
Strange Mystery

*As Kyle grabs Misty around the wast and put her up onto one of the rocks Misty lets out a squeel. Climbing, and climbing some more holding tight to Kyle's hand Misty smile remains. They higher they climb the more excitment runs through Misty.

Finally reaching the top Misty sits by the edge and lets her legs hand over the edge. Looking out at the water Misty takes in the sights. It was so peacful looking, it was so nice how honored she was to have had Kyle shair this with her.

Turning her head Misty watches as Kyle slides between the two rocks. Streaching her neck out Misty trys to see what he is doing though she is unable. As Kyle comes up and presents the box Misty's smile grows and her curosity intensifys as well. Scooting closer to Kyle Misty leans into a little bit to see what he had. Gazing into the box Misty's eyes widen and dazzle with amazment. What an amazing collection Kyle had indeed. As Kyle holds the one shell out to Misty she looks at it for a moment in amazment. The colors bouncing and runing off of it made it one of the most amazing things she had ever seen. Reaching out Misty runs her finger over the shell being even so gentil as if it might break till finally she takes it and holds it for a moment.*

"Oh Kyle...this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The colors in it are amazing. Did you find this here?"

*Misty runs her other hand over the shell again as she stairs in aw at the shell again. Taking in her hand she holds it to Kyle giving it back before she broke it.*

"Thank you Kyle for shairing this with me."

*Misty's eyes meet Kyle's as her smile grows. Stairing into them Misty feels herself being drawn in, the the shell her held, Kyle's eyes had the same multi colors. The same lights that dance and held a strange mystery.*


Kyle's smile widens as Misty questions him, but he takes the necessary silence to his advantage and just pulls her along with him, without intention of stopping.

Finally reaching the large rocks, he has his sights set on the big flat one at the top, but to get up there takes getting up onto the first large rock first. Skidding to a halt in the sand, without even hesitating, Kyle grabs Misty around the waist. An expert from all the times with Jen, he swings Misty up into his arms and sets her up on the first rock so she can stand above him. Moving his frame quickly, he vaults himself up next to her and without missing a beat, takes her hand again so she can climb up the rest of the way with him.

The rocks are warm on their bare feet, and Kyle finally finds the spot he was looking for. Flopping down cross-legged, he pats the rock with his hand for Misty to sit too, and tries to catch his breath, his silent laugh almost making him cough.

Eventually settling down, he scans the lake from the little lookout point, sighing with content. The lake was his favorite location, and this was his favorite spot.

Suddenly his eyes widen, a quirky grin spreading and he rolls over onto his stomach, facing away from the lake, and half diving into a crevice between the rock they're sitting on, and the one behind it. Withdrawing his hands, he scoots back up again, presenting an old rusted tin box. Lifting the lid, he reveals a small stash of odd rocks and shells discovered on the beach. No one else ever came up here...no one had ever found his box.

Lying on his side to prop himself up with an elbow, facing Misty, he reaches in and pulls out an amazingly pretty shell for a freshwater lake. A silly grin on his lips, he holds it up in the light, then glance to Misty, reaching it over to her.


*As Misty walks along with Kyle her own smile never fades. Watching him try to convay his jokes, and banter through signs was humorus. Misty kept her loughter in untill she saw Kyle smiling as well to make sure she dident offent him.

Taking off her own shoes and socks Misty lets the sand move around her feet. The warmth was nice. Looking out to the water Misty just looks for a long moment as a certine sadness pass through her eyes for a moment. Memories fill her mind of days in the past. Coming back to the present Misty reverts her mind forcing herself to forget once again. No...she couldent let these memories come back, not yet she couldent let the offender to cause her anymore pain. She was moving on...moving on with her life. She couldent stand still.

As Kyle takes her hand Misty almost feels an electricl shock run through her. A strange feel comes over her but there is no time to dwell over the feeling as Kyle breaks into a sprint. As Misty runs along side to him her laughs and giggling echoing over the beach.*

"Kyle....Kyle were are we going? What are we doing?"

