

*Angel enters the room and shakes Ricks hand quickly before making her way to Con's bedside. Opening her bag Angel takes the flashlight and shines it into Con's eyes as she holds them open one by one. Talking to him knowing he can hear her.*

"Hey Con, Its Angel. I came to help out."

*Angel talks outloud as she looks at Con. Partly to herself and partly to the other.*

"Well he is sum what responsive even in this state he is in so thats a good sign."

*Angel moves her hand to Con's head and than to his arms and fingertips, than down to his tummy, and than his legs.*

"His cirulation is still good, and it dosent seem to be any failure in his orgens yet. We need to diffantly get his temp down though and these compress arnt working."

*Angel thinks for a long moment than turns to Jason, than Jamie.*

"Jason I want you to run to the store and buy 5 or 6 bages of ice. Jamie I need you to draw a cold bath not to full though. We need to dump the ice into it than get Con in. It should drop his temp and help him become contouse. Go hurry he cant stay in this deadly tempzone for long."

*Jamie nods and heads into the bathroom.*

*Once everyone but Rick had left the room Angel takes out a saringe and injects something into Con's arm.*

"Lets see if this works. Its something to fight infection. Maybe if we get his immune up real high he can pull through this."

*Angel looks at Rick worry corsing through her face.*

*As they enter the restront Katie waves."

"Hey Mable Hey Herb."

*Mable smiles.*

"Hey Katie."

*Herb raises his spatula and nods.*

"Heya Hero. I see they finally let ya rome around free huh?"

*Katie cant help but giggle as they make there way to the table.*

"I would sugest the stuffed chicken or the pizza. The chicken is my fav."

*Mable makes her way to the table with 2 drinks and sets them down.*

*Katie can help but let out a giggle.*

"Mable how did you know thats what I wanted?"

*Mable smiles.*

"Once you eat here I never forget."

*Mable looks at Kyle and smile.*

"Hey whos the looker, your the one kid from that band arnt you Jetstream? Your such a cutie I couldent forget that face. Katie hows that daughter of mine doing with her lovebird Con doing? I went over to Con's yesterday Jamie said he wasent feeling good but havent hurd anything since."

*Katie grows a bit solam and she speaks but raises an eyebrow at the mention of Con and Jamie being love birds. Mable was always geting her information mixed up maybe it was nothing.*

"Con's real sick right now Mable and Jamie has been staying with him. He's really not doing well at all. I"m sure he is gonna be ok Mable."

*Mable shakes her head and sighs.*

"Well I send my prayers there way. Its a shame. They looked so happy here the other day."

*Mable stakes Katie and Kyles order than starts to talk again when Herb yells from the kitchen.*

"MABLE....would you give me there order already and leave them alone. Cant you see they are on a date woman."

*Mable hurrys off as Katie lets out a hearty laugh and her face lights up.*

"Good Old Mable."


Jason hears Angel’s voice and goes to Con’s door. “Angel, hi. We’re down here.” He motions her inside. “Angel, this is Rick. Rick, Angel.”

Rick shakes her hand. “Glad to meet you.” He gestures to the bed. “Con’s not doing so hot. He was pretty restless and was fighting so much I ended up giving him a sedative to calm him down, but it’s starting to wear off.”

Con is starting to writhe again, fighting the bedsheets, his hand going back to his head as he winces.

Rick frowns. “He’s burning up, but I can’t get the fever back down. I just don’t know what else to do for him. He’s not responding to anybody…I can’t get him to come completely conscious…” He rubs a hand over his face. “Anything you can think of, I’m game to try.”

Kyle is taken by surprise by Katie’s hug, but returns it with a laugh. “Yes, off to lunch. Away we go. You and me…” he pauses, trying to think of a rhyme. “And on with the show?” He rolls his eyes. “Mom and Pop’s it is, my dear.”

Once to the restaurant, Kyle parks and helps Katie inside. The bell on the door signals their entrance, and he finds a table for them to sit at. “Mmm…been a while since I’ve been here. What would you recommend?”


*Jamie turns and whipes the tears from her eyes. Trying to smiles.*

"I hope he will be Hotshot. I hope he will be. I cant help it...I'm just so worryed and, I've known Con for so long to see him like this just...hurts so much."

