

Carson looks up as Misty approaches, and is glad to return the kiss, a smile breaking his lips. “I’m much better now,” he muses. He rises to his feet and stretches a little. “And it’s alright. It’s not like I had anywhere to go, or had a big schedule.”

He cocks his head. “So how about you? How’d things go?”

Laura eyes Nate with just a little suspicion, but accepts the flowers, putting them to her nose to smell their sweet perfume. “Well I wouldn’t want to kill something as lovely as these, so I will put them in water.”

Her cheeks turn crimson at Nate calling her pretty, and she looks down for a moment, feeling silly. Why was it that she always melted under his gaze? She could play it so tough with everyone else, but with him…it was just hard.

Upon his order to get her shoes on, she looks back up, quirking an eyebrow and regaining her composure. “Looks like your time in that hot sun didn’t do your stubbornness any good.”

Embraced in his hug, for a moment, she feel so warm, cozy, safe. But like a sudden wind, it’s replaced by a fear that sends a tingle down her spine and she withdraws. “Um…okay… Just give me a minute to at least put some decent clothes on.” She turns from the door, letting it fall open wider. “You can come in and wait if you want.”

Scott just rolls his eyes at Katie’s comment about his dog, and doesn’t give a verbal response. Once she suggests the popcorn, he nods. “Alright. A large popcorn it is, and two waters.”

He nods as she leaves, but watches her out of the corner of his eye, sensing something wasn’t quite right. As if he didn’t know. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked Katie to come tonight. But she’d seemed like she really wanted to…

“Sir, can I help you?”

Scott turns back around to the counter. “Uh, yeah…”

Once Katie returns, Scott hands her her water and points down the hall. “We’re right down here.” He leads the way once again, but stops at the door and turns to Katie. He doesn’t like asking, but it didn’t feel right not to. “I’m real glad you wanted to come tonight, but you sure you feel up to staying? I won’t be offended if you don’t.”

Wyatt eyes the woman with a little bit of annoyed humor. Only a city slicker would think of staying out here all night. “Look, Miss, I know you’ll probably say no because you don’t know me from Adam, but I’d be more than happy to give you a ride into town. I wouldn’t feel right about just leaving you out here, and trust me – it would be a whole lot more dangerous than accepting a ride from me.”

He cocks his head. “I’ll even give you my crowbar and you can hit me over the head any time you get scared.”

Supper is fun and peaceful on the lakefront. As Con promised, after the meal, he takes Jamie by the hand and leads the way to the sandy beach. The moon is just up, sending its bright rays over the sparking water, the warm breeze creating ripples.

Halfway down the beach, Con stop and turns, just to gaze out on the water. It was quiet…restful…no chaotic noise…just…peaceful.

Jason kicks the end of his bed, letting off some steam. He paces for several moments, his hands on his hips. Seeing Ethan knifed to death two hours ago turned his stomach. Zane was in solitary confinement now, but for what…Ethan was dead. Jason cringes at the image that has embedded itself in his mind. The knife…the blood….it bothered him more than he would have thought or wanted to admit.

Taking a deep breath, Jason closes his eyes, slowing down his thoughts, calming his emotions enough to push them a safe distance from his heart.

He flops down on his bed and curls up, wanting just to sleep now.

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