*Misty continues to following him not really caring about her question. Kyle could not tell her and she wouldent mind. Kyle was someone she new she could trust.*


Carson is grateful for Herb's never-ending understanding, and goes to make the call. It's not too much later that he's back again to help pick up the slack, though is quiet about what had happened. He didn't exactly want to think about how wonderfully he'd crashed and burned with this one. He wasn't used to apologizing anyway, let along for something like this, and getting hung up on just put salt in the wound. But...at least he'd done what he could...it relieved the guilt just a little bit, even if it didn't do anything at all for the situation.

Trying to get back to work, he does his best to distract his mind, even though it doesn't work very well. The evening and night were going to be long, spent here by himself.

"Mmm." Scott returns Katie's kiss and grins. "Ice cream sounds great. Frisbee sounds great. Time with you sounds the greatest." He leans up and places another kiss on her forehead. "Then let's say we get back to work so we can actually be done in time to do all this?"

Finding himself getting picked on with no way to audibly defend himself, Kyle goes off on several silent tangents, mouthing words only he knew the meaning off, his arms flailing and not getting anywhere. By the time he and Misty reach the lake, he's reverted to simply throwing her looks instead, letting his facial expressions do all the talking.

Getting out of the car, he steps closer to the beach and closes his eyes, holding his arms out to the side and taking a deep breath of the fresh air. This was his favorite place to go, and this time he was glad he was even alive to come at all.

Turning to Misty, he cocks his head to the water, gesturing for her to come with him. The walk is slow, down the path and into the sand. Closer to the water, Kyle stops and kicks off his shoes and socks, rolling up his jeans pantlegs. The breeze was just a little chilly, but he wasn't willing to put on a jacket over his t-shirt - the air felt too good.

Kicking at the sand a little bit, Kyle looks over at Misty again, his ever-present grin still there. One could tell that a smart remark or a silly comment was right on the tip of his tongue, and he opens his mouth for a moment before remembering he shouldn't. But by the time he'd get the point across any other way, the humor would be lost.

Just shaking his head and rolling his eyes, he glances down the beach a ways to where the larger rocks were. They were a bit away from where they were, but that had never stopped him in the past.

Acting quickly, he reaches out to grab Misty's hand and before she can hold him back, he's pulling her along with him as he sprints for the rocks. His bare feet leave prints in the wet sand by the water as he runs, not caring about the headache he had. Being alive was too thrilling to just sit around and stare at it.


*Herb is saprised when Carson said he had to leave for a moment, but understand once Carson explains a little bit. Giving a nod of his head he new why Carson had to do it and he was proud of him for it.*

"Take all the time you need."

*Herb turns back to his work and continues. There was a time, there was a season for everything and Herb could only hope Carson's was now. That Carson could turn into the man Herb new he was.

Moments later the order start coming in slow but picking up speed. Not minding Herb continues to get them out as fast as he can.*

*Misty can't help but laugh once again at Kyle's comment but than her face become more stern.*

"I am sure I drive better than you do, I dident think I'd make it home in once peace the other night the way you were swerving all over the road."

*Misty gives Kyle as she pass him to go out the door first. Getting into her car Misty keeps her face solom still though the courners of her mouth are starting to twitch.*

"We might need to stop by your apartment for the helmet anyways, your bother was stern on telling me not to take you anywhere without it."

*Finally Misty's mouth turns up into a smile as the courners of her eyes give a tiny wrinkle as well showing her smile. Pulling out of TJY Misty turns on her music playing the more softer stuff she had. She new enough about Kyle but she wasent sure about his tast in music and dident want to scair him away.

After some twists and turns around town and taking the root with the most things to look at Kyle and Misty are at the beach. Misty looks to Kyle and squints before geting out of the car.*

"I wasent lost you big jerk I just though you would like to see how pretty it is in the fall."

*Misty trys to keep a straght face but it dosent work she ends up busting out laughing before geting out of the car.