*Holding herself from crying again Jamie goes to the fridge. Grabing some coldcutes and some cheese whiping together some sandwiches.*

"Lets bring some up to Rick and see if Con can have any."

*Jamie grabs the tray and heads back upstairs.*

*Angel smiles to Wyatt as he waves to her.*

"Nice to meet you."

*Once they are the the house Angel talkes her bag and heads into the house. Looking around Angel makes her way upstairs and calls out.*


*As Katie and Kyle speeds out into the parking lot Katie laughs so hard. As Katie is helped into the truck she smiles.*

"Oh wow you guys said yes. That is such good new. Jason is going to be so happy, I am so happy. Thank you Kyle thank you."

*Katie throws her arms around Kyle katie gives him a big hug, than draws away quickly.*


At Con's

Jason sees Jamie leave, still a bit confused by her behavior. He stays and watches Con for a while, makes a call back to TJY, paces, and finally wanders downstairs after Jamie doesn’t come back. He finds her in the kitchen, and his curiosity turns into compassion, realizing that she’s been crying.

Sighing just a little, he comes up to her from behind and puts an arm around her shoulders. “He’ll be all right…” He hoped his voice sounded more confident than what he was really feeling. “He’s too strong to let this get him down.”

Wyatt pulls up to the familiar spot near the airport and sees that the jet has just arrived. Seeing a woman stepping down from the open door, Wyatt gets out and waves her over. “Hey, you must be Angel. I’m Wyatt Reese. I’m the one who called you…I’ll take you to Con.”

Within minutes they’re on their way to Con’s, Wyatt explaining a little bit more to Angel about what’s been going on. Pulling up to the curb, Wyatt gets out and shows Angel to the door. “He’s upstairs with Rick and I think Jason’s still here too.”

Kyle peeks his head around the corner into Katie’s room, letting a silly grin escape. “Psst… if we hurry, we can get out of here without anyone seeing it. Sergeant Nurse is gone right now.” He tiptoes into her room and takes the back of her chair, keeping his voice to a whisper. “Shh….” He steers her out the door, looks both ways, then sprints for the elevator. After a rushed ride outside to the truck, Kyle finally stops, just a little out of breath. “Alright, missy, we’re off to eat Italian food. And while we’re there, we can celebrate the fact that you know before Jason that JetStream has decided to take him on.”

On My Way

*Jamie stands not being able to talk it anymore. She walks over to Jason the life that was there not so long ago almost gone but hope still remained.*

"I hope your friend really can help."

*Jamie makes her way to the door.*

"I'm going to make us some lunch if you need me. I'll be back."

*Jamie leaves and makes her way downstairs and to the kitchen. Once there she puts her hands on the sink and leans into it puting her head down. She dident want to cry in front of everyone but she couldent help it anymore her teas just came now. Jamie just dident understand why this was happing now. Why would someone try and poison Con.*

*Angel nods and leans in giving Luke a kiss.*

"I will. Let everyone alse know whats going on for me and I will call when I can. Thank you Luke."

*Angel gives him one more hug than heads to her car. After driving for about an hour she finally makes it to the air. Once everything is taken she is escorted to the jet and takes off for the long flight to Navada.*

*Katie smiles though Kyle cant see her.*

"I'm ready now so when ever you get here I'll be ready. Hope to see ya soon Hun. Drive safe."

*Katie hangs up her phone and leans her head back in her chair closing her eyes and saying her own prayer for Con.*

Come to get you

Jason watches Jamie, his eyebrow rising. Everyone at TJY liked Con…and Jamie had been a friend of Con’s for a long time. But something seemed different. Jason hadn’t expected her to be quite this emotional. A small amount of confusion evolves from curiosity, but he says nothing.

His phone rings on his belt, and he steps outside to take it. “Yeah….oh, hi, Wyatt.” Though Jason had conversed with Wyatt several times since returning from Texas, they still hadn’t discussed all that had happened, so any conversation was just a little awkward. “Hmm? No, he’s not doing so great. Rick had to give him a sedative to calm down…. What’s that… Angel? Yeah, I know her. Oh, really? Not a bad idea. Yeah, I trust her, she’s good. …Okay, thanks for letting me know. Does Reese know all this? Alright. Do me a favor and tell him I’ll be back in when I can, but I’m gonna stick around here for a while. …Thanks again, Wyatt. Bye.”

