

*Misty smiles as she opens the door to let herself and Carson in.*

"I think it went pretty well. The test was ALOT harder than I exspected, and differnt. I had 4 differnt cases where people were sick writen up. There symptoms the whole nine yards. Than I had to write up diagnosis for them and treatments. There was one I wasent to sure about but I dont think I did bad. So...now I just need for them to grade it, than tomarrow after noon I should know how I did. I am so excited and scaired at the same time."

*Entering the house Misty throws her keys and purse on the table.*

"I am gonna go take a shower fast and than we can go out and do whatever if you want. Just be thinking of what to do and I will be back."

*Misty makes her way down the hall to her bedroom and than into the bathroom closing the door behind herself. Within a few moment Misty is drying her hair and exiting the bathroom to find Carson and see if he decieded what they should do tonight.*

*Nate enters and smile going to sit down on the coutch. He loved Laura's apartment it was so nice and neat inside. As Laura is in the other room Nate stays siting and yells to her.*


*Nate leans back on the coutch relaxing waiting for Laura. He had gone right home to see Maggie and than ran out again to see Laura. Truth be told he was a bit tired but dident want let go of this perfect chanse to see Laura.*

*Katie takes a sip of her water as Scott stops in front of the door listing to what he has to say.*

"Scott, I want to be here. I am happy to be here. You can get rid of me that easly. Your stuck with me now. I'm not leaving."

*Katie gets a bigger grin on her face. But slowly sees the look on Scotts own face relizing he really was worryed. Growing alittle more serous Katie puts her hand on Scotts arm (in a friendly mannor-.-) and smiles.*

"Honestly Scott, I'm ok. Just hit a rough stop. I'd rather be out with you to keep me company than siting at home alone. I really am happy to be here with you Scott. Thank you for asking me to come out with you."

*As the room where the movie is starts to get dark Katie smiles and interlocks her arm with Scotts. The feelings were still on her tummy and heart that something was wrong. But Katie was deturmened to have a good time tonight.*

"Come on lets go before we miss the movie."

*The woman cant help but laugh at Wyatt's comment.*

"Give me a sec to grab my stuff and dont worry about the crowbar. I think my purse is heavy enough to hurt if it hits you."

*Walking about to the driverside the woman opens the door and grabs her purse and locks the door. Geting into Wyatt's car she gives a smile.*

"Mmmmm....My place is on rockwood Av. I hope you know where it is, cuz this is my first time going there and I have no idea where it is. Thats how I ended up out here in the first place."

*Rolling her eyes at herself she relizes how stupid she must sound right about now.*

*Jamie enjoys the time with Con she always did. As she listens to the sound of the waves and water crashing on the shoreline Jamie feels at peace. Jamie moves so she is alittle bit closer to Con leaning on him slightly. Leting out a content sigh.*

"You have been working so much Con I havent seen as much of you as I would like but...if everytime a spand of not seeing you ended like like, I think I can deal. Thank you Con for making me this a wonderful night."

*Jamie streches on her tip toes and gives Con a quick kiss. Than backs up looking into Cons eyes as the moon light shown bright through them.*


Carson looks up as Misty approaches, and is glad to return the kiss, a smile breaking his lips. “I’m much better now,” he muses. He rises to his feet and stretches a little. “And it’s alright. It’s not like I had anywhere to go, or had a big schedule.”

He cocks his head. “So how about you? How’d things go?”

Laura eyes Nate with just a little suspicion, but accepts the flowers, putting them to her nose to smell their sweet perfume. “Well I wouldn’t want to kill something as lovely as these, so I will put them in water.”

Her cheeks turn crimson at Nate calling her pretty, and she looks down for a moment, feeling silly. Why was it that she always melted under his gaze? She could play it so tough with everyone else, but with him…it was just hard.

Upon his order to get her shoes on, she looks back up, quirking an eyebrow and regaining her composure. “Looks like your time in that hot sun didn’t do your stubbornness any good.”