After making sure Kyle it out of the car Misty lockes the door and glances at the sky. It looked like it was going to be a nice day out.*

"Come on lets go for a walk down by the water. I know your dieing for the fresh air. Not to mention this time of day it looks real nice."

*Katie smiles and comes around the front of Scott her arms still around his neck and sits on his lap facing him. Thinking for a moment she is quiet.*

"Well if the weather stays nice how about we take Domino to the park. When I was out the other day I baught a frisbi and some tennis balls. We can run off some of our energy along with her."

*Katie leans in and press her lips to Scott's for a moment before pulling away.*

"Than afterwords some ice cream sounds good to me."


As Herb leaves to put the wallet away, Carson just stands for a moment alone, contemplating what he'd just done. He didn't regret it...but it wasn't easy. Without his money on him, he'd have no drinks and no smokes. Cold turkey wasn't fun...but if it stopped him from continually getting himself into trouble, it had to be worth it. Something had to change. He'd tried to change things around him and it had done no good. He'd tried to change himself without help and he had failed. This was his last effort.

After getting ready for work, he tries to busy himself, trying hard not to mess as many things up as he had the day before. But the thoughts of last night still haunted him. The guilt was sticking with him this time.

As he's cleaning some pans, and Herb approaches him about the menu, Carson's eyebrows raise. He knew how particular Herb was about that. He knew how Herb liked to keep it in his own hands and not let other people touch it. Why on earth would he let someone else prepare it now...let alone Carson?

Carson just looks at him for several seconds, then finally blinks. "Um...sure...I guess...if that's what you want, yeah, I'll work on it." Amidst the confusion, was also a rising feeling of humility again. Herb treated him like a human. Carson hadn't told him everything, but he knew good and well he didn't have to. Herb could figure out where he'd been last night, and yet he still treated Carson with an element of respect. And that was something that caught Carson's attention. It was a lack of respect in Carson's life that contributed to a lot of the problems. He didn't respect himself, and he didn't respect others. Last night he'd certainly not had any respect for anyone else.

Suddenly his train of thought goes from the menu back to the woman he'd met. He knew he should probably continue his conversation with Herb and talk about this a little more, but if he didn't do something else right now, it would eat him all day. And he wasn't strong enough to handle that right now.

"Hey, Herb..." Carson shuts off the sink and dries his hands. "I, um...I'll be right back, okay?" Heading for the door, he turns around, walking backward a couple steps. "I...uh....stole something from someone last night and...I need to call and apologize. I won't be long."

Kyle grins as Misty comes into the infirmary, and he closes his notebook, prepared to have her make sure all his vitals were fine.

At her suggestion at going to the beach, he cocks his head and looks up at her for a moment. Her eyes looked tired...weary. He hated the pain he felt being shown through those eyes, and wished he could do even more than he had, to make it go away. Perhaps some time out to the lake really would be of some help.

A smile brightens his face and he gives her a thumbs up. Scooting off the bed, he checks his pockets, and coming up empty, turns to Misty and shrugs, signaling that she was up for driving since not only did he not have keys, but he didn't have a vehicle here anyway.

Gestures, mixed with a couple signs, mixed with mouthing the words, the message came across that he questioned her driving abilities and wanted to make sure they didn't have to stop by his place to pick up a helmet for him.

Giving her a mischievous grin, Kyle heads for the door, bowing and letting Misty head out first. Passing by Jason's office, he waves and keeps on going. Once outside, he heads with Misty to her car and slides in the passenger seat. He wasn't about to tell her he had a little headache. That secret was worth being able to get outside for a while.

Scott takes Katie's hands as they're wrapped around in front of him, and he twists his head around to return a kiss to her cheek. "That sounds wonderful. Domino has been a ball of energy lately and she could use some extra attention. ...Not that I don't feel like the extra attention too." He grins. "What do you suggest? It might be kinda chilly tonight, so we could curl up with a blanket and watch a movie, or we could be daring and go for a night walk or..."