Jason flips his phone shut and reenters the room, drawing Rick to the side. “That was Wyatt. Katie suggested he call Angel, a doctor back at the ranch in Texas. Figured it couldn’t hurt to have her take a look at Con too, and she might have some ideas.”

Rick nods. “I’ve done all I know how to do, so any help is welcomed. I just hope she gets here in time.”

Con sleeps, but his breathing is still shallow, his body still resisting the foreign agent, and fighting, despite the sedative. His arms twitch a little, his hands grabbing the bedsheets with a vice grip.

Angel’s news catches Luke off guard, but he recovers quickly. He returns her hug, then puts a hand to her face, knowing that this is something she needs to do. “Okay. Call me when you know more.”

Kyle sits up straighter in the couch, a little bit concerned, and growing more serious. “Man, I’m sorry to hear about your friend…if you’re sure you want to get out though I thought I’d swing by in about an hour. I think I know what restaurant you’re talking about. So… if you want, be ready, and I’ll come on up to get ya.”


*Jamie sits helpless watching Rick and Jason with Con. Listing to Ricks judgment on Con and his condition. As if moving not feeling anything Jamie makes her way to Con's bed and sits down on the edgh placing her hands on Con arm again Jamie bows her head and mutter a small prayer. Than oping her eyes they start to water.*

"Oh Con, you have to pull though this...You cant leave me. Not now...not when everything had become perfect."

*Angel jumps on the porch and gives Luke a hug.*

" I have to leave for Navada Luke. Its Con, someone poisoned him just like they did Jason. Con isent doing good and going down hill fast. The Doc they have there is beside himself on what to do and since they new I helped with Jason they though I could help. And I told them I would. Since Con got here we all got to know him, He's like part of the ranch family. I have to try and help him."

*Angel searches Luke's eyes knowing he would understand. Angel gives him a up again.*

*Katie picks up her phone and see its Kyle. There was that ray of sunshine again. Answering the phone Katie sounds a bit drone.*

"Hey Kyle...Ya I think I want to go to alittle Italian place not to far away. Its a hotspot for alot of people...I just hope I am am not to much of a downer...a good friend of mine someone I look at like a big brother Con was posined and he is not doing to well....geting my mind off it will be nice though."

*Katie taps her finger on her leg listoning to Kyel. Her toes wiggle alittle as she keeps taping, but dosent relize it as she talks to Kyle.*


Rick keeps an eye on traffic as he listens to Jamie, and hears noise in the background. “Crap, it’s happening too fast…” He slams on the brakes, almost missing a stop sign. “Jamie, I won’t lie to you – Con’s in a lot of trouble. He’s been poisoned. I don’t know how, but it’s in his bloodstream. It’s similar to whatever took Jason down a while back when he was in Texas…remember hearing about that?” He pauses again to make a turn onto another street. “The poison causes an intense infection that spreads rapidly. It’ll hit any weak spot Con’s got, so I can imagine he’s in quite a bit of pain right now as many injuries as he’s had. But that’s why he’s got such a high fever – his body is trying to fight the infection.”

Rick makes another turn, glancing in his rearview mirror to ensure Jason is still behind him. “I’m on Con’s street now, Jamie. Hold on.”

Reality is a fog, and fear grips Con. Something is wrong. He needs to fight. He’s in pain…something is harming him…he can’t get away. Fighting blindly, he doesn’t even realize anymore that Jamie is with him.

Within minutes of Rick ending his call with Jamie, he and Jason are sprinting up the stairs. Seeing Con writhing in bed, Rick is quick to bark orders. “Jason, get a hold on him and keep him still. Jamie, go get a bandage for his hand.”

Jason moves quickly, winding up straddling Con and using all his strength to hold down Con’s arms in order to gain any control at all over the larger man. “Rick, I can’t hold him much longer.” He knew from experience that Con’s size was no joke – his strength matched it, making him near impossible to take down.

Rick goes for his bag, pulling out a syringe. “I didn’t want to do this, but we’ve got to get him calmed down.” He sidles in by Jason, aiming the needle at Con’s vein.

“What is it?”

“A sedative.” Rick pierces Con’s skin, keeping his eyes on the task.

Finished, it’s only moments before Con’s body begins to relax. Jason breathes a sigh of relief as he’s able to let go, and he slides off the bed.