Embraced in his hug, for a moment, she feel so warm, cozy, safe. But like a sudden wind, it’s replaced by a fear that sends a tingle down her spine and she withdraws. “Um…okay… Just give me a minute to at least put some decent clothes on.” She turns from the door, letting it fall open wider. “You can come in and wait if you want.”

Scott just rolls his eyes at Katie’s comment about his dog, and doesn’t give a verbal response. Once she suggests the popcorn, he nods. “Alright. A large popcorn it is, and two waters.”

He nods as she leaves, but watches her out of the corner of his eye, sensing something wasn’t quite right. As if he didn’t know. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked Katie to come tonight. But she’d seemed like she really wanted to…

“Sir, can I help you?”

Scott turns back around to the counter. “Uh, yeah…”

Once Katie returns, Scott hands her her water and points down the hall. “We’re right down here.” He leads the way once again, but stops at the door and turns to Katie. He doesn’t like asking, but it didn’t feel right not to. “I’m real glad you wanted to come tonight, but you sure you feel up to staying? I won’t be offended if you don’t.”

Wyatt eyes the woman with a little bit of annoyed humor. Only a city slicker would think of staying out here all night. “Look, Miss, I know you’ll probably say no because you don’t know me from Adam, but I’d be more than happy to give you a ride into town. I wouldn’t feel right about just leaving you out here, and trust me – it would be a whole lot more dangerous than accepting a ride from me.”

He cocks his head. “I’ll even give you my crowbar and you can hit me over the head any time you get scared.”

Supper is fun and peaceful on the lakefront. As Con promised, after the meal, he takes Jamie by the hand and leads the way to the sandy beach. The moon is just up, sending its bright rays over the sparking water, the warm breeze creating ripples.

Halfway down the beach, Con stop and turns, just to gaze out on the water. It was quiet…restful…no chaotic noise…just…peaceful.

Jason kicks the end of his bed, letting off some steam. He paces for several moments, his hands on his hips. Seeing Ethan knifed to death two hours ago turned his stomach. Zane was in solitary confinement now, but for what…Ethan was dead. Jason cringes at the image that has embedded itself in his mind. The knife…the blood….it bothered him more than he would have thought or wanted to admit.

Taking a deep breath, Jason closes his eyes, slowing down his thoughts, calming his emotions enough to push them a safe distance from his heart.

He flops down on his bed and curls up, wanting just to sleep now.

Well Well Well

*Misty drives down the road leting out a long sigh. It had taken her 2 hours longer at school than she exspected. Pulling into her driveway she see Carson siting on the steps. A smile comes to her face as she gets out of the car and walks over.*

"Well well well look what we have here. There is a hot man siting on my steps whatever am I to do."

*As Misty gets closer to Carson she sets her bag down than bends over planting a long passinot kiss on Carson's lips than pulls away with a grin playing on her lips.*

"How are ya? Sorry it took my so long."

*Nate grins and smiles at Laura. Oh how he had missed her. He sticks his arms out offering the flowers to Laura.*

"Well first off I insist you take these and put them in some water before they die and next I in this area to see a pretty lady and guess what I found one."

*Nate cocks a crooked grin as he straghtens up.*

"Grab your shoes we are gonna get some ice cream and you cant say no. I have spent 2 weeks in the hot sun, under cover and now I want to spend some time with the prettyest woman in Nevada. So come on...get those shoes on please."

*Nate cant help but smile than reach out to give Laura a hug.*

"I missed ya Laura."

*Katie laughs as she walks into the thearer with Scott. A smerk still on her face.*

"Well I guess I'll have to have a talk with your dog than to keep the game playing up so her daddy can look like this every day."

*Once they are inside and looking up snack bored Katie gets lost in though for a moment. She was geting a sick feeling in her tummy and she new it was Jason. Something was wrong but he was again masking it. Leting out a long heavy sigh and hearing Scott ask her about popcorn Katie snaps out of the transe and smiles at Scott.*

"I LOVE popcorn, but I'm not to hungry all of a suddon. How about you get a big tub and we can shair it. That way I can eat alittle and you can have the rest. I would like some water though losts of ice."

