
Emotions running for all

*Katie lets out a sigh and leans back. A few more hours pass as Katie stays and talks more with Jen. They talked more on the topic of Jason, and Scott. Katie shaired how her Aunt was to be married and now Mick was missing. Katie even talked to her about how they all faced jail at TJY if Lockheart couldent pull through. Finally figurng it was time to deal with her own emotions alone Katie gives Jen a tight hug before leaving. Promising she would be in touch so they could hang out again.

As Katie drives away from Jen's house her mind wonders. She could hardly think straght. She couldent go back to work like this today she just needed the day off to be alone, where is was quiet and she could think. Geting home Katie enters her room pating Henry on the head than grabing a glass of water. Disapearing into her room shuting the door tight behind her. Truning on some soft music Katie sits down on her bed and opens her heart and mind leting her thoughts and emotions run free. Tears flow in Katie's eyes. She new Jen was right. For Katies own good she needed to let go but it was going to be hard. Jen had also been right about God doing everything for a reason. And there was a reason Scott was in her life. God had placed him there to be the someone she needed. Katie's mind continues to going from one thing to the next just leting them out and not holding back.*

*Misty cant help but grin at Scott at his comment of hurting all over.*

"OK lets take this shirt off of you and take a look. I am alittle conserned your still pretty sore."

*Helping Scott take his shirt off Misty notices alittle bursing that worryed her. Poking and proding a bit Misty can still feel a bit of swelling. Looking up Misty had a bit of worry in her eyes.*

"I need to go talk to Rick Scott but I think something more than what we though at first. Wait her and its VERY important you DONT movie. Please for your own good."

*Misty exits the office and heads to where she last saw Rick in the break room. Entering Misty sits down acorss from Rick at the table and lets out a long sigh.*

" Rick, Scott came to me and was complaining of his side hurting really bad still along with a headack. I had him take his shirt off so I could examen him alittle better and there is some deep brusing under his ribs and swelling. That should of been gone by now buts its not. The bruse is black, burble, and red. It also felt around the swelling alot of fluid was building up. I havent given him any painkillers yet cuz I do believe there is something more wrong that what we first though that is causing this. I needed him to let us know where the pain was and not have it blocked out so I thought that was best.. I think we need to go over him again and look deeper this time."

*Rosetta eyes open alittle bigger. It was Trent. Rosetta cant take it and her emotions break free. A tear forming in her eye. It was really Trent after all these years. Standing Rosetta puts her coffee cup down on the porch step and takes a step down. Bringing her hand up to Trents she runs it along the side of his face. Touching to make sure he is real. Finally, slowly bringing her arms around him in a strong embrass. Rosetta's mind ran with feelings, emotions, thoughts. For a moment all doubt, anger, distrust was lost her long lost brother was there standing in front of her.*

"Oh Trent...."

*Tears form more in Rosetta's eyes as she holds her brother. God did things for a reson who was she to doubt why he left Trent come.*


Jen's compassion grows, and she moves her chair to the end of the couch where Katie is, reaching over as far as she can, to put an arm around her shoulders. "Oh, hun...this just doesn't feel good at all, does it?"

She just sits for several moments, thinking...contemplating...praying. "I wish I had some great advice to give you, Katie...I wish there was a simple solution...but I know you know there's just not. Sometimes in life, we're dealt bad hands out of happenstance that we have to live with. Other times it's out own actions that create the consequences that arise as bad hands. And sometimes I believe God allows certain trials to help us grow. But...no matter what the situation is, or why it's hard...God is there...and He knows what's happening. He knows every single intimate detail of your life. He knows your love for Jason...he knows your feelings for Scott. He saw the relationship between you and Jason grow and fall, and He saw that kiss you shared with Scott too."

Jen pauses, straightening up, and going for a tissue to hand to Katie. "He knows the reasons...He knows the answers to all this...and He knows your future."

Pausing again, she continues to think, sighing a little. "I don't ever want you to act solely on the advice of others...I want you to pray about this and act on the wisdom God provides you with. But if you're looking for any kind of opinion..." Jen frowns a little. She'd seen the way Jason and Katie looked at each other, and this pained her now to hear of their struggle. "...if Jason is purposely pushing you away...then I don't know if there's anything you can do about it. You might be able to turn him around...but you might not. And that trying is going to be awfully painful, and I'm not sure that it's best if you allow yourself to be put through that. We do a lot of crazy things for love...and we push ourselves to the limit for it...but at some point...we have to look out for ourselves too."