Rick begins a thorough search of Con’s body, finally finding a small red mark on his right arm. “Mm…looks like a tiny puncture wound. I wonder if that’s it. He could have received it without even realizing it.” He shakes his head and stands up, studying Con’s sleeping figure. “I betcha anything that if Con were my size and in my shape, he’d be dead by now…which leads me to believe that whoever gave him a dose didn’t figure that in. It’s like giving a tranquilizer to a house dog versus an elephant.”

Jason grits his teeth, fighting the emotions of seeing his friend in this state. “So he’s stayed alive this long…what chance do you give him?”

Rick glances at Jamie for a moment, then back to Jason. “I don’t know. If we can’t stop the poison, it will start to affect other areas of his body. Allowed to continue, his organs will shut down on by one until his heart will finally give out.” He takes a deep breath. “But he’s made it this far, and he’s a fighter. Let’s just hope and pray that whoever did this really did misjudge the dosage, and he’ll be able to fight it off.”

Wyatt hangs up with Angel, and quickly dials his contact in Texas. “Yeah…have the jet waiting pronto. It will be Angel Lachey. …Right. Let her on and get her here as fast as you can.”

Luke is on the mess hall porch, and his eyes widen in question at Angel. He can tell from her body language that all is not well, and she’s packed, ready to leave. “Hey, where you heading? What’s wrong?”

…At the Texas airport, a small jet is ready and waiting for immediate takeoff, once its passenger arrives.

“So what do you think, guys?” Mike looks across the kitchen table at Kyle and Phil.

Kyle traces a water stain on the table with his thumb. “You first, bro.”

Phil purses his lips in thought. “Well…Jason, and Katie too, are in a pretty hefty business. I mean, finding out about their corporation itself is news, let alone knowing they work there.”

“You think it’s all true?” Mike questions.

“Yeah, I do.”

Mike nods. “Me too. It’s pretty amazing, but unless I’ve lost all sense of judgment, Jason and Katie aren’t the types to lie, especially about things as major as they talked about.”

“Sounds like they’ve both had it pretty rough,” Kyle adds.

“I think you’re right.” Mike sighs. “So…other than this TJY place being kept a secret, basically having Jason on the band would be like having any other law enforcement with us. If he’s got someone after him, it’s no different than having a cop who’s put a crook in jail.”

“That’s the conclusion I came to,” Phil agrees. “If we knew a cop who we wanted to join us, it would be the same thing.”

Kyle nods. “Which also applies to if he has to skip out to be on some case.” He shrugs. “If that ever happened, we could manage. Emergencies happen to anyone, even us.”

Mike allows a pause in the conversation, as they think. “Apparently Jason has had it rough enough that he’s got some problems deal with some of his past.”

Kyle looks down, knowing he can relate just a little bit. “Well…he can’t help that. He said he’d been abducted…I mean…wow…that’s heavy. He didn’t go into details, but being taken by a stranger…for over a year…that’s enough to mess anyone up.”

“What did you think about Katie’s comment regarding us being a Godsend?” Mike asks.

Kyle smiles just a little. “I’d say we succeeded in our mission…and maybe God did bring us together…we all know everything happens for a reason. Katie…and Jason too…they both have had it so rough that…I don’t want to sound like we’re ‘all that,’ but maybe the band gives them something to look forward to. I mean, we’re a crazy bunch, no doubt.”

All three of them laugh as Kyle continues. “Maybe that’s what they needed, ya know? I don’t want to be proud, but I wouldn’t want to think God never used us, either.”

The men grow quiet again before Phil speaks. “So…even if having Jason around wouldn’t be much different than law enforcement…do we want that risk? Do we want ourselves to be targets? Or our families?”

Mike swallows hard. He’d already lost so much to the hands of an enemy. But right now, it was all gone. What else did he have to lose? “I’m not scared by it.”

Kyle nods knowingly. “I don’t think I am either. If…well, if it was God’s plan to bring us together, you think He’s not going to protect us? We shouldn’t just go in blinding ourselves to fact, but even Jason said there would be someone to keep an eye out…probably Katie.”

“Anything could happen to any of us anywhere,” Phil concludes. “If we’re at an event where there’s a judge who put someone away, there could be a driveby shooting that had nothing to do with us, and we could get hurt. For that matter, any of us could get up in the morning, fall down the stairs and kill ourselves before the day is up. I’m not convinced we should say no to this because of the danger… Kyle, I like what you said… if this is God’s doing, He’s not going to let us down.” He gives a little a laugh. “And brother, you’ve got a good voice, but man…”

Kyle grins. “Jason can sing, can’t he?”

