
Dinner gone bad!

*The morning and afternoon go by pretty fast as Katie spends time with Jen just chatting. Trying to keep her own spirits up not thinking about her memories loss. The news of going home in the afternoon alone helps Katie cope little bit as she just wants her own room and bed again right about now. Before long Jen is gone and Katie's stuff is packed. As Katie reaches for the phone to call someone to come pick her up she glances to the door thinking she herd a noise. Waiting a moment and than seeing Con poke his head in Katie hangs up the phone giving a smile.*

"You always know right when to show up don't you? This is my stuff here its not much."

*Katie hops off the bed and grabs some of her bags giving them to Con and than starting to head out with the others.*

"Dinner sounds great..."

*Katie gives a nod to the nurse as she pass by the desk.*

"..I hate the food they give us in here. It tastes like its made out of card bored."

*Once outside Katie throws her bags into the back seat and hops into the front ready to go. As the drive down the road Katie glances at Con taking note he is a little dirty.*

"You realize you look like you have been rolling around in the mud right?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and looks out the window once again watching the scenery pass by trying to work her brain into remembering things.*

*Jamie leans against her car as she glances at her watch. Con and Katie would be arriving soon. Glancing around the parking lot Jamie's eye catches Jason bike. It wasn't strange to see him here. This is where is often came to eat but she couldn't help the passing though of wondering if he was alone or not.

Hearing a truck pull into the parking lot Jamie looks up and gives a small smile seeing Con and Katie. Pushing off her car she walks over to the truck once its parked. Jamie gives Katie a hug once she gets out.*

"Hey there Hero. It's good to see you out again. How are you feeling?"

*Katie gives a smile and returns Jamie's hug. Katie had always liked Jamie and was glad she was eating with them tonight.*

"Oh, I'm good considering everything."

*Jamie gives a smile and than turns to Con receiving her own hug and giving a small nod to where Jason's bike was parked as if trying to relay a message to him. Pulling away Jamie smiles again and returns to talking to Katie for a moment.*

"Well don't worry about work. We miss you but I want you better before you come back ok?!"

*Katie gives a nod and starts to head into Mom and Pop's as Jamie and Con are a little bit behind.*

*Jamie looks to Con a worried look in her eye. Keeping her voice low she leans into Con as she walks.*

"Con I think Jason is here that's his bike there but I don't know if he is alone or not. I just hope this goes over ok."

*Katie makes her way into Mom and Pop's. The small bell ringing on the door. Katie gives a small wave as she see Mable and than one to Herb. Seeing the two new people working Katie searches her brain for a moment trying to remember who they are. After a few moments Katie scans the rest of the restaurant and spots Jason. A smile crossing her face again she starts to make her way towards him only to stop when another figure can be seen. Backing up a few steps Katie's mind reels. Who was this person with Jason? Why was he out to dinner with her when he new she would be going home today? What was going on? The strange sicking feeling rises in her again. Wrapping her arm around herself she trys her best to remember, to remember anything. Anything at all that would help her know what was going on. Pushing her mind she trys to fight through the fog a small headache forming. Why? What? and Who? Backing up a little more Katie finds Con behind her and takes his arm with her hand to steady herself. Words just wouldn't come as her mind continues to race but the look on her face was one that could break the hardest of hearts.*

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