

*Herb looks up at Carson as he enters and than looks down at the wallet that is pushed twords him. For a moment Herb is confused and dosent understand what Carson is saying but it dosent take him long after searching Carson's eyes.

Carson new he needed help and he was trying to seek it. Herb dident know how much really a help he could be but he would try his best to help his young friend.

Taking Carson wallet Herb looks at it and than up to Carson giving a nod.*

"Ok, I can do that for you. I'll try and help you all I can. Get ready for work."

*Herb exits the kitchen and heads into his office. Opening up his safe he wraps a peace of paper around the wallet and puts it inside closing it and spinning the dial.

Herb hoped he could help Carson, over the last few months of him working for him, and not only than but before that as well Herb had seen the change in the young man. He'd seen the good and the love that filled him. Than now to see him sip hurt, to see him making the wrong desitions hurt as well. But God had a plan and if this way part of it than Herb would listen.

Heading back into the kitchen Herb fiddles around with a few new things and preps for the day. Than I thought crossed his mind.*

"Hey Carson..."

*Herb walks over to him a thoughtful look on his face.*

"The seasons are changing again and that means our specials will be changing as well. I was wondering if this time around you could pick what goes on special menu for the fall. It can be anything thats in season, or you can invent something yourself. As long as it tasts good."

*Herb was a little saprised himself at what he said. Never had he let anyone pick what on the menu let alone the seasonal menu. Not even Mable was alowd to. But this time he wanted Carson to do it. He wasent to see what creative things he could come up with and it would help his mind stay busy for the upcoming hardships.*

*Misty enters the infermary slowly this morning. She had, had a rough night and just dident want to be here or anywhere. Today was just a bad day.

Seeing Kyle Misty throws him a smile as she goes over to him. She was getting better at her signing and now being able to semi read what Kyle was saying she could also talk a little too. It made Misty feel good knowing she acomplished something and helped Kyle as well.*

"How are you feeling this morning? Antsi to get going I bet."

*Misty checks Kyle's for head and takes his pulse. Everything seemed ok so far and that made Misty pleased. Looking around the infermary for a moment Misty dident want to be there she really dident and she new Kyle dident want to be eather. A small smile forms on her face.*

"Hey, would you like to get out of here for a little bit? Get some freshair? I was thinking the beach."

*Coming up behind Scott Katie wraps her arms around his neck giving him a peck on the cheek.*

"Good Morning! Working hard?"

*Katie's smile grows as she keeps her arms around Scott. She was having a good day today, and felt great all the way around. It felt like for the middle of fall it was going to be a warm day.*

"How about we find something to do after work? Me, you and Domino?"

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