
Car problems

*Lockheart watches at the Cop enters the cafe. She reconized him as one of the ones from where Jason was. A cold chill runs down her spin as she turns back to Reese and nods.*

"Ok, just let me know whats going on and I will contact my office in Cali and see what I can set up. If we end up going through with this I am gonna have some stuff sent to me."

*Lockheart finishs up her tea and Offes her hand to Reese lowing her voice.*

"Contact me whenever you know whats going to happen Reese and I just want to extend my thanks to you as well for this opertunity to help you everyone."

*Lockheart smiles. She did feel important, and it felt good to do something so helpful. It was a challange and Lockheart was always up for something new.*

~*~Sometime Later~*~

*A loud bang rings up and down the deserted desert road as car swerves to the side of the road. A figure slowly emerging from the drives side her dark blonde hair that is streaked with red, and lighter blond is a tad bit messed up proving the heat was something she wasent use to. Her skin was fair and had a hint of sunburn on it. Slowly she moves around the car than looks to the middle of the road at the barbwire that was place there.*

"You have got to be be kidding me."

*Bending down the woman examens the two flat tireds where Small peaces of wire sticking out of them. Pulling out her phone the woman dials a number only to get a sharp squeeling noise in her ear an a out of service message. Her deep blue eyes show a tad bit of annoyance.*

"Great, stuck out in the middle of no where."

*Puting the phone back in her pocket she looks up and down the road only to be greeted by nothing as the sun started to set. Leting out a long sigh she removes the hairtie from her wrist and throws her hair up fast in a poneytail. Going to the passangerside of the car she reaches in and pulls out a denim jacket throwing it on than pops the trunk. Bending down she searches for a few throws. Finally she slams the trunk down her hands empty.*

"Why is this happing to me Tonight of all nights."

*Moving over to the front of the car the woman sits down on the hood and puts her face in her hands leting out a frestrated tired sigh. This was the iceing on the cake for her day. What was she going to do now.*

*As Katie rushes around at home she takes not its 6:30. She was going to have to leave soon if she was going to make it on time. Finishing up in the bathroom she heads into the bedroom and throws on a teal t-shair and a pare of jeans. As she pass her mirror she relizes her hair dident look right going back into the bathroom she sticks her head under the focet and drenches her hair. Pulling her head out and grabing a towle she drys the extra water out, grabs some gel and runs some through it causing her highlights to snow more and giving a tiny messed up look. Finally satisfied she grabs her hoodie in case it gets cold and to the front door.*

"Laura I wont be done to long."

*Katie was excited about going out tonight with a friend. Its felt nice to look forward to something insted of salking in her room. Though she still couldent help feeling a bit down that Jason wouldent be going with her.

Opening the door Katie cant help but smile turning she yells back into the other room. Laura you NEED to come here and look at this quick.

Once again Katie turns back to the door and heads out throwing a smile and wink at the waiting Nate who is on the pourch with a Bouquet of daffodils. He hadent even needed to say anything to Katie and she new who he was there for.

Jumping into her car Katie heads to the theater. Looking down at the car clock it reads 7:01. Crap she was going to be late. Going a tad bit faster than she should Katie finally pulls into the theater parking lot and smiles as she see Scott. Geting out of the car she waves alittle.*

"Hey Scotty. Sorry I am alittle late and made you wait."

*Katie moves around the cars and keeps the smile on her face. He hadent changed like he said he wouldent.*

"Lookin good lookin good."

*Katie gives him a silly looks and alittle slap to the arm as she teases him.*

"So....I hadent see you since this morning. You wernt trying to avoid me so I wouldent give you anymore complament were you? How was your afternoon?"

*Katie slowly walks with Scott twords the theater.*

*Nate watches as Katie jumps into a car. Was that hers? She must of got it after he had left. Turning back to the door Nate waits for Laura to come. It had been almost two weeks since he had been gone and he had missed spending time with Laura. His skin was darker than normal proving most of his time was spent in the sun. His hair was spiked up and he wore his sunglasss. Along with some cackys and a white tank shirt. A smile on his face.*

*Jamie grins and laughs as Con slids in the seat next to her. She was happy Con was all her tonight. It had been so long since they were able to spend more than an hour together.*

"Me..why do I ALWAYS have to choose where we go."

*Jamie cant help but giggle as she purces her lips.*

"Ok, ok ok I'll pick. How about we get something to eat and than after that we can figure something alse to do? Really it dosent matter to me as long as I am with you."

*Jamie grins again as she moves her purse out of the way and leans a bit closer to Con. Taking her free hand and clasping Con. Its was a nice warm night out, she was with the love of her life, and she was feeling good what more could she ask for.*

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