*Herb looks up at Carson as he enters and than looks down at the wallet that is pushed twords him. For a moment Herb is confused and dosent understand what Carson is saying but it dosent take him long after searching Carson's eyes.

Carson new he needed help and he was trying to seek it. Herb dident know how much really a help he could be but he would try his best to help his young friend.

Taking Carson wallet Herb looks at it and than up to Carson giving a nod.*

"Ok, I can do that for you. I'll try and help you all I can. Get ready for work."

*Herb exits the kitchen and heads into his office. Opening up his safe he wraps a peace of paper around the wallet and puts it inside closing it and spinning the dial.

Herb hoped he could help Carson, over the last few months of him working for him, and not only than but before that as well Herb had seen the change in the young man. He'd seen the good and the love that filled him. Than now to see him sip hurt, to see him making the wrong desitions hurt as well. But God had a plan and if this way part of it than Herb would listen.

Heading back into the kitchen Herb fiddles around with a few new things and preps for the day. Than I thought crossed his mind.*

"Hey Carson..."

*Herb walks over to him a thoughtful look on his face.*

"The seasons are changing again and that means our specials will be changing as well. I was wondering if this time around you could pick what goes on special menu for the fall. It can be anything thats in season, or you can invent something yourself. As long as it tasts good."

*Herb was a little saprised himself at what he said. Never had he let anyone pick what on the menu let alone the seasonal menu. Not even Mable was alowd to. But this time he wanted Carson to do it. He wasent to see what creative things he could come up with and it would help his mind stay busy for the upcoming hardships.*

*Misty enters the infermary slowly this morning. She had, had a rough night and just dident want to be here or anywhere. Today was just a bad day.

Seeing Kyle Misty throws him a smile as she goes over to him. She was getting better at her signing and now being able to semi read what Kyle was saying she could also talk a little too. It made Misty feel good knowing she acomplished something and helped Kyle as well.*

"How are you feeling this morning? Antsi to get going I bet."

*Misty checks Kyle's for head and takes his pulse. Everything seemed ok so far and that made Misty pleased. Looking around the infermary for a moment Misty dident want to be there she really dident and she new Kyle dident want to be eather. A small smile forms on her face.*

"Hey, would you like to get out of here for a little bit? Get some freshair? I was thinking the beach."

*Coming up behind Scott Katie wraps her arms around his neck giving him a peck on the cheek.*

"Good Morning! Working hard?"

*Katie's smile grows as she keeps her arms around Scott. She was having a good day today, and felt great all the way around. It felt like for the middle of fall it was going to be a warm day.*

"How about we find something to do after work? Me, you and Domino?"


Jason grits his teeth and focuses out the window as he receives Nate's harsh tone. Maybe he deserved it.

The comments of friendship though, make him stop and think for just a moment, his own tempter starting to subside. "I guess I didn't realize you and Carson were that good of friends." He shrugs. "Maybe it's me who should be sorry."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, trying hard not to continue being mad. "I just felt lame in there, looking for answers when you already knew he had an alibi. It made me look like an idiot and he knew it." Jason looks down for a moment, rolling his eyes at himself. "I know I shouldn't have blown up though. I guess I am sorry. Let's just get back to work and see if Wyatt found anything more at Kyle and Phil's place."

To those who are busy, the day goes by too quickly, without enough time to get done everything that needed to be. To those who had nothing to do, the day drags on too slowly with the wish that it would just end so the new day would start.

The water had not been contaminated at Phil and Kyle's...but the glasses in the kitchen had. It had been a clever way to keep the TJY team guessing for a while, but after Wyatt's thorough examination of the apartment, it was that, they discovered that had poisoned Kyle. After completely cleaning out and sanitizing the entire kitchen, they were confident that all the poison was gone, and a security camera was installed by the font door. Someone had gotten in somehow, and though so far any Agency scum had never struck the same place twice like that, it was TJY's responsibility to keep the innocent Mitts brothers safe.

