It was a gut wrenching sound to hear Katie in that much pain.

Making his way to her room, he sees the door partially open, and glances inside before entering. He knew he didn't have to announce himself.

Henry meows at him as if asking for help and glad someone had arrived.

Jason slowly eases down on the bed next to Katie and reaches over to run a hand through her hair. His leather jacket squeaks a little bit as he shifts his weight, his keys jingling in his pocket. "Hey, Hero...shhh...take it easy. I'm right here."

To much to bear

*As they pull into the driveway Katie just sits for a long moment looking out the window and not replying to Con. Right now her brain couldn't break anything down. It couldn't analyze it. It couldn't try and reason. It couldn't even offer some sort of blockage to keep the pain at bay. On top of it all Katie could feel a strange pull with Jason. She new he was ok but she could feel on the inside he wasn't. Her only explanation for that was that over the last year her sense with him must have gotten stronger and now she just couldn't remember.

Still staring straight ahead Katie finally reply to Con giving a little dry laugh.*

"Everything always works out right? Never seems to take the pain away though."

*Katie's voice proves she is tired. Her mind and body has had to deal with so much so fast that most her energy is now gone. Turning to Con she trys to give her best reassuring smile.*

"I just want to go in and sleep. I'll give you a call if I need anything Big brother. Thank you for picking me up."

*Slowly Katie reaches for the door handle and opens the truck door stepping out. Slowly closing it behind her again and takes her bags in her good arm and heads ever so slowly to the front door her head drooping.

As Katie sets her bags down and unlocks the door entering the silence greets her. The only noise is the shutting door behind her. This is not the homecoming she wanted. Katie had hoped the apartment would have been filled with loved ones and friends but now, the only thing there was the darkness, the silence, and the pain.

Katie train of thought is broken as the soft meow can be herd. Looking down and seeing Henry rubbing against her leg a small smile breaks on her face. Setting her stuff down Katie bends down and gives Henry a gentle pet.*

"Hey Boy. I'm glad you greeted me."

*Grabbing her stuff again Katie makes her way to her room upstairs only to find it empty. A bit more confusion hits her. Where were her things? Surly if she wasn't staying here anymore Con wouldn't have dropped her off. Heading back down the steps Katie stands confused for a moment in the hallway. Only to see Henry disappear into the room Laura had been using as a storage room. Drawing closer and pushing the door open Katie finds all her things in order. She must had moved rooms when she first had gotten out of the horsetail and now didn't remember. Putting her stuff down she smiles at Henry again.*

"Thanks for the help Buddy."

*Closing the door Katie locks out the words and sinks down on her bed as she burys her face into her pillow and finally releases all the tears and pain that had been pent up inside. Her soft sobs grow louder for a while as the pain is just to much to bear.*

Up to you

Con keeps a close eye on Katie as she comes with him to the truck, and he gives Jame an apologetic wave. He would call her later and figure out what they'd do that evening.

Getting in the truck and pulling out onto the street, Con reaches a hand over to give Katie's shoulder a squeeze. He hadn't heard what she'd said, but could feel her hurt, and hurt for her. "It's okay, little Sis... it'll all work out."

The ride back to Katie and Laura's is quiet. Laura's car is gone and Con assumes she's either working late or out with Nate. Either way, he wanted to do whatever Katie felt most comfortable with.

Pulling into the drive, he stops and turns to her. "I know everything is confusing right now," he tries to comfort. "And I'm here for you if you want it. I can go in with you, or if you need your own space, that's fine too."

Jason stands and watches his two best friends leave the restaurant. He gives Jamie a helpless glance, wishing his emotions weren't so hard to control right now. The last thing he wanted to do was break down here.

Gritting his teeth, he eases back down in the booth, not knowing what to do. Feeling a hand on his, he looks over quickly at Camryn who is offering him a look of sympathy. He takes her hand in both of his and rests his forehead on it for a moment, just trying to regroup. "Can we leave?"

"Yeah." Camryn nods.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She rises and pulls Jason up. "Take me home and we can spend time there instead alright?"



*Katie leans into Con sheltering herself into his arms. She dident know what to think or what to say. Slowly Katie keeps herself wrapped in his arms and walks with Con out. Her eyes still exspelling the tear. Her emotions were so mixed up she probley couldent even make herself stop crying if she wanted to.*

*Jamies own heart goes out to her young friends. The pain Katie and Jason both felt at the moment was written on there face and it hurt Jamie to see this. A few tears escape her own eyes as she feels helpless and small aganst this raging storm. As Con starts to leave the restront Jamie lays a hand on his arm and look up at him.*

"Hey her home babe, and I will order some food. I know she is probley not hungry now but she might be in a little bit. Just give me a call to let me know where you will be and I'll meet you there."

