

As Jason looks at Katie, he sees the change in her eyes. He sees the look on her face. He fees a shift in the emotional pull.

He watches the transformation take place, and he knows that she knows. His own heart aches. He didn't want her to find out this way. He couldn't even begin to imagine how heart wrenching this must be for her. She hadn't understood...she had loved him again...and now...it was falling down around her all over again.

"Katie, I'm..."

Camryn look down, a few tears of her own forming. She felt so very badly for Katie. She loved Jason and didn't want to give him up, but she knew how difficult this must feel, and it hurt to see her friend like this.

Con feels lost...trapped...caught in the middle. Hearing Katie's words, he knows that she realizes who Camryn is, and surely the pain is great. His arm tightens around her just a little as if he's trying to save her from this, but can't. Looking down into her tear-filled eyes, his own emotions race. He could usually stay pretty controlled...maybe it was just seeing Katie this distraught that brought on this sorrow, and this anger for the situation. "Yeah..." He speaks quietly as he nods. "I'll take you home."

He gently turns Katie around to head to the door, but Jason is on his feet. "Katie, wait..."

Con turns his head and shakes it at his friend. "She needs to go home, Jase."


"I'll make sure she's okay."

Jason's eyes show his worry and anxiety. Too many emotions were screaming at him to be released and he desperately hung on. He could feel the strain wearing on his strength and knew that he needed to calm down, lest he be thrown into a bad spell or simply pass out from trying to keep all of this in. He couldn't let Katie absorb all of this...not here...not now...not when she had enough of her own emotions to worry about. "I just..." He searches to find Katie's eyes one last time, his voice quiet and cracked. "I'm sorry."

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