
Night together

*Katie cant help but laugh as she turns down another street and heads out of town once again. Poor Scott. Katie felt alittle bad for him he was always breaking his glasses or something alse around the office.*

"You broke another pare? Why dont you just wair your contacts."

*Alittle grin cross Katie face.*

"I bet you look cute without your glasses on Scotty."

*Though Katie cant see Scott she can guess he probley just turned 3 differnt shades of red. Katie cant help but laugh again. It was nice to laugh alittle after the rough time she had.*

"Scotty I would pay good money to see you stick a vaccume up your nose. It would be to funny not to."

*Katie continues to talk to Scott as she drives to Mikes house. She just wanted to hear a voice and not be alone with her own thoughts at the moment. Finally drawing close to Mike's she decieds she better let Scott go.*

"Well Scotty I am gonna let you go. I probley will be heading home after I stop at my friends place and than pass out. If I feel better in the AM I'll see ya work. Have a good Night."

*Katie hangs up the phone as she pulls into Mike's driveway. Parking close to the house Katie gets out of the car and shuts the door. Reaching through the open window she lays on the horn loud and long. Only to finally leting up on it and slidding to the front of the car to lean back on her arms on the hood smiling.*

*Misty smiles as her arms wrap around Carson and she holds him. Misty brings her face over top of Carson's shoulder so her cheek is touching his and resting on his shoulder. Misty's smile stays in place. She was alittle happy herself to stay inside. Over the last few days they had done alot and Misty herself was pooped.*

"Your not disapointing me. I think staying at home and watching a movie sounds great."

*Misty gives Carson a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Now we just have to decied what movie to watch. Any sujestions?"

*Jamie follows Con back to his apartment and waits inside for him. Just siting back in the chair and relaxing while he got cleaned up. It had been a long day and siting felt good. As Jamie sits she trys to think of a good differnt place to eat. Once Con gets out Jamie smiles and yells.*

"How about the Western Grill House tonight they have there Buffet. Than if you want to eat that Cow you can."

*Jamie cant help but smile as her tummy growls as she continue to wait for Con.*

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