*Kaite smiles at Scott again as he goes to order. Feeling sick again Katie walks over to Scott and puts a hand on his arm to get his attachen.*

"Scotty, I'll be right back. I have to use the little ladys room."

*Katie makes her way following the signs to the bathroom. Going to the sink she leans over it for a moment than looks back up at the mirror whispering to herself.*

"Oh Jason..why are you doing this to youself."

*Closing her eyes and swallowing. Reaching down she turns the water on and splashes her face. Grabing some paper towles she pats her face dry and takes a moment to try pushing her feelins away again. Scott has asked her to come to the movies with him and she dident want to make him feel like she wasent having a fun time when she new she would. Exiting the bathroom she finds Scott and takes her drink smiling again.*

"Ok I am ready now. Lead the way I've never been here."

*Jamie grins she new Con would break and decied sooner or later.*

"Hey, I like your idea better lets do that."

*Jamie small talks with Con along the way as she holds his hand contently.*

*The woman lifts her head and stands with a jump as Wyatt calls to her. She hadent even hurd the car. For a long moment she just studys Wyatt being alittle leary about him.*

"Someone put some barbwire in the middle of the road and I got two flats. I was going to change them myself but it seem like I replace the spairs and the jack from the last time."

*The woman rolls her eyes as she pulls her cell phone from her pocket.*

"My cell dosent get any signil out here eather go figure thats just the kind of day I am having. I figured I would sleep in my car for tonight and in the morning I would start the long walk back into town. I should be ok..maybe. Thanks for making sure."

*The woman gives Wyatt a friendly smile.*

Movie food?

Laura hears Katie call her, and furrows her brow, confused. Setting aside her yogurt, she shuffles to the door in her flannel pajama pants and green tanktop. Reaching the entrance, her eyes widen in surprise, and a grin makes its way across her mouth.

“Well hi, there, stranger.” She leans on the doorframe and crosses her arms, cocking her head at Nate. “And what brings you to this part of the neighborhood?”

Scott laughs and shakes his head. “I haven’t been waiting long. Besides, we still got fifteen minutes to get in, get our popcorn and find the best seat.” He smirks at her. “No, I don’t avoid anyone, I was getting stuck in a heating duct behind Reese’s office, trying to find a loose wire. And that answers your question as to how my afternoon went too.” He rolls his eyes. “But tomorrow, sorry, I’m gonna lose this so-called look. I got it from you, from Laura, and even Susanne. No siree, it’s back to my normal garb tomorrow.”

He leads the way inside, holding the door open for Katie, then resuming his pace in front of her as they approach the counter. He mentions the movie they’re going to see, then thumbs to Katie. “And I’m getting hers too.”

After paying, Scott heads to the food counter, and gives Katie a sidelong glance. “So are you one of the stubborn ones who won’t pay to eat at a theater, or do you let go and just enjoy yourself and the greasy popcorn?”

Con grins at Jamie and gives her hand a squeeze. “I make you choose because I like making you happy. But…if it bothers you that much…” He chuckles. “Then I’ll choose the half hour drive out to the lakeside restaurant, then after a nice long dinner, we’ll stroll the moonlit beach, end up at the ice cream shack, then walk off all those calories on the way back.”

Wyatt turns up the music on the radio, just driving. He hadn’t gone back into town like planned…it just seemed a good evening for a drive. And something pulled at him to drive…it was a strange feeling…he didn’t normally just drive for no reason, but tonight it felt right.

Turning down a halfway-familiar road, he spots a car on the side of the road in the distance. Slowing just a little, he passes it, looking in his rearview mirror. Two flat tires? Was that a woman sitting on the hood?

Concern hits him. It was going to be dark soon. No one should wait out here like that. She probably had someone coming already, but he wouldn’t feel right not checking to make sure.

Putting on the breaks, he stops, throws his jeep in reverse and backs up, still in the road, until he’s beside the other car. He leans over and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey…you alright?” he calls.