“And play the guitar,” Mike adds. He looks at the other two. “So does this mean we’ve come to a decision?”

Kyle and Phil nod. “All we need is a final ‘yes’ from Jason.”

Not much later, Kyle flops down into the couch in his and Phil’s living room, phone in hand. He glances at the piece of paper in his hand and dial’s Katie, knowing nothing of the emergency going on in that other part of the world. “Hey, KT! You decide where you wanted to eat or what?”


*As Jamie trys to hold Con's arms down from flying about she also trys to whipe the blood from the back of his hand.*

"Mmmm...well...his pulce is racing you can see by the way he is breathing...*more noises can be heard in the background.*...Con....He keeps trying to push me away and wont let me help him. I dont think he relizes its me.....uh huh....ya he keeps grabing at the side of his head like he is in pain.....he looks like he hurts so bad."

*Jamie cant help it anymore as her tears break free as see Con in so much pain. Breathing in deep she trys to stay clam.*

"What happing to him Rick. This isent just a cold."

*As Angel holds the phone in her office her face pales just alittle. Not Con...how could this happen. Angel dident know who Wyatt was or if she could even trust him, but the ergncy in his voice told her she could.*

"Ya I will.... Give me an hour to get some stuff together and let everyone know fast whats going on....ok...ok...Thank you Wyatt I'll be ready."

*After hanging up the phone Angel grabs her Bag and takes some stuff from the office she thinks she will need. Also grabing stuff she might not need but its better to be safe than sorry when holding someone's life in your hands. After finished in the office Angel heads into her room and grabs some clothing stuffing them into her suitcase. If she needed more than that she could buy it once in Navada. Finsihing up she shuts the lights off and makes a dash for the messhall knowing everyone will be gathering there for lunch.*


Con fights off Jamie’s attempts to help, no longer realizing the reality around him. Swinging his arm, it hits the lamp on his nightstand, sending it off the edge and crashing to the floor. The back of his hand bleeds from a cut he received, but he doesn’t react to the new pain.

Rick answers his phone as he’s getting into his car. “I’m coming, Jamie, I’m coming. Just stay calm, alright?” He starts the engine and sees Jason sprinting for his bike. “Jason and I are on our way right now. Just hang in there. What’s happening?”

Wyatt jots down Angel’s name on a piece of paper. “Rick just left again, but I’m going to call her right now. At this point, I think Rick is gonna need all the help he can get, and if it’s as bad as Jason, we don’t have a lot of time to work with here. Thanks, Katie…I’ll talk to you soon.” He hangs up and immediately dials Angel’s office at the ranch.
“Hi, Angel? My name is Wyatt, I’m over in Nevada at TJY. I would have gone through Austin, but there’s not much time. Con’s out here and he’s been poisoned with a different strain of what took Jason down a while back. Our in-house doctor doesn’t know what to do, and Katie suggested I call you… If you’re willing to come, I can call the airport to have a private jet standing by to fly you in. I know this is sudden but…would you?”


*Jamies eyes open with shock at Con. She trys her best to hold Con down Before he hurts himself*

"Con Stop....Con.."

*As hard as she trys she cant though Con is just to strong. Still trying to hold Con Jamie dials on her phone.*


*Katie eyes widen...memories of when Jason was in the hospetal flash in her mind. How they almost lost him.*

"No..this cant be happping not now."

*Katie's mind reels....there was one person that might help. Rick was a city doc, did things by the book and dident try new things. But this one person....she might be the key.*

"Wyatt you need to get a hold of Angel Lachey. She lives with my Aunt in Texas. She could probley help. She was there with JT when Jason was in the hospetal. She isent your normel City Doc, She is a small country on but she knows was she is doing and she is amazing. I know she can Help Con Wyatt I just know it."


Con’s breathing becomes shallow, and he numbly drinks a little bit of water, but shakes his head at the mention of food. He doesn’t know when he’s ever resisted food, but right now, it’s the furthest thing from his mind.