Jen cocks her head. "And...in a way...perhaps Jason is trying to do what's best for you. He's not stupid...he has to see how he's hurting you...and if I know him, he probably doesn't like it any more than you do, if not hating it more. But for some reason, he must feel trapped, and unable to change. So from that perspective...maybe the best thing is to just let him deal with this the way he is, and respect his decision." She shrugs. "Again...these are just my thoughts, and I don't know if they're right or not."

"As far as Scott goes...you have feelings for him. Either they have to be snuffed out so they don't develop into something you don't want, or they have to be embraced and let out to live...but only if Jason is left behind first. You can't keep living between two men."

Scott cringes a little and tries not to blink in the light that Misty shines in his eyes. "I feel like crap all over, does that count?"

"My mouth isn't great, but until I see a dentist to dig out what's left of my tooth, I don't think that's going to get much better."He moves a little and winces. "I guess the only thing other than my head that feels like it's going to split open is my ribcage. I can't move a muscle without it hurting. I just figured that was to be expected though."

The man's eyes search Rosetta's for a long moment, looking for that key recognition. He cocks his head, a ghost of a melancholy smile almost playing on his lips. "You haven't changed a bit... I wish I could say the same for myself..."

He drops his gaze for a moment, then approaches just a little more to put a foot on the first step, leaning n the porch railing. "Ten years in prison, five more with the Agency, and five more pretending to be dead does no man any good... but sometimes... every once in a while... that kind of man sees a chance to at least try to make up for lost time...to grope for a way to apologize, even though what he's done is unforgivable... to fumble around like a blind man in a cave, if only to get a glimpse of some hope...some light...some warmth that has been missing all those years."

He swallows hard, emotions pooling behind his eyes. "I deserve to die, Rosetta. And I almost made that happen. But for some reason...I'm still here...and for once in my life, I couldn't stand to allow pain to continue. And for once...I decided to take a side." He pauses, wrought with too many emotions to express. "I heard about Mick getting taken and though I know nothing, I couldn't just stand back and watch."

His shoulders low, his posture showing ultimate defeat, he looks Rosetta dead in the eye. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive someone who has caused so much hurt? Someone that has betrayed over and over again? Can you find it in you heart to forgive...your brother?"


*As Katie sits she is quiet for a long moment just thinking. Collecting her thoughts for a moment she gets lost. Where does she start and where does she end.*

"No, everything isent ok. I'm so lost and confused its not hurry and I am feel like every part if me is being ripped apart inside. And it all revolvs around someone I love very much..."

*Kaie lets out a sigh and just breaks free spilling everything to Jen. What drover her to pour her heart out she dident know. But she was laing it all out, Jason, Scott, How she still lived Jason how he told her to let go. Not leaving out one detail to Jen. Katie just felt comfortable about Jen even sheding a few tears. Almost an hour had gone by when finally Katie draws to a close."

"....now I dont know what to do Jen. Jason wantes me to let go, Scott is waiting, and I just dont know how to let go of someone I still love. I dont want to say goodbye to Jason, my minds keeps me remembering the good times, the love, and my heart reminds me of the pain."

*Katie puts her head in her hands.*

"I just hurts so much Jen and I dont know where to go or what to do. I'm so scaired."

*Misty looks up from the desk at the sounds of a noise. Seeing Scott she is quick to her feet.*

"Scott you shouldent be up. Next time just press the intercon button by your bed. You could of ripped something. Your not stedy on your feet yet eather."

*Misty helps Scott over to the examaning table and helps him sit down.*

"I cant be to mad though, I probley wouldent be able to sit still for to long eather. Where does it hurt just your head? or are you feeling more pain than the last few days anywhere alse? I cant give ya anything till you tell me. In case something is wrong we cant mask the pain with it so we can get it fixed."