By the end of the day, Kyle is bored out of his mind, despite several visits from Phil and Mike and Jen. Having Jason around and Katie too helped, but all he really wanted was to go home. Rick, however wanted him in the infirmary one more night because he'd showed a slight fever in the afternoon. Kyle does his best to keep his own spirits up though, his smile never fading, his laughter continuing. Spending time with Misty and working on communicating proved to be just as silly as it was useful, but by the evening, Kyle was catching on and along with his own gestures and facial expressions, he was able to convey pretty much what he wanted to say. A far cry from all the talking he usually did though, it did still put a slight damper on things.

Carson's day goes from bad to worse, nothing going right, and misery only increasing. He can't concentrate on anything, his mind is everywhere but work, and by the time the day is over, he would be sure he'd be fired if he didn't know Herb better than that.

Deciding to take Herb up on the offer to use the back room at least for a night or two, Carson moves his bags back to the small bedroom. It was small, but it was more than he had anywhere else. Mostly all he wanted to do was sleep. But at the same time, he was thirsty, wanted some fresh air, and he wasn't in any mood to be alone. There was only one thought that was really appealing to him at the moment. A good cold beer would hit the spot.

It wouldn’t be the shortest walk, but he could use the exercise anyway... He'd come back in an hour or so and then sack out once he'd relaxed for a while...

Kyle sits cross-legged on the infirmary bed with notepad and pen in hand, having already been up and dressed an hour ago, before Rick or Misty had shown up this morning. He was more than ready to get out of here today, though he had to admit that his time with Misty had been fun. Tomorrow would be back work though, if Rick let him go. And then the band needed to hustle and get ready for their next gig.

That thought made him stop and think. They'd have to change some things around...switch up their routine a bit. He'd be able to play the keyboard, but there would be no banter from him, and no singing.

Swallowing hard, the pain was a good reminder that he wasn't supposed to use his voice. It was more depressing than he'd like to think...it was a little more major a deal than others might think it was. But he wasn't about to tell them why. Maybe this was his answer. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be, and he just needed to accept it as the answer he'd been looking for.

Carson’s eyes fly open. Where was he? A slight headache blurred his thinking and he squints into the dim light. It was morning….a work day…yes, he needed to get to work. He… His eyes widen as he feels a foot run slowly down his leg. Then he remembers.

Closing his eyes, he sinks further into the pillow that wasn’t his. A feeling he couldn’t describe hits him like a sledgehammer to the gut. He felt sick. How could he have so badly wanted something that not twenty-four hours later he loathed? It was enough to make his stomach churn, and for a moment, he really did feel as though he’d be sick.

Sitting up, he rubs his hands gingerly over his sore face. He didn’t even remember her name. Not two years prior, that thought would have made him laugh. But today…that thought made him want to kick himself. How had this happened…again…so soon after everything else...


He stands up and grabs his jeans off the floor, not responding to her beckoning. It wasn’t fair for him to stay. If wasn’t fair to her, and it would be stupid for him...

The walk to work was a long and depressing one. He wasn’t even seeing anyone right now, but she had been…he’d been the cause of her cheating on someone. He'd seen the man's picture on the nightstand and had ignored it. He remembered Misty. The pain… Though the tables were turned this time, he very well may have contributed to the pain of someone else. It was on his hands…again. How many times would he do this? How many times would he give in to a life he had once loved and now hated? He hated where he was at, he hated his surroundings, he hated his life…he hated himself.

The bar had been relaxing all right. Too relaxing. He hadn't been able to say no to another drink, and striking up a conversation with a young woman had led to one thing, then the next. She'd been drinking too and hadn't known what she was getting herself into. But he had, and he'd taken advantage, satisfying himself before sleeping off most of his drink, but now...once again, reality knocked on the door. What was he doing? What was he thinking? He didn't even understand his own actions anymore. He wanted to not feel anything, but he could no longer stop the guilt. He knew too much about right and wrong not to feel guilty. Maybe in his previous life he'd felt nothing, but now...after experiencing the right way to live, he knew this way was wrong, and his conscience would not let him be.