Car problems

*Lockheart watches at the Cop enters the cafe. She reconized him as one of the ones from where Jason was. A cold chill runs down her spin as she turns back to Reese and nods.*

"Ok, just let me know whats going on and I will contact my office in Cali and see what I can set up. If we end up going through with this I am gonna have some stuff sent to me."

*Lockheart finishs up her tea and Offes her hand to Reese lowing her voice.*

"Contact me whenever you know whats going to happen Reese and I just want to extend my thanks to you as well for this opertunity to help you everyone."

*Lockheart smiles. She did feel important, and it felt good to do something so helpful. It was a challange and Lockheart was always up for something new.*

~*~Sometime Later~*~

*A loud bang rings up and down the deserted desert road as car swerves to the side of the road. A figure slowly emerging from the drives side her dark blonde hair that is streaked with red, and lighter blond is a tad bit messed up proving the heat was something she wasent use to. Her skin was fair and had a hint of sunburn on it. Slowly she moves around the car than looks to the middle of the road at the barbwire that was place there.*

"You have got to be be kidding me."

*Bending down the woman examens the two flat tireds where Small peaces of wire sticking out of them. Pulling out her phone the woman dials a number only to get a sharp squeeling noise in her ear an a out of service message. Her deep blue eyes show a tad bit of annoyance.*

"Great, stuck out in the middle of no where."

*Puting the phone back in her pocket she looks up and down the road only to be greeted by nothing as the sun started to set. Leting out a long sigh she removes the hairtie from her wrist and throws her hair up fast in a poneytail. Going to the passangerside of the car she reaches in and pulls out a denim jacket throwing it on than pops the trunk. Bending down she searches for a few throws. Finally she slams the trunk down her hands empty.*

"Why is this happing to me Tonight of all nights."

*Moving over to the front of the car the woman sits down on the hood and puts her face in her hands leting out a frestrated tired sigh. This was the iceing on the cake for her day. What was she going to do now.*

*As Katie rushes around at home she takes not its 6:30. She was going to have to leave soon if she was going to make it on time. Finishing up in the bathroom she heads into the bedroom and throws on a teal t-shair and a pare of jeans. As she pass her mirror she relizes her hair dident look right going back into the bathroom she sticks her head under the focet and drenches her hair. Pulling her head out and grabing a towle she drys the extra water out, grabs some gel and runs some through it causing her highlights to snow more and giving a tiny messed up look. Finally satisfied she grabs her hoodie in case it gets cold and to the front door.*

"Laura I wont be done to long."

*Katie was excited about going out tonight with a friend. Its felt nice to look forward to something insted of salking in her room. Though she still couldent help feeling a bit down that Jason wouldent be going with her.

Opening the door Katie cant help but smile turning she yells back into the other room. Laura you NEED to come here and look at this quick.

Once again Katie turns back to the door and heads out throwing a smile and wink at the waiting Nate who is on the pourch with a Bouquet of daffodils. He hadent even needed to say anything to Katie and she new who he was there for.

Jumping into her car Katie heads to the theater. Looking down at the car clock it reads 7:01. Crap she was going to be late. Going a tad bit faster than she should Katie finally pulls into the theater parking lot and smiles as she see Scott. Geting out of the car she waves alittle.*

"Hey Scotty. Sorry I am alittle late and made you wait."

*Katie moves around the cars and keeps the smile on her face. He hadent changed like he said he wouldent.*

"Lookin good lookin good."

*Katie gives him a silly looks and alittle slap to the arm as she teases him.*

"So....I hadent see you since this morning. You wernt trying to avoid me so I wouldent give you anymore complament were you? How was your afternoon?"

*Katie slowly walks with Scott twords the theater.*

*Nate watches as Katie jumps into a car. Was that hers? She must of got it after he had left. Turning back to the door Nate waits for Laura to come. It had been almost two weeks since he had been gone and he had missed spending time with Laura. His skin was darker than normal proving most of his time was spent in the sun. His hair was spiked up and he wore his sunglasss. Along with some cackys and a white tank shirt. A smile on his face.*

*Jamie grins and laughs as Con slids in the seat next to her. She was happy Con was all her tonight. It had been so long since they were able to spend more than an hour together.*

"Me..why do I ALWAYS have to choose where we go."