*Misty takes a flashlight and shines it semi in Scott's eyes noting he has a headack and it probley hurts she refrains from shinning it full blown.*

*As Rosetta hear a tuck she looks up. Confused for a moment she wasent exspecting anything and with Mick missing she was on alart incase The Agency was to attack. As the man gets out of te truck and draws closer Rosetta studys the face for a long while. Something stired inside her. She new who this was, but how could it be. He had been gone for so long, and not on the best of terms eather. Why, why would he be back now? And Mick was not missing. Taking a sip of her coffee Rosetta trys to remain to top of her emotions maybe it wasent him.*


New face? Or...?

Jason watches Katie leave, then shuts his door quietly. He pauses for several minutes, trying to maintain control before he goes back to his desk. He had to keep his mind busy...he had to keep it occupied so he doesn't dwell on what just happened. Opening some files on his computer, he starts to read, forcing himself to concentrate.

Jen gives Katie a surprised smile, and returns the hug. "Well good morning, Katie!" Once inside the living room, she gestures for Katie to sit on the couch. "I'm doing alright... After the whole "I'll never walk again news" from the doctor a few weeks ago, things have gotten back to normal, though Kyle is still being an overbearing worrywart." She rolls her eyes, but grins.

Looking at Katie, she cocks her head. "Hey...is everything okay?"

Scott takes a deep breath, shifting his weight in bed. The room next door to the infirmary wasn't as stark and it was quieter, but it still wasn't his own bed, and he still wished he were home.

Moving to sit up, his head feels like it's been hit with a hammer. Grimacing, he swings his feet over the side and stands up, teetering just a little bit before attempting to walk gingerly to the hall. Domino looks up at him from her spot on the floor, but stays put, not having received any signal to move.

Scott walks slowly down the hall, leaning on the wall for support, squinting in the bright lights. Making it to the infirmary, he knocks and enters slowly, spotting Misty. "Hey..." He offers as much of a smile as he can, despite his tired eyes and sore mouth. "Got anything for a killer headache around here?"

An old beater pickup truck pauses at the end of the R/M driveway, the driver staring at the sign with hesitance. His eyes and tired face show years of hardships. His long sigh hits at a weariness of the heart.

Finally making up his mind, he turns into the driveway and slowly drives towards the buildings. Parking near the mess hall, he pauses again after the motor is shut off, just sitting in the driver's seat, taking in the surroundings. His eyes fall onto Rosetta, who is sitting on the porch, and his hesitance increases.

Willing himself forward, he exits the truck and shuts the door...just standing...just watching. Slowly he approaches, his thin frame proving the toll time has taken. The lines on his face...the gray streaking his hair...they all add to someone who is no longer easily recognized...no longer known from a distance...perhaps forgotten enough that he is no longer known at all.

Making it to Rosetta, he stops, his thumbs hooked in his pockets, and he gives a little nod. "Rosetta..."

Crisp morning

*As Jason pushes Katie to the door she stands for a long moment turning just looking deep into Jasons eyes. She new it was coming and it couldent be stoped. He new too. Katie still felt so confused though. Relationships were about hard times right, ups and downs. Than why was she walking away. Jason was one of the best things in her life and now he was slowly fading. Katie feared she would lose him all together. Finally feeling her heart so heavy and that the air was geting thin around her Katie breaks her gaze.*

"I just dont know how. I..I have to get out of her for alittle bit if anyone asks."

*Katie turns and makes her way across the floor, up the elavator and out the door. Geting into her car Katie just sits for a long while the tears in her eyes. Katie new it was early still but she needed someone to talk to a friend. Con was probley sleep and she dident want to wake him. Katie new Jen would be up at this hour. Katie had wanted to talk to her anyways. whiping her tears away Katie pulls her car out of the driveway and makes her way for Jen's house.

After an hour of just driving slow and thinking Katie arrives at Jen's house. Shuting off her car she gets out hoping that Jen in face is still awake. Slowly walking up to the door Katie gingles her keys as a nervouse habit. Katie knocks on the door and waits her mind so full and her heart ever so heavy.

As the door opens Katie smiles when she see Jen. Reaching down she give her friend a hug and enters the house out of the crisp air making her way into the living room to join Jen.*

"How are you Jen?"

*As Misty enters TJY she is still breathing a bit heavy from her run with Carson this morning. It had been fun, they laughed, and they joked. Misty really enjoyed there time together.