Entering Mom and Pops' back door, Carson knows he's late once again. Instead of getting ready to work first though, he goes straight to the kitchen, bypassing Mabel and Aerith without a word. Going through the doors, he spots Herb, and for a moment, he just stands and looks at him, his eyes full of the confusion emotions that were erupting inside of him. He was out of control and there was only one thing he could do right now to stop it.

Walking over to the counter by Herb, he takes his wallet out of his pocket and shoves it toward him. In it was his ID and all the money he had...and he was desperate not to use either. "Don't give this back to me," he begs. His eyes search for something solid to grasp onto. He'd never done anything like this before, but never had he felt so desperate for an answer. "Not until I deserve it."


*Nate gives Jason an irratated glance at Jason before he looks back to the road.*

"I'm sorry dear, I forgot we are married so I need to tell you what I do in my personal life. It wont happen again."

*Nate draws silent for a momemnt again as they drive trying to keep his own bubbling temper in controll. Now after snapping at Jason he felt bad.*

"Sorry Jase, just tired or something I guess. I honestly dident say anything because I forgot. Why he was in Vegas I dont know, but I did pick him up because he is still my friend and I dident want to leave him stranded. He needed me because he dident have anyone alse. Yes its his own fault, but everyone has to have someone they can fall back on everyonce and a while so at least we know someone cares still. Thats what true friendship is about. Always being there."


Carson doesn’t understand his own inner turmoil as Nate walks away. Had he really wanted a fight? Did he have so much pent up energy that it had been his only goal, and was now disappointed? Why did he fell almost neglected? Nate didn’t even want to stay and explain? Carson still wasn’t sure what had happened.

His fist comes down hard on the counter top before he spins around and heads back into the kitchen. His head hurt, his face hurt, his hand hurt, his back hurt. He was feeling last night’s accident and all he wanted to do was go somewhere for a stiff drink then sleep off the soreness. All he wanted was to get out of here.

Carson tries to concentrate on his tasks around the kitchen again, but just ends up making mistakes and having to clean up his own messes. And just when he thought a day couldn’t get worse…

Jason gets into Nate’s car without a word. Nothing is spoken until about halfway back to TJY. “So…you picked him up from Vegas, huh? What was he doing there, and why did he need you? And when were you going to tell me this?”

Nothing at all

*Nate lets out a sigh once again as he listens to Carson make his comments and than Jason retort to him. Nate new what Carson was doing and he new, he was doing it on purpos.

As Jason turns to leave Nate steps away from the counter for a moment.*

"Jase, wait..."

*But its to late Jason is already out the door. Letting out another sigh Nate shakes his head. When would Carson learn if ever? Nate dident know but he new he could continue to be his friend and show him the right way through his actions. Even if not everyone understood him.

Though Nate wanted to yell at Carson, he wanted to let him temper get out of hand he dident. Stepping away from the counter Nate hit where it hurt the most. Not really saying anything.*

"Sorry to have bothered you Carson. I'll see ya around."

*Heading out of Mom and Pop's Nate makes his way to the car where he new Jason would be waiting. Though it wouldent take long to get back to TJY, Nate couldent help but feel it would seem like hours.*


Jason isn’t thrilled with Nate’s words, but steps down, knowing he’d get into hot water if he didn’t.

Carson isn’t so sure he believes Nate’s motives or not, and forces a short laugh. “What? You want to know my alibi? You should know that one.” He shakes his head. “Or was I dreaming that you picked me up from Vegas?”

Jason’s eyes widen and he looks to Nate. “You picked him up?!”

A slight grin quirks the corner of Carson’s mouth. “He sure did. Guess he forgot to tell you, huh?”

Jason is still looking at Nate. “You actually helped him?!?!”

Carson crosses his arms, feeling a little bit of control back. “He did.”

Jason throws his hands in the air. “I give up. We came here to question, you go and say you don’t even think he’s done it, then I find out you’ve been buddy buddy with him to boot! Forget it. Get answers yourself and if we find out he tried to kill Kyle, be it on your head.” Having enough, he grabs his crutches and heads to the door, letting himself out in a huff.

