

*Misty smiles as she opens the door to let herself and Carson in.*

"I think it went pretty well. The test was ALOT harder than I exspected, and differnt. I had 4 differnt cases where people were sick writen up. There symptoms the whole nine yards. Than I had to write up diagnosis for them and treatments. There was one I wasent to sure about but I dont think I did bad. So...now I just need for them to grade it, than tomarrow after noon I should know how I did. I am so excited and scaired at the same time."

*Entering the house Misty throws her keys and purse on the table.*

"I am gonna go take a shower fast and than we can go out and do whatever if you want. Just be thinking of what to do and I will be back."

*Misty makes her way down the hall to her bedroom and than into the bathroom closing the door behind herself. Within a few moment Misty is drying her hair and exiting the bathroom to find Carson and see if he decieded what they should do tonight.*

*Nate enters and smile going to sit down on the coutch. He loved Laura's apartment it was so nice and neat inside. As Laura is in the other room Nate stays siting and yells to her.*


*Nate leans back on the coutch relaxing waiting for Laura. He had gone right home to see Maggie and than ran out again to see Laura. Truth be told he was a bit tired but dident want let go of this perfect chanse to see Laura.*

*Katie takes a sip of her water as Scott stops in front of the door listing to what he has to say.*

"Scott, I want to be here. I am happy to be here. You can get rid of me that easly. Your stuck with me now. I'm not leaving."

*Katie gets a bigger grin on her face. But slowly sees the look on Scotts own face relizing he really was worryed. Growing alittle more serous Katie puts her hand on Scotts arm (in a friendly mannor-.-) and smiles.*

"Honestly Scott, I'm ok. Just hit a rough stop. I'd rather be out with you to keep me company than siting at home alone. I really am happy to be here with you Scott. Thank you for asking me to come out with you."

*As the room where the movie is starts to get dark Katie smiles and interlocks her arm with Scotts. The feelings were still on her tummy and heart that something was wrong. But Katie was deturmened to have a good time tonight.*

"Come on lets go before we miss the movie."

*The woman cant help but laugh at Wyatt's comment.*

"Give me a sec to grab my stuff and dont worry about the crowbar. I think my purse is heavy enough to hurt if it hits you."

*Walking about to the driverside the woman opens the door and grabs her purse and locks the door. Geting into Wyatt's car she gives a smile.*

"Mmmmm....My place is on rockwood Av. I hope you know where it is, cuz this is my first time going there and I have no idea where it is. Thats how I ended up out here in the first place."

*Rolling her eyes at herself she relizes how stupid she must sound right about now.*

*Jamie enjoys the time with Con she always did. As she listens to the sound of the waves and water crashing on the shoreline Jamie feels at peace. Jamie moves so she is alittle bit closer to Con leaning on him slightly. Leting out a content sigh.*

"You have been working so much Con I havent seen as much of you as I would like but...if everytime a spand of not seeing you ended like like, I think I can deal. Thank you Con for making me this a wonderful night."

*Jamie streches on her tip toes and gives Con a quick kiss. Than backs up looking into Cons eyes as the moon light shown bright through them.*

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