

*Jamie turns and whipes the tears from her eyes. Trying to smiles.*

"I hope he will be Hotshot. I hope he will be. I cant help it...I'm just so worryed and, I've known Con for so long to see him like this just...hurts so much."

*Holding herself from crying again Jamie goes to the fridge. Grabing some coldcutes and some cheese whiping together some sandwiches.*

"Lets bring some up to Rick and see if Con can have any."

*Jamie grabs the tray and heads back upstairs.*

*Angel smiles to Wyatt as he waves to her.*

"Nice to meet you."

*Once they are the the house Angel talkes her bag and heads into the house. Looking around Angel makes her way upstairs and calls out.*


*As Katie and Kyle speeds out into the parking lot Katie laughs so hard. As Katie is helped into the truck she smiles.*

"Oh wow you guys said yes. That is such good new. Jason is going to be so happy, I am so happy. Thank you Kyle thank you."

*Katie throws her arms around Kyle katie gives him a big hug, than draws away quickly.*


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