Carson leans on the counter and looks down, knowing good and well that he’d just stirred that up on purpose, and also knowing that Nate would not be happy. It shouldn’t bother him, but it did, and he waits for the reprimand.

I know

*Nate watches both his friends as his heart ackes. What was this coming to? Why couldent both of them just be nice to eachother? Was the to much to ask? Seeing both of them were about ready to fight Nate steps in.*

"Both of you know it off right now or you will both find yourselfs behind bars understand me?"

*Nate is stern as he looks between Carson and Jason proving he wasent messing around. He had a job to do. Looking back to Carson Nate's eyes soften alittle but still hold strong.*

"Carson we arnt accusing you of anything. Its just you thretend Kyle the other day and we came to you first to gets you aliby so we can clear you before anything gets blow out of the water thats all."

*Nate lets out a long sigh looking to Jason and than back to Carson.*

"I dont believe you did this Carson, I dont believe it at all, but its my job to be here and question you anyways. It would be best if you just answered us."


Kyle grins and shakes his head at Misty. He half rolls his eyes as if to say, "Alright, have it your way."

Looking up at the clock, Kyle's eyes drift from the time, to himself, to Rick's empty desk, then back to himself. How long was he going ot have to stay here?

Carson looks up quickly. Nate? Jason? What could they want? A bad feeling settles in the pit of his stomach. At this point he trusted Nate…but not Jason.

Wiping his hands on a towel, he nods to Herb. “I’ll be right back.”

Cautiously, he makes his way to the front, the counter between him and the other two. He swallows hard, finding it difficult to look them in the eye. He tries to partially hide behind under his baseball cap. “Yeah?”

Jason can’t help a bit of surprise. He hadn’t seen Carson in a while, and seeing him like this now wasn’t what he expected. “Wow…what happened?”

“Nothing.” Carson grits his teeth, already his defenses rising. “What do you guys want?”

“We want to know where you were two days ago.” Jason cuts right to the chase.

Carson frowns. What had happened that he would be in trouble for now? “I was…” He stops. “What’s it to you?” He looks between Nate and Jason, leery about all of this. His eyes go to Nate directly as if asking if he’d been betrayed somehow.

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly. “Just answer the question.”

Carson straightens a little. “No. It’s none of your business.”

“It is when attempted murder is involved.” Jason eyes Carson’s reaction.

Carson is slightly taken aback. “Look I don’t know what this is about, but if you’re trying to pin some fool charges against me like that, then you’re out of your mind.”

“Are we?” Jason cocks his head. “What if it was Kyle Mitts that you were getting back at for stepping on your pride?”

“Kyle?” Now Carson is really confused. “He accusing me of something?”

“Not exactly…” Jason leans forward a bit. “You did threaten him though, didn’t you? After your little run in with him?”

Carson’s face reddens slightly. “What of it?”

Jason shakes his head. “You really are stupid aren’t you? Someone tried to kill Kyle, Carson. Poison ring any bells? Agency poison? You got the motive and the means. So tell us about it.”

Carson’s jaw muscles tighten, his irritation growing. His eyes narrow as he glares at Jason, then at Nate. He could take this from Jason, but Nate too? “Get out of here,” he growls, turning around.

Jason stops him with a stern voice. “You walk away and we’ll put you under arrest and have you interrogated downtown. The choice is yours.”

Carson whirls back around, setting his hands on the counter to look Jason square in the eye. “Now you get one thing straight, Hotshot. I do not have to take this from you. You have no evidence that I was anywhere near Kyle. You have no proof that I was involved in anything at all. You got some nerve walking in here and accusing me like this. So go ahead. Arrest me. I don’t care.”

Jason is on his feet, his temper flaring. He was too close to this case, but it hadn’t stopped him from coming. “Don’t push it. You know I’d take you down in a heartbeat.”

Carson holds out his arms in defiance, lifting his chin. “Take your best shot.”