
Looking Good

Scott is dumbfounded for just a moment, at Katie's comment. "What is it with you women and contacts?!"

On to the subject of the vacuum, Scott laughs. "Yeah, well maybe I ought to set up a fundraiser and see how many other people would pay to see me do it."

As Katie winds down the conversation, Scott follows her lead. "Alright. Well have a good evening, and we'll see ya around here tomorrow."

Katie's horn blaring echoes through Mike's property and a few moments later, the door bursts open with Kyle emerging. "Well hotdog! It's KT and she's got a new set of wheels!" A grin spreads across his face. "Wooee and it's a nice 'un too!"

"Let me see!" Jen wheels up behind him and peeks out the door. "Ooooh, Katie, she's gorgeous!"

Kyle admires the car for a couple minutes, then waves Katie inside with enthusiasm. "Come on, come in, we got this great new song we're working on, but we need your opinion."

The evening at Mike's is one filled with laughter as the band practices. Some songs they hit right on, others they mess up royally, just adding to the humor. Pizza is ordered out for supper, and by the time the night winds down, it's getting late. Kyle and Phil head out, and Mike offers to take Jen back to her home, everyone wishing Katie a good night as well.

Carson reaches up to brush Misty's cheek with the back of his hand. "I don't care what we watch. You pick. I'm just looking forward to the popcorn," he teases.

Time spent indoors on the couch is relaxing, as the stress of recent events begins to melt away. So much to do, but tonight...tonight there is rest.

After a long movie, Carson leaves Misty's place to go back to his hotel, promising to return in the morning as she continues preparing to leave for the US.

Con pauses as he pulls his shirt over is head. Had Jamie just said something about a buffet? He wasn't sure. Running a towel over his wet hair again and throwing on some cologne, he's finally ready and comes out into the living room. "How about the Western Grill House?" he suggests, clueless that Jamie had just mentioned it. He grabs his keys, and slips his wallet into his back pocket. "We can take my car, then I'll just bring you back here after so you can drive home."

Jason lies on his bed, a thousand thoughts flowing through his mind, his concentration landing on none. Other than receiving a warning from the Warden, the day had been as normal as any other. Time spent with Katie had been too short... he was getting used to not seeing anyone from the outside, and it didn't feel good.

As he lies in the dark, his heart continues to work on the barrier that was still forming. But its host does not heed warning. For along with burying negative emotions, the good were being dragged down with them, creating an empty abyss where no feelings could survive. Hope...love...joy...they remained in the heart, but were slowly becoming locked away behind the outer shell of protectiveness. Like many before, time here was taking its toll.

Thunder rumbles, shaking the atmosphere as the dark clouds threatened to break forth. The rising sun struggles to create light on this stormy morning. But despite the want to stop time as the dense weather provides a gloomy atmosphere, life persists. Some depressed by the rain, others invigorated.

Scott dashes in out of the rain, hurriedly swiping his card to open the door at TJY. It had not been his morning. He was late - an unthinkable event in his daily routine.

Laura looks up from her desk as movement at the door catches her attention. Her eyes widen as Scott walks towards his desk. His hair was not neatly combed as normal, he was wearing his contacts, he had jeans on with a hole in one knee and a grass stain on the other, and a black tee replaced his usual button-down shirt and loose tie. "Wow, Scott, what..."

He raises a hand. "Don't ask."

Laura tries to hold in a giggle. "Where's Scott and what did you do with him?"

"He's at the drycleaners," he quips. "And that is the last time I open my front door before putting a leash on Domino."

Laura puts a hand to her mouth as mental images begin to form. She knew without Scott saying it, that he'd been chasing his little black and white Boston Terrier through the neighborhood. She watches as Scott passes by and he slips a little on the tiled floor with his wet sneakers. "I won't bother you about my computer until you've settled in this morning," she calls after him. "And just for the record, I like the new look!"

Scott smirks and continues his route to his desk, shaking his head. Tossing his keys on his desk, he turns around and aims for the break room. He'd missed his coffee that morning, and a can of pop right about now sounded good.

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