He begins to drift in and out of consciousness, dreams beginning to torment his mind. Pictures of the past…strong emotions felt. Fear. Dread. Anger. He hears gunshots…he feels the wounds all over again, reliving past years in the field. He sees again the horror faced of fights and war on the streets he’d tried so hard to end. He sees friends and family, pained by choices and circumstances…his choices…his circumstances.

Con begins to writhe in bed, now no longer waking, but beginning to shake from chills and shock. He pulls off the towel and kicks off the blankets, fighting anything and everything. His hand goes to the side of his head as he resists the pain.

Jason follows Rick back out of the lab. “I’m coming with you.”

“Suit yourself. You might want to call Laura too.”

Laura…Jason hadn’t even thought about that. “I’ll meet you at Con’s.” He heads for Laura’s desk.

Wyatt smiles at the sound of Katie’s voice. “Alright, I’ll tell Ty. He, um…told me you might be working with him a little on reading. I think that’s great.” He looks up as Jason and Rick hurry past. “Katie, hang on a sec.” After finding out the details, Wyatt resumes his conversation, his tone changed to concerned. “Jason and Rick just passed, they’re going over to Con’s. Sounds like he’s not doing well at all – they don’t know how, but he’s been poisoned with a similar substance that got Jason in such bad shape…Rick doesn’t know what he’s going to do.”


*As Jamie feels Con move her sits up. Placing her hand on his face she feels he is still warm.*

"I'm here Con. I'm here...let me rewet these towles."

*Jamie leaves the room grabing fresh towles and geting them wet. How she wished Con was going to be ok. He couldent leave her now. A tear falls from Jamies face. Whiping it away she heads back to Con's room. She had to be strong. She wouldent crack now. Taking away the old towles Jamie places the new one.*

"Here Con drink some more water. Are you hungry at all? Try and stay Calm. I'm here with you sweetheart."

*KAtie smiles at Wyatt's voice.*

"Hey You. Sorry I messed you guys yesterday....tell Ty not to be silly and stop by anytime. He wont be bothering me though I might make him take me out....ya I cant wait to go home...ya...Any word on Con yet?"


Jason is just a little surprised as Katie takes his hand, but he gives it slight squeeze before turning to go. “Sleep well,” he whispers, and turns to go.

Con is too weak to resist any help, and simply accepts Jamie’s nursing. He tries to wake up and clear the fog from his mind, but it seems an impossible task. He finally just gives up, settling back on his pillow.

His eyes still closed, he feels Jamie’s form next to him, and finally her head resting on his shoulder. His arm automatically moves to wrap around her as he tries to reassure her, despite being unable to make any words form…

Rick barely takes time to throw his car in park before jumping out and sprinting for the TJY door, bag in hand.

Jason is just locking his helmet to his bike when he sees Rick. “Hey, what’s the hurry?”

Rick simply yells over his shoulder. “Con’s in a bad way. Gotta check a blood sample.”

Jason’s heart skips a beat and he immediately runs after Rick, following him into the building. “What do you mean he’s in a bad way? Jamie checked on him yesterday – I assumed no news was good news.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t care about yesterday.” Rick waits impatiently for the elevator to stop. “It was Jamie who found him this morning and called me. Con’s got a dangerously high fever and he’s barely responsive.”

“And you don’t think he’s just got a bug?”

Rick pauses just a moment as the elevator doors open, to look at Jason. “Since when have you seen Con sick, let alone sick enough not to work?”


“That’s what worries me. The only times I’ve ever treated him were for bullet and knife wounds, and even then he was rearing to go before I’d even released him.” Rick quickly makes his way across the main floor with Jason close behind. Both hardly take time to greet anyone. Once in Rick’s quarters, he goes to the small adjoining lab, retrieving the blood sample and donning a pair of rubber gloves.

Jason watches intently, worried at seeing Rick so concerned. He simply stays and waits.

Rick works with the equipment available in the lab, eventually getting the sample under a microscope. It takes only a few moments for Rick to sit up straight. “Oh, no.” He moves to a filing drawer and begins flipping through files at a rapid rate.

Jason steps closer. “What? What is it?”

Rick ignores the question and finally pulls out a file with Jason’s name on it.

Jason raises an eyebrow. “What are you doing? What did you find?”

Rick sits back down to look in the microscope and jots a few notes, then turns to a readout of the blood analysis. Taking it, he opens the file, scrounging for a certain paper. Finding it, he compares the two readouts.