Entering TJY Misty makes he way across the floor and to where Scott was. Entering she is quiet as to not wake him. Going over Misty checks his vitles, and his bruses and cuts making sure everything is ok. Once she is done she exits and heads for the infermary to get an early start to her day.*

*Rosetta wakes with a start thinking she hurd her name being called. Geting out of bed she slowly looks out the window everything was normal. Pulling on her jacket she makes her way across the wet grass to the mess hall and enters BJ's room to check on him. He was fast asleep. Gently Rosetta runs her hand down the side of his face and smiles. Soon the little house would be ready and BJ would be closer in case he needed anything. Exiting again Rosetta gets a cup of coffee and exiting siting on the proch step taking in the fresh morning air. Rosetta stairs across the yard her heart still heavy. Lifting Mick again in a silent prayer. She missed having him around already. Rosetta just hoped God would be with him and he was ok.*


Jason swallows hard, his eyes closed as he feels Katie near. This just wasn't fair...how could he so badly want to share himself again, while at the same time be so locked away that he could not? He remembered a time when he had fought love tooth and nail, fearing himself and fearing the future. But this time he'd taken it one more step and actually accomplished the coldness he'd set out to find. For if he could not feel the love, then he could not fear it. He was depressed...he was hurt...he was angry... And he was no longer the man Katie needed. He was no longer a man that could love. He was no longer a man that knew how to live. Holding on to this relationship with Katie was but a last ditch effort to feel, but at what cost would it occur?

Drawing back, Jason reaches up his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind Katie's ear. He sees the tears in her eyes and feels the pain all over again. "Don't be sad," he pleads quietly. His emotions were tucked safely away, but he could still show what he was feeling without releasing them to her, and his eyes showed a longing for the pain to stop. "You can't let me do that to you."

His eyes search hers, his gaze piercing through to the deepest depths. "Let me go before it's too late," he whispers. "You deserve to be free." She deserved to be free of his rampant emotions. She deserved to be free of the chains his lack of love had formed. She deserved to be free of the pain he was causing. He hated his circumstances and he hated himself. Yet he was helpless against the forces that had taken over.

Before he broke under the own weight in his heart...before she could cling to him, his eyes go void of the feelings that had just existed. He couldn't stand this any longer. Hardly able to follow through, he stands up, forcing Katie to slide from his lap. He aims her toward his door before letting his hands fall from her shoulders. "You need to leave," he directs. His voice was etched with the hidden emotions, yet he chose to lace them with a coolness that drove away the warmth. If he didn't stop this war now, he feared it would never end...and he would rather see Katie free and happy than with him and miserable. If being harsh was the only way to accomplish that, then so be it.

Jason had only been back a few days...but the turning of time could twist any circumstance into something hated before one could blink. And as such, so too had a bond been twisted and strained, threatening to break. Were they to simply take a break from each other? Were they to walk away never to return to each other? Were they to stay friends? Were they to turn this thing around and try again? Time was the only one who could tell, and it was time that kept the answer hidden from Jason's view.

I miss you

*As Jason draws Katie in his arms her body relaxes and she feels comfort. The comfort she new was in Jason.*

"J, I dont know how when I still love you so much."

*Katie leans her forhead aganst the top of Jason's. Choking on her words for a moment as her tears threten to come. She new Jason was right for now she needed to let go. He couldent give her his love anymore and it hurt Katie so much. But how did she know if that truly was the right desition. Katie's mind races with desitions and choises, but never once would she put the blame on Jason. Maybe if Katie talks to someone again it would help but who. Katie thinks for a moment her arms still wrapped around Jason. Maybe Jen would listen and gives some addvise from one girl to the next. Katie would have to remember that for later but for now Katie dident want to let go of Jason.*


Jason keeps his eyes on Katie, his stare a dim reflection of the spark that had died. Looking away for a moment, he feels another stab to his heart as he hears how much Katie misses him…how much she wants him back.

Not sure himself the whys of his own actions, Jason stands. Moving around to the other side of his desk, he reaches for Katie’s hands, pulling her up out of her chair. Sitting down in her place, he draws her back down to sit across his lap, wrapping his arms around her, and burying his face in her shoulder.

For several minutes he just holds her in silence, his soul in turmoil. Finally he speaks, in but a whisper. “Don’t let me do this to you, Katie…I can’t stand to see you hurting…you’ve got to let go before I break your heart even more. I can’t go back…I can’t give you what you need.”


