
Stay here

Jason glances over to Katie, and seeing she’s asleep, he shuts off the movie and rolls over to try and find sleep himself. His eyes find her sleeping form, and he replays the evening. It had been a lot of fun, sharing the time not only with JetStream, but with Katie too. It was perfect… would they have more of that time? What would the band decide?

Jason rustles around in his bag, having already gotten up and dressed. He’d much rather hang around here with Katie than go into work, but Reese had already given him enough breaks, that he wasn’t about to push it any more at the moment.

As he sits down to lace up his boots, he notices a piece of paper that had evidently fallen to the floor from one of the beds the evening before. Picking it up, he scans it to see what it is.

Hey Katie. Ty and I stopped by, but evidently you were out. We just wanted to say hi. Ty said to tell you he was sorry for not coming by when he said he would, but he knew you’d been having a rough time and didn’t want to bother you. (he’s on night shift with Hal now and doing well, by the way). I heard Jason was back but didn’t see him at work yesterday – tell him hi.
I might swing by again after work if you’re around.
Need anything, be sure to call.

Jason quirks an eyebrow, and folds it back up, setting it on Katie’s bedside table. He pulls on his leather jacket, stuffs his gloves in his back pocket and makes sure he has his wallet and keys. He pauses for a moment by Katie’s bed, reaching down to run a finger on her arm. “Hey, sleepy. I’m heading to work. I’ll be back around lunch.”

Con barely knows what’s going on as Jamie comes to him. He fumbles, trying to get himself up, but knows he’s putting most of his weight on her. Just getting back into bed, spends what little energy he’d had left.

His eyes closed, he hears Jamie’s voice and feels the cool cloth. He feels her hand in his, and gives it a gentle squeeze, though no words seem to want to form in his mouth. He’s just tired…so tired…

Rick takes Jamie’s call on his cell phone as he’s driving to work, but is quick to make a turn and head straight to Con’s. He’s there within minutes, grabbing his bag from the trunk and sprinting up the porch steps. “Jamie?!” He calls into the house.

He instinctively heads upstairs and sees the open door to Con’s room. Entering, his eyes widen. “Good land.”

Rick feels Con’s forehead and checks his pulse, a frown forming on his face. “I’ve never even treated him for a head cold before. Something’s not right.” He opens Con’s eyes, shining a light in them, and checks his mouth and throat. “Con, can you hear me? Do you hurt anywhere?”

Con barely opens one eye and nods lamely. “Everywhere,” he manages to whisper.”

“Have you eaten or drank anything? Taken any meds?”

Con slowly shakes his head. “Not…since yesterday…”

Rick purses his lips, his brow furrowing as he studies Con. He takes a needle from his bag and preps a place on Con’s arm. “Steady now, Con. This is gonna sting. I’m gonna draw some blood.”

Con grits his teeth and doesn’t even flinch as the needle pricks his vein.

Rick finishes quickly, and turns to Jamie. “I’m going to get this to the lab for testing. In the meantime, I want you to stay here with him. Try to get some clear liquids in him, and keep giving him the cold compacts to try and get his temperature down. If he gets worse or anything changes, call me immediately. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

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