*Jamie turns and heads to the back to give her dad an order. Giving a small nod to Carson as well.*

*Slowly Katie gets into Con's truck and shuts the door. Leaning aganst the door once its closed her lays her head aganst the window as she looks out. The world seemed so dark, so strang. She dident even know it anymore. Though she remembered this little bit of the past alot of stuff that went with it was still lost and it confused her.*

"I don't know what to think Con. It hurts so much. I just...feel so lost. I just want to go home and hide."


As Jason looks at Katie, he sees the change in her eyes. He sees the look on her face. He fees a shift in the emotional pull.

He watches the transformation take place, and he knows that she knows. His own heart aches. He didn't want her to find out this way. He couldn't even begin to imagine how heart wrenching this must be for her. She hadn't understood...she had loved him again...and now...it was falling down around her all over again.

"Katie, I'm..."

Camryn look down, a few tears of her own forming. She felt so very badly for Katie. She loved Jason and didn't want to give him up, but she knew how difficult this must feel, and it hurt to see her friend like this.

Con feels lost...trapped...caught in the middle. Hearing Katie's words, he knows that she realizes who Camryn is, and surely the pain is great. His arm tightens around her just a little as if he's trying to save her from this, but can't. Looking down into her tear-filled eyes, his own emotions race. He could usually stay pretty controlled...maybe it was just seeing Katie this distraught that brought on this sorrow, and this anger for the situation. "Yeah..." He speaks quietly as he nods. "I'll take you home."

He gently turns Katie around to head to the door, but Jason is on his feet. "Katie, wait..."

Con turns his head and shakes it at his friend. "She needs to go home, Jase."


"I'll make sure she's okay."

Jason's eyes show his worry and anxiety. Too many emotions were screaming at him to be released and he desperately hung on. He could feel the strain wearing on his strength and knew that he needed to calm down, lest he be thrown into a bad spell or simply pass out from trying to keep all of this in. He couldn't let Katie absorb all of this...not here...not now...not when she had enough of her own emotions to worry about. "I just..." He searches to find Katie's eyes one last time, his voice quiet and cracked. "I'm sorry."


*Feeling Con's arm around her she felt sheltered and safe, but even through that her heart hurt though she wasn't sure why. As they start to draw near to the table Katie keeps her eyes on Jason for a moment and than looks back to Con. Staying silent as Con talks to Jason Katie's mind just moves at a rapide pace bouncing from one thing to the next like running into walls and bouncing back. Keep her voice low she replys to Jason.*

"I just I did save you a trip. I'm just glad I am going home. Once my arm is healed I'll be almost as good as new."

*Katie eyes follow Jason's hand motion to where Camryn was sitting. Giving a little nod she just studys her for a moment her mind pushing through the dark, through the fog. Trying to clear away the smoke. Katie's eyes dont leave Camryn as she continues to search.

Like pulling away a vail Katie is hit with a serge of memories and for a moment Katie is thrown back into a differnt time. Still standing at Mom and Pop's the faces there now are gone. A group of people sit in the middle at some tables. It was after the JetStream concerte. The laughter ringing out and the joking. Music starts and two figues appear staring to sing and dance. The laughter ringing out even more.

Time moves in Katie's brain as if in fast forward. That night coming to an end Katie remembers more. Than it hits her, the cops coming in, Jason being taken away. Seeing herself crying, and yelling for Jason. Tears start to stream down her own eyes as she remembers. The pain of seeing Jason taken away. Worped through time once again Katie remembers going to see Jason behind bars. Not being able to hold him, to touching. Wanting so bad to feel him close to her and not being able too.

Katie's own tears roll out of her eyes and she shakes slightly from the shock of this all. A few words escaping from her lips letting though in on what was going on around her.*

"You...were in jail....it....I felt...so...lost."

*The time passes again and Katie remember when Jason got out, how happy she was. The love of her life was home once again. But he was changed, he wasent the same Jason anymore. He hide things, the look in his eye was differnt and the tone of his voice held a certin coldness and than soon after that Katie and Jason broke it off.*

"We...arnt together anymore..and thats your feonsay. I....."

*Jolted back into the predent Katie looks between Jason and Camryn her face turning a crimson red as her eyes still exspell the tears behind them. Her heart felt crushed once again. And how embarsseds he was about what happend earlyer that day.*


*Katie turns and looks up at Con.*

"Con, I want to go home.."

*Katie eyes plead with him to take her home. Her head hurt, her heart hurt, she was still confused and she felt a bit scaired. Katie just wanted to hide away for now and let the tears come.*



Con laughs at Katie's comment about him being dirty, but doesn't offer an explanation. He still wasn't ready to tell her that he'd been at a construction site all day ant not TJY.

Arriving to Mom and Pop's, he smiles when he sees Jamie and after giving her a hug and starting for the door, he catches her eye. He didn't know if Jason was here alone tonight either.

As the bell above the door rings, Carson glances out from the kitchen and smiles a little, seeing Katie. He'd heard about her memory loss, and a part of his was disappointed, knowing that she wouldn't remember him. He was just as glad though, that she'd never met him while in the hospital the last time...otherwise there would be an awful lot of explaining to do as to why he was working there.