*As Katie sleeps she her dreams drift her and there but most around Jason her mind at peace with the memories. As Katie hears a door open and shut the dreams start to fade and Katie can feel someone in the room. But like so many times before she knows its not a threting presence. Katie instinly gets a wif of air and knows its Jason himself, feeling his eyes on her she keeps her shut still pulling herself from the sleep she was in. As Jason's computer kicks on Katie opends her one eye, seeing Jason stairing back at her. For a long moment Katie says nothing just stairs at Jason in the eyes. Not trying to prod him for his emotions but just looking. Cracking a small smile thought groggyness.*


*Starting to sit up alittle bit Katie relizes where she is, and reality comes back to her as to what was going on. Siting up alittle more Katie looks down to the floor but dosent stand.*

"I'm sorry Jason."

*Katie picks at her fingers as she stumbles over her own words.*

"I....this is where I feel closest to you, and I guess lastnight I just...needed or wanted to be close. I dident mean to invade you privesy. I just....I guess I'm not 100% sure, other than I just wanted to be here."

*Katie continues to pick at her fingers still she looks up at Jason again."


Carson chuckles. “Are you crazy? The night’s cold – I’d freeze to death.”

Shaking his head, he waves to her. “I’m right behind you.” He goes to his bedroom to retrieve a t-shirt and throws a flannel shirt on over that. Quickly slipping on his sneakers, he hurries back out, pounding on Jason’s door as he goes, knowing he’s still awake. “I’ll be back,” he calls loudly.

Jason listens as he hears the front door shut, then all becomes quiet. It was interesting…hearing Carson and Misty interact. They didn’t care a bit about what other people might think… Both had their moral standards, but to a certain degree, threw caution into the wind, and lived for the moment. That much was evident. Jason wondered how that must feel…he wasn’t sure he knew.

The brisk walk to Misty’s proves to be a refreshing one, and soon, Carson finds himself, leaving Misty at her door. “See you tomorrow,” he waves. “And I expect you to be out here with your running shoes bright and early.” He throws her a wink before turning around and heading back down the sidewalk.

Arriving back at his apartment, he gives Misty a quick call before flopping back down in bed, now to sleep the night through.

Jason trudges into work, feeling as though he hadn’t slept at all, even though he knew he had. At least he couldn’t remember half the night, so surely it must have meant he’d slept. Running on only a glass of orange juice, he stifles a yawn before heading across the main floor. He was early this morning….he didn’t know why. But when he’d heard Carson leave for his routine run, he’d decided to get up and be gone before Carson got back.

Figuring he’d check in with Reese later, Jason heads for his office. Stepping inside, he shuts the door behind himself and flicks on the light. Stopping in his tracks, he’s startled to see Katie in one of the chairs. What on earth…

Jason just stands for several moments, watching her. She was sleeping so peacefully…he knew his presence would only prove to shatter that peace once she woke. He wasn’t a shelter anymore…he was the cause of pain and he didn’t know how to reverse it.

Taking a step forward, he studies her features, reacquainting himself with them. It had been too long since he’d studied her face. Reaching out, he almost brushes her face with his hand, but he stops. He couldn’t keep confusing her.

Sighing just a little, he withdraws and moves behind his desk to sit in his own chair. Turning on the computer, he knows the sound will wake Katie, and simply waits to find out why she is there.

Two Conditions

*Misty smiles as Carson helps her up. She loved watching and seeing how Carson had grown. He had changed but at the sometime he still new how to be himself.

Giving a smile Misty nods.*

"Oh I guess you can walk me home on two consitions. One you put a shirt on. I dont want anyone alse seeing how much of a hunk you are and two call me when you get back home so I dont worry."

*Misty smiles grabing her boombox and heading for the door, steping out into the hall way giving a smile and nod to a few people that still lingered there.*


Carson gives Misty a sly grin, not caring much about his neighbors either. Leaning closer to her, he sinks to his elbows, giving her another kiss. “Well…I’m glad you approve of me.”

Thinking for a moment, Carson suddenly withdraws, righting himself, and pulling Misty up off the couch. “Alright sassy, you need to get out of here before I get carried away. Do you need an escort home?”


*Katie smiles down at Scott studing his face for a long while searching though his eyes. Not even sure what she was looking for. Was it the spark, the light or many simple answers that she would never find in Scott's eyes but would have to look for them inside herself. Giving Scott's hand a gental squeeze.*

"Your very welcome Scotty."