*Jamie cant help but giggle as she purces her lips.*

"Ok, ok ok I'll pick. How about we get something to eat and than after that we can figure something alse to do? Really it dosent matter to me as long as I am with you."

*Jamie grins again as she moves her purse out of the way and leans a bit closer to Con. Taking her free hand and clasping Con. Its was a nice warm night out, she was with the love of her life, and she was feeling good what more could she ask for.*

Where to

Reese nods thoughtfully as Lockheart speaks. "I've talked this over with Carter already, and he and I are in agreement to bring this suggestion to the table, when we call our meeting. We want to wait until Misty and Carson are back for it too."

He sighs deeply. "If everyone is against it, then we won't go through with it...but the reality is, that every day we're more and more in danger of being found out, and I would rather show our hand before the authorities come in guns blazing."

Reese things for several moments again. "The thing is...if we go out in the open, all of us are guilty of illegal acts...whether we've killed people, used false identities, forged signatures, or hacked into confidential police records. So you're right...if this happens, we'll need a good lawyer, and you're the only one I would trust."

"...We've never had one of our men end up in prison before...we've always been able to stop it from going that far. And...I just can't stand the thought of Jason spending the good part of his life behind bars. I know he knew the risks...but I can't live with myself if I haven't tried all I can to get him out. And my guess is, that the rest of the staff will be behind me in this. I don't know what will happen...if we fold, I'll have a whole staff who are out of jobs...some have families to take care of...others don't know anything different. But that's why they're going to be included in the decision making."

A cop enters the small cafe and sits down at a nearby table with a cup of coffee. Reese shrugs and gives Lockheart a knowing look. "I guess this meeting is over for now. I'll let you know what happens."

Seven o'clock. Scott waits outside his beater car in the parking lot of the theater, waiting for Katie to arrive. As promised, he hasn't changed out of his "laid back" clothing.

"Alright, Jamie..." Con slips in behind his steering wheel and turns on the motor. "Your pick. I'm all yours tonight, and my cell phone is staying home so no one can bother me. It's your night to decide what we do." He glances in her direction, a grin on his face.

Laura glances at the clock and gives a little sigh. Shutting off her computer, she performs her nightly routine of getting ready to go home, finally grabbing her purse and heading for the exit. She makes it home in good time, and greets Henry with a kiss and a rub to his head. Throwing on some comfy clothes, she heads to the kitchen to make something light for her supper. Maybe she'd curl up on the couch with a good book tonight.

Wyatt pulls out of the TJY parking lot and heads to the other end of town. Needing to get some groceries, he aims for the store. It doesn't take him long, and he opts to go take a quick stop at a friend's house outside of town to set up a day and time to go fishing together. Once leaving, Wyatt takes a country road around the outskirts of town, taking his time. Evenings were lonely every once in a while, and this was one of them. He was in no hurry to get home.


*Katie smiles as she keeps her walk twords her desk. Alittle light warmed Katie's heart. It was nice to have someone around to talk to. To have a friend around to lean on. Katie hadent exspected to become such good friends with Scott. He alway kept to himself and was quiet. And when she first met him she though he was intresting . But now Katie got to know Scott even more, she got to see deep in him that there was more and he was a wonderful person. How Katie was glad she did befriend him. Katie sits to finish her work up and go home to get ready for tonight.*

*Lockheart sits and listens to Reese for a long moment. Taking a sip of her tea a wave of saprise corses over Lockheart as she hears Reese mention exsposing TJY. She new the saprise could be seen in her eyes too. Lockheart dident know TJY all that well, she hadent been there for years like the others.*

"Reese...I understand where you are coming from, and I think its amazing that you would be willing to do that to save someone. But...what will happend to TJY after and everyone that works for you. This is a big desition to make, and I think you should talk with your employees about it as well. This is there life too. I havent been around for long but I got the pleasure to meet some of them and you can tell this place means everything to them."

