
One more option

Scott's eyebrows shoot up at Katie's first remark, and he opts not to respond, simply rolling his eyes and turning towards the pop machine. After the can gets stuck and he takes several moments of twisting, turning and pulling to get it out, he's ready to walk away when Katie's second remark makes him spin around. His face turns three shades of red. "It's not like I did this on purpose," he defends. "Tell my dog to stop playing games, and I can look halfway decent when I come into work, let alone be on time."

He quirks an eyebrow with challenging annoyance. "If you think I'm so hot, then why don't you just come watch that new action flick down at the movie theater with me tonight?" He holds out his arms to the side in surrender. "I'll even stay this way if it brings you that much amusement."

Carson paces up and down the walk in front of Misty's place, waiting for her to get back. He knew her test would take a while, but he'd been bored and wanted the fresh air, so the walk gave him something else to think about.

Reese picks up the phone and dials, waiting for Lockheart to pick up. "Hey, good morning. This is Reese...look...we've been coming up empty handed over here, and...I think it's time we sat and talked again. There's one more option left."

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