Con's eyes roam across the room and catch sight of Jason. His face pales slightly. His friend wasn't alone. Camryn was there, and it looked like they were having a good time. As Katie backs up and takes his arm, he instinctively puts his arm around her shoulders instead as a protective fortress as if trying to keep out the hurt and disappointment that he knew would be hitting her heart.

He gives her a little squeeze. "It's alright, Kat," he assures quietly. "Come on." Walking towards the occupied table, Con throws Jamie a glance, asking her to come with them.

Jason and Camryn are halfway through their meal and in the middle of a humorous conversation when Jason suddenly sees the other three. His heart automatically leaps into his throat, and for a split second, his emotions flare before he locks them up again.

Camryn sees the look on his face and follows his gaze. She was so happy to see Katie up and out of the hospital. But the look on Katie's face told Camryn that this was no happy reunion. She looks back to Jason, the disappointment in her eyes. But she offers a slight nod anyway, telling him that whatever he feels he has to do is okay.

Jason wipes his mouth with a napkin, and looks to the approaching friends, forcing the most genuine smile that he can. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Jase." Con keeps his arm around Katie as they approach the table. "We're just grabbing a bite for dinner. How's it going?"

"Good." Jason nods, then looks to Katie, trying not to take to heart the look in her eye that evoked pain in his own. "Look who got to get out of that hospital!" He waves casually to Camryn. "Katie, this is Camryn. We were just...hangin' out here for a bit. I was going to come stop by your room again, but looks like you saved me the trip!" He glances to Jamie, then Con, then back to Katie. "You guys, um...want to join us?"

Dinner gone bad!

*The morning and afternoon go by pretty fast as Katie spends time with Jen just chatting. Trying to keep her own spirits up not thinking about her memories loss. The news of going home in the afternoon alone helps Katie cope little bit as she just wants her own room and bed again right about now. Before long Jen is gone and Katie's stuff is packed. As Katie reaches for the phone to call someone to come pick her up she glances to the door thinking she herd a noise. Waiting a moment and than seeing Con poke his head in Katie hangs up the phone giving a smile.*

"You always know right when to show up don't you? This is my stuff here its not much."

*Katie hops off the bed and grabs some of her bags giving them to Con and than starting to head out with the others.*

"Dinner sounds great..."

*Katie gives a nod to the nurse as she pass by the desk.*

"..I hate the food they give us in here. It tastes like its made out of card bored."

*Once outside Katie throws her bags into the back seat and hops into the front ready to go. As the drive down the road Katie glances at Con taking note he is a little dirty.*

"You realize you look like you have been rolling around in the mud right?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and looks out the window once again watching the scenery pass by trying to work her brain into remembering things.*

*Jamie leans against her car as she glances at her watch. Con and Katie would be arriving soon. Glancing around the parking lot Jamie's eye catches Jason bike. It wasn't strange to see him here. This is where is often came to eat but she couldn't help the passing though of wondering if he was alone or not.

Hearing a truck pull into the parking lot Jamie looks up and gives a small smile seeing Con and Katie. Pushing off her car she walks over to the truck once its parked. Jamie gives Katie a hug once she gets out.*

"Hey there Hero. It's good to see you out again. How are you feeling?"

*Katie gives a smile and returns Jamie's hug. Katie had always liked Jamie and was glad she was eating with them tonight.*

"Oh, I'm good considering everything."

*Jamie gives a smile and than turns to Con receiving her own hug and giving a small nod to where Jason's bike was parked as if trying to relay a message to him. Pulling away Jamie smiles again and returns to talking to Katie for a moment.*

"Well don't worry about work. We miss you but I want you better before you come back ok?!"

*Katie gives a nod and starts to head into Mom and Pop's as Jamie and Con are a little bit behind.*

*Jamie looks to Con a worried look in her eye. Keeping her voice low she leans into Con as she walks.*

"Con I think Jason is here that's his bike there but I don't know if he is alone or not. I just hope this goes over ok."

*Katie makes her way into Mom and Pop's. The small bell ringing on the door. Katie gives a small wave as she see Mable and than one to Herb. Seeing the two new people working Katie searches her brain for a moment trying to remember who they are. After a few moments Katie scans the rest of the restaurant and spots Jason. A smile crossing her face again she starts to make her way towards him only to stop when another figure can be seen. Backing up a few steps Katie's mind reels. Who was this person with Jason? Why was he out to dinner with her when he new she would be going home today? What was going on? The strange sicking feeling rises in her again. Wrapping her arm around herself she trys her best to remember, to remember anything. Anything at all that would help her know what was going on. Pushing her mind she trys to fight through the fog a small headache forming. Why? What? and Who? Backing up a little more Katie finds Con behind her and takes his arm with her hand to steady herself. Words just wouldn't come as her mind continues to race but the look on her face was one that could break the hardest of hearts.*