
Where to

Reese nods thoughtfully as Lockheart speaks. "I've talked this over with Carter already, and he and I are in agreement to bring this suggestion to the table, when we call our meeting. We want to wait until Misty and Carson are back for it too."

He sighs deeply. "If everyone is against it, then we won't go through with it...but the reality is, that every day we're more and more in danger of being found out, and I would rather show our hand before the authorities come in guns blazing."

Reese things for several moments again. "The thing is...if we go out in the open, all of us are guilty of illegal acts...whether we've killed people, used false identities, forged signatures, or hacked into confidential police records. So you're right...if this happens, we'll need a good lawyer, and you're the only one I would trust."

"...We've never had one of our men end up in prison before...we've always been able to stop it from going that far. And...I just can't stand the thought of Jason spending the good part of his life behind bars. I know he knew the risks...but I can't live with myself if I haven't tried all I can to get him out. And my guess is, that the rest of the staff will be behind me in this. I don't know what will happen...if we fold, I'll have a whole staff who are out of jobs...some have families to take care of...others don't know anything different. But that's why they're going to be included in the decision making."

A cop enters the small cafe and sits down at a nearby table with a cup of coffee. Reese shrugs and gives Lockheart a knowing look. "I guess this meeting is over for now. I'll let you know what happens."

Seven o'clock. Scott waits outside his beater car in the parking lot of the theater, waiting for Katie to arrive. As promised, he hasn't changed out of his "laid back" clothing.

"Alright, Jamie..." Con slips in behind his steering wheel and turns on the motor. "Your pick. I'm all yours tonight, and my cell phone is staying home so no one can bother me. It's your night to decide what we do." He glances in her direction, a grin on his face.

Laura glances at the clock and gives a little sigh. Shutting off her computer, she performs her nightly routine of getting ready to go home, finally grabbing her purse and heading for the exit. She makes it home in good time, and greets Henry with a kiss and a rub to his head. Throwing on some comfy clothes, she heads to the kitchen to make something light for her supper. Maybe she'd curl up on the couch with a good book tonight.

Wyatt pulls out of the TJY parking lot and heads to the other end of town. Needing to get some groceries, he aims for the store. It doesn't take him long, and he opts to go take a quick stop at a friend's house outside of town to set up a day and time to go fishing together. Once leaving, Wyatt takes a country road around the outskirts of town, taking his time. Evenings were lonely every once in a while, and this was one of them. He was in no hurry to get home.

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