

*Katie leans into Con sheltering herself into his arms. She dident know what to think or what to say. Slowly Katie keeps herself wrapped in his arms and walks with Con out. Her eyes still exspelling the tear. Her emotions were so mixed up she probley couldent even make herself stop crying if she wanted to.*

*Jamies own heart goes out to her young friends. The pain Katie and Jason both felt at the moment was written on there face and it hurt Jamie to see this. A few tears escape her own eyes as she feels helpless and small aganst this raging storm. As Con starts to leave the restront Jamie lays a hand on his arm and look up at him.*

"Hey her home babe, and I will order some food. I know she is probley not hungry now but she might be in a little bit. Just give me a call to let me know where you will be and I'll meet you there."

*Jamie turns and heads to the back to give her dad an order. Giving a small nod to Carson as well.*

*Slowly Katie gets into Con's truck and shuts the door. Leaning aganst the door once its closed her lays her head aganst the window as she looks out. The world seemed so dark, so strang. She dident even know it anymore. Though she remembered this little bit of the past alot of stuff that went with it was still lost and it confused her.*

"I don't know what to think Con. It hurts so much. I just...feel so lost. I just want to go home and hide."

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