*Lockheart takes another sip of her tea as she thinks a bit more.*

"I want to help Jason, I really do. I dont like seeing Katie misrable, and I dont like the change I see in Jason. I often think back and as horrable as it sounds I think my brother was luck to have goten the death sentince than to have to sit in Jail like Jason is. Yes he is alive, and geting out in 4o years if we cant do anything, but is he truly alive anymore? His soul, his spirit is dieing."

*Lockheart lets out a sigh and looks down in her tea cup thinking and relizing she was off the trail alittle bit. It still hurt when she thought of Angeal how she did miss him and how it must be even harder for Katie to know the one you love is alive but you cant see them.*

"Anyways, if you end up exsposing TJY your going to need an atturny, and I dont have anything plained for now. Most the work the last few months I have been geting to my office in Cali they have been email to me, and I have had other take the cases for me. So I can keep doing that. Its working out fine for now. So...all in all I would like to represent TJY if if came down to it. It would be another long process but, I feel right now this is where I am needed most."

It's time

As Scott flips open his can of pop, his eyes go wide at Katie's acceptance of his invitation. She'd actually said yes? He hadn't really expected that at all. He was usually given excuses not to do thing with him, so this was new. Not that he minded...

He grins as he watches Katie leave, and calls after her. "Meet me at the theater at seven!"

Reese sighs deeply. "How about meeting at the cafe downtown in half an hour?"

...The cafe had few people in it - a good setting for a private conversation. Reese sips on his glass of coke and plays with his straw wrapper, thinking for several moments before saying what he wants to Lockheart.

Finally looking up at her, his eyes show a weariness in them. "I care about my workers, Lockheart..." He pauses. "I have the most loyal group of people working under me, and when one of them is hurt or in trouble, it's like knowing your kid is in pain."

He looks back down to the table. "And sometimes sacrifices need to be made to help that one person, or save them from an awful fate... Jason's facing a terrible fate, and he's already started on a downward spiral from what I've heard. Our investigative efforts have done nothing. And...there may be only one drastic measure that can shock the system enough to get enough attention to expose the bribery in the courtroom."

Reese thinks hard for several more moments, then glances up to look Lockheart in the eye. "I think it's time TJY was exposed."


*Katie cant help but giggle at Scott and his reaction.*

"Scotty calm down it was a complament. I think you look find like that. Alot more layed back and relaxed."

*As Katie steps away from the fridge she thinks about Scott offer to go to the movies. Katie hadent been in a while and it might do some good to have some fun. She tyred to keep her mind busy anyways cuz than she dident have time to think so maybe hanging out with a friend was a good thing. Katie walks twords Scott once standing by his side before passing him Katie looks to him and smiles.*

"Ok, you have a deal. As long as you lean to take complaments better. Oh ya let me know what time I need to be there later too."

*Kaite cant help but smile giving alittle laugh and shaking her head as she walks out of the break room and to her desk.*

*Lockheart grabs her phone looking to se eits Reese. Stoping what she was doing on her computer for a moment to talk.*

"Hey Reese. Ya I thought that was the case when I hadent hurd much from you. Ya let me know where and were you wanna meet. I'm not really doing much. ok..."

*Lockheart was willin to listen to anything. She saw Jason, she saw Katie, and she saw the pain is was bring. She wanted this over as much as the next person.*

One more option

Scott's eyebrows shoot up at Katie's first remark, and he opts not to respond, simply rolling his eyes and turning towards the pop machine. After the can gets stuck and he takes several moments of twisting, turning and pulling to get it out, he's ready to walk away when Katie's second remark makes him spin around. His face turns three shades of red. "It's not like I did this on purpose," he defends. "Tell my dog to stop playing games, and I can look halfway decent when I come into work, let alone be on time."

He quirks an eyebrow with challenging annoyance. "If you think I'm so hot, then why don't you just come watch that new action flick down at the movie theater with me tonight?" He holds out his arms to the side in surrender. "I'll even stay this way if it brings you that much amusement."

Carson paces up and down the walk in front of Misty's place, waiting for her to get back. He knew her test would take a while, but he'd been bored and wanted the fresh air, so the walk gave him something else to think about.