Jason moves a little closer, genuine concern taking over. “Rick…what is it?”

Finally Rick moves his chair away from the lab counter and looks up at Jason, worry filling every part of his face. “Con’s been poisoned. It’s a different strain of the same poison that put you in a coma and almost killed you.”

The blood drains from Jason’s face. “What…how…what can we do?”

Rick throws his arms in the air. “What could they do for you?”


Rick’s jaw tightens. “The poison probably would have killed Con in the night, had he not been so strong to begin with, let alone his body size helps. His body resisted it, and the poison found a way to come out, mimicking the flu.”

“So what are you saying? There’s nothing we can do?”

“I don’t know!” Rick stands with frustration.

Jason looks at him, still in shock. “Well we need to get him to the hospital then.”

“We can’t.”

“What do you mean we can’t?”

“We’ve already got one person in the hospital,” Rick reasons in exasperation. “If we show up with another patient, let alone one who’s been poisoned, we’ll immediately be under suspicion and TJY’s security will be in danger. You know that’s the way it works – it always has.”

Jason scowls at him. “So what? We just let Con die?”

“I don’t know!” Rick begins to pace. “Even if we did take him to the hospital, Jase, they couldn’t do anything for him. JT himself couldn’t find a cure for you.”

“Well then how come I didn’t die?”

“You tell me.” Rick looks at him with sternness to mask his own worry. “Take a look at your own files and you tell me. No one could explain it, Jase. God’s intervention is the only thing that could have saved you.”

Jason swallows hard, trying not to let his emotions take over. He didn’t want Katie to worry. “…And you don’t think that will happen with Con?”

“Who are we to say?” Rick turns and starts busying himself with preparations.

“What are you doing?”

“The only thing I can do. I’m gonna get an IV over to Con so he gets some nourishment in his body. This poison has created an infection throughout his whole body, which is why he’s got a fever. His body is trying to fight it. The poison will attack the weakest spots he’s got, and I need to be there if that happens. And then I’m going to do what everyone else does…wait.”

Con winces as he wakes up, his head throbbing, and his mouth feeling as though he’s been chewing on cotton balls. A sharp pain surges through his left ear and he squirms, feeling the sweat run down the side of his face. Dream after dream runs through his mind, and reality becomes fuzzy. He can hardly make out anything in the bedroom, and fights to try and sit up. “Jamie?” he whispers hoarsely in desperation. Moving, a wave of dizziness hits him, and he falls back to his pillow, his pulse racing.

Wyatt hears his phone and he sees it’s Katie. Grabbing it, he tries to go through the files on his desk, while keeping an eye on what’s going on around him. “Hey, good morning, Sunshine.”

Its gonna be ok

*Katie slightly opens her eyes as she feels Jason's finger on her arm. A smile forms on her lips as she looks up at Jason.*

"Have a good day at work. I'll see ya in a bit."

*Katie takes Jason's hand and holds it for a moment. Than lets it go drifting off to sleep again.*

*An hour goes by and Katie wakes again. The light streming into the window. Katie sits up and strechs. Calling nurse in to help her into her wheelchair Katie gets ready for the day. Coming out of the bathroom Katie sees the not from Wyatt on her table and smiles pulling her phone out and dialing his number.*

*Jamie nods to Rick as her palse quickens for a new reson. Fear had a way of taking a hold of people. After Rick leaves Jamie goes to get the towles wet again and some water for Con returning in minutes.*

"Con drink this."

*Jamie helps tilt Con's head up and puts the cup to his lips. After he takes a few sips Jamie places it on the night stand climbing on the other side of Con's bed she sits up flicking on the TV and holding his hand. Finding something to watch Jamie puts the remote down.*

"Its gonna be ok Con, your strong you can pull through this."

*Jamie scoots down on the bed and puts her arm around Con as she rests her head on Con's shoulder. Eye her become tired as she drifts to sleep.*

Stay here

Jason glances over to Katie, and seeing she’s asleep, he shuts off the movie and rolls over to try and find sleep himself. His eyes find her sleeping form, and he replays the evening. It had been a lot of fun, sharing the time not only with JetStream, but with Katie too. It was perfect… would they have more of that time? What would the band decide?

Jason rustles around in his bag, having already gotten up and dressed. He’d much rather hang around here with Katie than go into work, but Reese had already given him enough breaks, that he wasn’t about to push it any more at the moment.

