
Movie food?

Laura hears Katie call her, and furrows her brow, confused. Setting aside her yogurt, she shuffles to the door in her flannel pajama pants and green tanktop. Reaching the entrance, her eyes widen in surprise, and a grin makes its way across her mouth.

“Well hi, there, stranger.” She leans on the doorframe and crosses her arms, cocking her head at Nate. “And what brings you to this part of the neighborhood?”

Scott laughs and shakes his head. “I haven’t been waiting long. Besides, we still got fifteen minutes to get in, get our popcorn and find the best seat.” He smirks at her. “No, I don’t avoid anyone, I was getting stuck in a heating duct behind Reese’s office, trying to find a loose wire. And that answers your question as to how my afternoon went too.” He rolls his eyes. “But tomorrow, sorry, I’m gonna lose this so-called look. I got it from you, from Laura, and even Susanne. No siree, it’s back to my normal garb tomorrow.”

He leads the way inside, holding the door open for Katie, then resuming his pace in front of her as they approach the counter. He mentions the movie they’re going to see, then thumbs to Katie. “And I’m getting hers too.”

After paying, Scott heads to the food counter, and gives Katie a sidelong glance. “So are you one of the stubborn ones who won’t pay to eat at a theater, or do you let go and just enjoy yourself and the greasy popcorn?”

Con grins at Jamie and gives her hand a squeeze. “I make you choose because I like making you happy. But…if it bothers you that much…” He chuckles. “Then I’ll choose the half hour drive out to the lakeside restaurant, then after a nice long dinner, we’ll stroll the moonlit beach, end up at the ice cream shack, then walk off all those calories on the way back.”

Wyatt turns up the music on the radio, just driving. He hadn’t gone back into town like planned…it just seemed a good evening for a drive. And something pulled at him to drive…it was a strange feeling…he didn’t normally just drive for no reason, but tonight it felt right.

Turning down a halfway-familiar road, he spots a car on the side of the road in the distance. Slowing just a little, he passes it, looking in his rearview mirror. Two flat tires? Was that a woman sitting on the hood?

Concern hits him. It was going to be dark soon. No one should wait out here like that. She probably had someone coming already, but he wouldn’t feel right not checking to make sure.

Putting on the breaks, he stops, throws his jeep in reverse and backs up, still in the road, until he’s beside the other car. He leans over and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey…you alright?” he calls.

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