Reese picks up the phone and dials, waiting for Lockheart to pick up. "Hey, good morning. This is Reese...look...we've been coming up empty handed over here, and...I think it's time we sat and talked again. There's one more option left."

Layed back look

*Katie streaches as she sits in the breakroom. Lost in thought today. She really dident want to or feel up to working but she had promised she would be in. Running a hand over her face she looks up when she hears someone come into the break room. As Katie looks up and see Scott she feels like her mouth is hanging open for a moment. Looking away Katie smerks.*

"Yep I was right, you do look good with the layed back look."

*Katie stands and goes to the fridge puting the rest of her OJ in there. OJ....Katie's mind drifts to Jason as she lets out a sigh. Oh how she missed Jason. Eating in the morning with him, going home with him. They had worked so hard to make it work than finally the day came when Jason said he too DID have feelings for Katie and wanted to be with her than the kiss. That was only a memorie in her mind now. Jason was slipping away and along with him a peace of Katie was slipping away to. Trying to push eveything out of her mind once again but have little sucess at it Katie turns and gives Scott a look over fast a smile forming on her face. How she loved to tease her friend when she new it would make him turn red.*

"So my new looking Hot Hunk of a friend, what are you up today?"

*Katie turns around from the counter and trys to past the best smile on her face she can. Katie dident want anyone to worry about her. She's be ok sooner or later when Jason returned.*

*Misty runs around her house geting things ready. Today would be the day she was to go into school and take her test. Geting dressed she threw a cute while sun dress, and she sandles on. It was important to pass this test so she could go home with Carson. Misty was nervouse but she new she would do ok. After words she was going to meet Carson for some lunch. Jumping into her car she makes her way to the school as her nerves go wild.*

*Jamie enters TJY and heads to her desk. She was going to be meeting Con after work for just a night out. She wasent sure what they were gonna do or where they were going but Jamie new it would be a special night. As Jamie sits at her desk she jumps right into her work she had alot to do and so little time.*

Looking Good

Scott is dumbfounded for just a moment, at Katie's comment. "What is it with you women and contacts?!"

On to the subject of the vacuum, Scott laughs. "Yeah, well maybe I ought to set up a fundraiser and see how many other people would pay to see me do it."

As Katie winds down the conversation, Scott follows her lead. "Alright. Well have a good evening, and we'll see ya around here tomorrow."

Katie's horn blaring echoes through Mike's property and a few moments later, the door bursts open with Kyle emerging. "Well hotdog! It's KT and she's got a new set of wheels!" A grin spreads across his face. "Wooee and it's a nice 'un too!"

"Let me see!" Jen wheels up behind him and peeks out the door. "Ooooh, Katie, she's gorgeous!"

Kyle admires the car for a couple minutes, then waves Katie inside with enthusiasm. "Come on, come in, we got this great new song we're working on, but we need your opinion."

The evening at Mike's is one filled with laughter as the band practices. Some songs they hit right on, others they mess up royally, just adding to the humor. Pizza is ordered out for supper, and by the time the night winds down, it's getting late. Kyle and Phil head out, and Mike offers to take Jen back to her home, everyone wishing Katie a good night as well.

Carson reaches up to brush Misty's cheek with the back of his hand. "I don't care what we watch. You pick. I'm just looking forward to the popcorn," he teases.

Time spent indoors on the couch is relaxing, as the stress of recent events begins to melt away. So much to do, but tonight...tonight there is rest.

After a long movie, Carson leaves Misty's place to go back to his hotel, promising to return in the morning as she continues preparing to leave for the US.

Con pauses as he pulls his shirt over is head. Had Jamie just said something about a buffet? He wasn't sure. Running a towel over his wet hair again and throwing on some cologne, he's finally ready and comes out into the living room. "How about the Western Grill House?" he suggests, clueless that Jamie had just mentioned it. He grabs his keys, and slips his wallet into his back pocket. "We can take my car, then I'll just bring you back here after so you can drive home."