As he sits down to lace up his boots, he notices a piece of paper that had evidently fallen to the floor from one of the beds the evening before. Picking it up, he scans it to see what it is.

Hey Katie. Ty and I stopped by, but evidently you were out. We just wanted to say hi. Ty said to tell you he was sorry for not coming by when he said he would, but he knew you’d been having a rough time and didn’t want to bother you. (he’s on night shift with Hal now and doing well, by the way). I heard Jason was back but didn’t see him at work yesterday – tell him hi.
I might swing by again after work if you’re around.
Need anything, be sure to call.

Jason quirks an eyebrow, and folds it back up, setting it on Katie’s bedside table. He pulls on his leather jacket, stuffs his gloves in his back pocket and makes sure he has his wallet and keys. He pauses for a moment by Katie’s bed, reaching down to run a finger on her arm. “Hey, sleepy. I’m heading to work. I’ll be back around lunch.”

Con barely knows what’s going on as Jamie comes to him. He fumbles, trying to get himself up, but knows he’s putting most of his weight on her. Just getting back into bed, spends what little energy he’d had left.

His eyes closed, he hears Jamie’s voice and feels the cool cloth. He feels her hand in his, and gives it a gentle squeeze, though no words seem to want to form in his mouth. He’s just tired…so tired…

Rick takes Jamie’s call on his cell phone as he’s driving to work, but is quick to make a turn and head straight to Con’s. He’s there within minutes, grabbing his bag from the trunk and sprinting up the porch steps. “Jamie?!” He calls into the house.

He instinctively heads upstairs and sees the open door to Con’s room. Entering, his eyes widen. “Good land.”

Rick feels Con’s forehead and checks his pulse, a frown forming on his face. “I’ve never even treated him for a head cold before. Something’s not right.” He opens Con’s eyes, shining a light in them, and checks his mouth and throat. “Con, can you hear me? Do you hurt anywhere?”

Con barely opens one eye and nods lamely. “Everywhere,” he manages to whisper.”

“Have you eaten or drank anything? Taken any meds?”

Con slowly shakes his head. “Not…since yesterday…”

Rick purses his lips, his brow furrowing as he studies Con. He takes a needle from his bag and preps a place on Con’s arm. “Steady now, Con. This is gonna sting. I’m gonna draw some blood.”

Con grits his teeth and doesn’t even flinch as the needle pricks his vein.

Rick finishes quickly, and turns to Jamie. “I’m going to get this to the lab for testing. In the meantime, I want you to stay here with him. Try to get some clear liquids in him, and keep giving him the cold compacts to try and get his temperature down. If he gets worse or anything changes, call me immediately. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


*Katie giggles at Kyle as he leaves. Snuggling under her covers the night proves to have been a long one.*

"We can watch a movie but I dont think I will stay up to long."

*Katie cant help but laugh. Finally as the hours go by Katie falls fast asleep. a smile on her lips.*

*As Jamie wakes she lets out a long yawn. She had stayed pritty late lastnight to finish up her work like promised Reese and even got some stuff for today done as well. Witch was good. Jamied wanted to head over and see how Con was doing before heading in anyways. Katie gets out of bed and heads into the shower. After geting out and heading downstairs Jamie grabs some stuff to make Con a breakfest and heads out. Moment later Jamie is pulling into Con driveway Jamie sences something is wrong. Con should be up by now. Keeping her gun close to her she gets out of the car and slowly enter the house. Everything was quiet....to quiet Jamie thinks than laughs to herself. Slowly walking around the house nothing seems out of place. Maybe Con as just sleeping still. Making her way slowly upstairs Jamie knocks on Con's door and slowly opens it hoping Con was decent. Jamies eyes widen as Con is laying on the floor. Rushing in Jamie slids down next to him.*

"Con...oh Con what happend."

* Feeling his head he is burning up again. Running out of the room Jamie grabs some towles to do the same thing she did yesterday. Coming back she gains a strength she dident know she had and helps Con back into bed before grabing her cell and calling Rick.*


*Jamie closes her phone and goes back to Con siting down next to him on the bed taking his hand.*

" Its ok Con, Rick is on his way."

*She gently runs her hand on his face and whipes the towl across his heated skin. Her tummy having new nots of fear.*

"Please God Help Con. Dont let me lose him already.*