

*Herb is saprised when Carson said he had to leave for a moment, but understand once Carson explains a little bit. Giving a nod of his head he new why Carson had to do it and he was proud of him for it.*

"Take all the time you need."

*Herb turns back to his work and continues. There was a time, there was a season for everything and Herb could only hope Carson's was now. That Carson could turn into the man Herb new he was.

Moments later the order start coming in slow but picking up speed. Not minding Herb continues to get them out as fast as he can.*

*Misty can't help but laugh once again at Kyle's comment but than her face become more stern.*

"I am sure I drive better than you do, I dident think I'd make it home in once peace the other night the way you were swerving all over the road."

*Misty gives Kyle as she pass him to go out the door first. Getting into her car Misty keeps her face solom still though the courners of her mouth are starting to twitch.*

"We might need to stop by your apartment for the helmet anyways, your bother was stern on telling me not to take you anywhere without it."

*Finally Misty's mouth turns up into a smile as the courners of her eyes give a tiny wrinkle as well showing her smile. Pulling out of TJY Misty turns on her music playing the more softer stuff she had. She new enough about Kyle but she wasent sure about his tast in music and dident want to scair him away.

After some twists and turns around town and taking the root with the most things to look at Kyle and Misty are at the beach. Misty looks to Kyle and squints before geting out of the car.*

"I wasent lost you big jerk I just though you would like to see how pretty it is in the fall."

*Misty trys to keep a straght face but it dosent work she ends up busting out laughing before geting out of the car.

After making sure Kyle it out of the car Misty lockes the door and glances at the sky. It looked like it was going to be a nice day out.*

"Come on lets go for a walk down by the water. I know your dieing for the fresh air. Not to mention this time of day it looks real nice."

*Katie smiles and comes around the front of Scott her arms still around his neck and sits on his lap facing him. Thinking for a moment she is quiet.*

"Well if the weather stays nice how about we take Domino to the park. When I was out the other day I baught a frisbi and some tennis balls. We can run off some of our energy along with her."

*Katie leans in and press her lips to Scott's for a moment before pulling away.*

"Than afterwords some ice cream sounds good to me."

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