Jason lies on his bed, a thousand thoughts flowing through his mind, his concentration landing on none. Other than receiving a warning from the Warden, the day had been as normal as any other. Time spent with Katie had been too short... he was getting used to not seeing anyone from the outside, and it didn't feel good.

As he lies in the dark, his heart continues to work on the barrier that was still forming. But its host does not heed warning. For along with burying negative emotions, the good were being dragged down with them, creating an empty abyss where no feelings could survive. Hope...love...joy...they remained in the heart, but were slowly becoming locked away behind the outer shell of protectiveness. Like many before, time here was taking its toll.

Thunder rumbles, shaking the atmosphere as the dark clouds threatened to break forth. The rising sun struggles to create light on this stormy morning. But despite the want to stop time as the dense weather provides a gloomy atmosphere, life persists. Some depressed by the rain, others invigorated.

Scott dashes in out of the rain, hurriedly swiping his card to open the door at TJY. It had not been his morning. He was late - an unthinkable event in his daily routine.

Laura looks up from her desk as movement at the door catches her attention. Her eyes widen as Scott walks towards his desk. His hair was not neatly combed as normal, he was wearing his contacts, he had jeans on with a hole in one knee and a grass stain on the other, and a black tee replaced his usual button-down shirt and loose tie. "Wow, Scott, what..."

He raises a hand. "Don't ask."

Laura tries to hold in a giggle. "Where's Scott and what did you do with him?"

"He's at the drycleaners," he quips. "And that is the last time I open my front door before putting a leash on Domino."

Laura puts a hand to her mouth as mental images begin to form. She knew without Scott saying it, that he'd been chasing his little black and white Boston Terrier through the neighborhood. She watches as Scott passes by and he slips a little on the tiled floor with his wet sneakers. "I won't bother you about my computer until you've settled in this morning," she calls after him. "And just for the record, I like the new look!"

Scott smirks and continues his route to his desk, shaking his head. Tossing his keys on his desk, he turns around and aims for the break room. He'd missed his coffee that morning, and a can of pop right about now sounded good.

Night together

*Katie cant help but laugh as she turns down another street and heads out of town once again. Poor Scott. Katie felt alittle bad for him he was always breaking his glasses or something alse around the office.*

"You broke another pare? Why dont you just wair your contacts."

*Alittle grin cross Katie face.*

"I bet you look cute without your glasses on Scotty."

*Though Katie cant see Scott she can guess he probley just turned 3 differnt shades of red. Katie cant help but laugh again. It was nice to laugh alittle after the rough time she had.*

"Scotty I would pay good money to see you stick a vaccume up your nose. It would be to funny not to."

*Katie continues to talk to Scott as she drives to Mikes house. She just wanted to hear a voice and not be alone with her own thoughts at the moment. Finally drawing close to Mike's she decieds she better let Scott go.*

"Well Scotty I am gonna let you go. I probley will be heading home after I stop at my friends place and than pass out. If I feel better in the AM I'll see ya work. Have a good Night."

*Katie hangs up the phone as she pulls into Mike's driveway. Parking close to the house Katie gets out of the car and shuts the door. Reaching through the open window she lays on the horn loud and long. Only to finally leting up on it and slidding to the front of the car to lean back on her arms on the hood smiling.*

*Misty smiles as her arms wrap around Carson and she holds him. Misty brings her face over top of Carson's shoulder so her cheek is touching his and resting on his shoulder. Misty's smile stays in place. She was alittle happy herself to stay inside. Over the last few days they had done alot and Misty herself was pooped.*

"Your not disapointing me. I think staying at home and watching a movie sounds great."

*Misty gives Carson a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Now we just have to decied what movie to watch. Any sujestions?"

*Jamie follows Con back to his apartment and waits inside for him. Just siting back in the chair and relaxing while he got cleaned up. It had been a long day and siting felt good. As Jamie sits she trys to think of a good differnt place to eat. Once Con gets out Jamie smiles and yells.*

"How about the Western Grill House tonight they have there Buffet. Than if you want to eat that Cow you can."

*Jamie cant help but smile as her tummy growls as she continue to wait for Con.*