
Well Well Well

*Misty drives down the road leting out a long sigh. It had taken her 2 hours longer at school than she exspected. Pulling into her driveway she see Carson siting on the steps. A smile comes to her face as she gets out of the car and walks over.*

"Well well well look what we have here. There is a hot man siting on my steps whatever am I to do."

*As Misty gets closer to Carson she sets her bag down than bends over planting a long passinot kiss on Carson's lips than pulls away with a grin playing on her lips.*

"How are ya? Sorry it took my so long."

*Nate grins and smiles at Laura. Oh how he had missed her. He sticks his arms out offering the flowers to Laura.*

"Well first off I insist you take these and put them in some water before they die and next I in this area to see a pretty lady and guess what I found one."

*Nate cocks a crooked grin as he straghtens up.*

"Grab your shoes we are gonna get some ice cream and you cant say no. I have spent 2 weeks in the hot sun, under cover and now I want to spend some time with the prettyest woman in Nevada. So come on...get those shoes on please."

*Nate cant help but smile than reach out to give Laura a hug.*

"I missed ya Laura."

*Katie laughs as she walks into the thearer with Scott. A smerk still on her face.*

"Well I guess I'll have to have a talk with your dog than to keep the game playing up so her daddy can look like this every day."

*Once they are inside and looking up snack bored Katie gets lost in though for a moment. She was geting a sick feeling in her tummy and she new it was Jason. Something was wrong but he was again masking it. Leting out a long heavy sigh and hearing Scott ask her about popcorn Katie snaps out of the transe and smiles at Scott.*

"I LOVE popcorn, but I'm not to hungry all of a suddon. How about you get a big tub and we can shair it. That way I can eat alittle and you can have the rest. I would like some water though losts of ice."

*Kaite smiles at Scott again as he goes to order. Feeling sick again Katie walks over to Scott and puts a hand on his arm to get his attachen.*

"Scotty, I'll be right back. I have to use the little ladys room."

*Katie makes her way following the signs to the bathroom. Going to the sink she leans over it for a moment than looks back up at the mirror whispering to herself.*

"Oh Jason..why are you doing this to youself."

*Closing her eyes and swallowing. Reaching down she turns the water on and splashes her face. Grabing some paper towles she pats her face dry and takes a moment to try pushing her feelins away again. Scott has asked her to come to the movies with him and she dident want to make him feel like she wasent having a fun time when she new she would. Exiting the bathroom she finds Scott and takes her drink smiling again.*

"Ok I am ready now. Lead the way I've never been here."

*Jamie grins she new Con would break and decied sooner or later.*

"Hey, I like your idea better lets do that."

*Jamie small talks with Con along the way as she holds his hand contently.*

*The woman lifts her head and stands with a jump as Wyatt calls to her. She hadent even hurd the car. For a long moment she just studys Wyatt being alittle leary about him.*

"Someone put some barbwire in the middle of the road and I got two flats. I was going to change them myself but it seem like I replace the spairs and the jack from the last time."

*The woman rolls her eyes as she pulls her cell phone from her pocket.*

"My cell dosent get any signil out here eather go figure thats just the kind of day I am having. I figured I would sleep in my car for tonight and in the morning I would start the long walk back into town. I should be ok..maybe. Thanks for making sure."

*The woman gives Wyatt a friendly smile.*

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