
Strange Mystery

*As Kyle grabs Misty around the wast and put her up onto one of the rocks Misty lets out a squeel. Climbing, and climbing some more holding tight to Kyle's hand Misty smile remains. They higher they climb the more excitment runs through Misty.

Finally reaching the top Misty sits by the edge and lets her legs hand over the edge. Looking out at the water Misty takes in the sights. It was so peacful looking, it was so nice how honored she was to have had Kyle shair this with her.

Turning her head Misty watches as Kyle slides between the two rocks. Streaching her neck out Misty trys to see what he is doing though she is unable. As Kyle comes up and presents the box Misty's smile grows and her curosity intensifys as well. Scooting closer to Kyle Misty leans into a little bit to see what he had. Gazing into the box Misty's eyes widen and dazzle with amazment. What an amazing collection Kyle had indeed. As Kyle holds the one shell out to Misty she looks at it for a moment in amazment. The colors bouncing and runing off of it made it one of the most amazing things she had ever seen. Reaching out Misty runs her finger over the shell being even so gentil as if it might break till finally she takes it and holds it for a moment.*

"Oh Kyle...this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The colors in it are amazing. Did you find this here?"

*Misty runs her other hand over the shell again as she stairs in aw at the shell again. Taking in her hand she holds it to Kyle giving it back before she broke it.*

"Thank you Kyle for shairing this with me."

*Misty's eyes meet Kyle's as her smile grows. Stairing into them Misty feels herself being drawn in, the the shell her held, Kyle's eyes had the same multi colors. The same lights that dance and held a strange mystery.*

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