*Leaning down Katie give Scott a small kiss on the forhead. Drawing away quickly Katie smiles down at him.*

"Sleep well and I will see you in the morning ok. Domino watch over him for me."

*Exiting the infermary Katie makes her way across the floor cleaning up the rest of tonight events. As Katie pass Jason's office a strange pull send her to the door opening it steping inside Katie shuts the door. Taking in a deep sniff Katie can smell Jason. Going over to his desk Katie sits down in one of the chairs. Closing her eyes and smelling the smell Katie mind takes her back to the laughter, the smiles, the jokes, the kiss, and the bikes ride. All the promises they made of stuff to do. A single tear rolls down Katie's cheek as finally her exsaustion takes over and she falls sound asleep.*

*As Carson leans in and kiss Misty she wraps her arms around his neck and drawns him in closer to her.*

"I'm glad you liked my little excurtion. I hope I dident make to much trouble for you though with you nabors. However I really dont care what they think of me. You on the other hand...."

*Misty kiss Carson once more still feeling his warmth on her skin that sent there own heatwave though Misty.*

"...I do care what you think about me and for that fact I am glad you like troublemakers."

*Misty looks up at Carson her face still flush, and her hair spread out on the coutch coution. It was late but Misty dident care being with Carson allways gave her a certin energy.*


Jason’s eyes fly open again at the sound of Misty’s voice, and he as to admit that it is just as bit humorous. Though this is quite the contrast to staying at Con’s…Con never had any late night visitors, that was for sure.

Carson’s eyes get even wider as he watches Misty bounce around, finally stopping in front of him. Feeling her touch drives a warm sensation straight through to his heart.

Letting his eyes narrow, he keeps his arms crossed, his face growing stern. “So I’m the man, but no truce, eh?” He takes several steps forward, starting to back Misty up. “You like being at war, eh?” Several more steps bring them further into the living room. “And I can see that you’re not one to surrender.”

Another two steps, and he’s backed Misty up to the armrest of the couch. Leaning forward he’s just enough of a push to send her falling back over the armrest onto the cushions. Bending down over her, he braces himself with his arms, staring down at her face. “You…young lady…are a troublemaker, do you know that?”

Studying her eyes, his own spark with life. Leaning in, he presses his lips to hers for a passionate exchange. Drawing back, his voice is lowered. “Unfortunately…I like troublemakers.” Returning, he kisses her again, proving all too well that he has not disliked Misty’s disturbance.

Scott opens his eyes, a bit embarrassed that he’s fallen asleep. Deciding it would be useless to fight Katie’s help, he accept it instead, managing to get to his feet, leaning his weight on her shoulders.

He gives a short laugh. “Yeah, Rick wouldn’t be too happy would he?”

The going is slow back to the infirmary. Scott may have been comfortable on the floor, but it hadn’t done him any good. Finally making it to the bed, he eases himself down, letting his breath out slowly, trying to relax.

Looking up at Katie, he reaches out to take her hand for just a moment. “Thanks for spending the evening with me. You’ve made this whole thing just a little more bearable whether you realize it or not.”

The song

*Misty cant help but smile backing away from Carson after Jason leaves and shuts the door. Jumping on Carson coutch Misty continues.*


*Misty jumps off the back of the coutch and bounces through the small apartment full of energy for some reson.*


*Misty spins and brings herself close to Carson as her heart races and she gasps for air. As Carson's chest meets Misty's hand she feels the warmth from his skin and now relises he dosent have a shirt on. For a moment Misty is happy her face is already red.*

*Katie glances over to see Scott asleep on the floor. Knowing if she left him there for Rick to find him in the morning they would both be in trouble. Shuting off Scott's TV Katie bends down and shakes Scott gently.*

"Hey Hun, Come on. Lets get you back to the infermary so Rick dosent have both our heads in the morning."

*Gently Katie trys to put Scott's arm around her neck to help him up.*


Scott just shakes his head and turns his attention back to the movie, feeling exhausted from just the short episode with Domino. He’s able to eat some popcorn, though eventually quits, his mouth too sore to take any more.

As the movie gets three quarters over, Scotts eyelids become heavy. He’s seen the movie before…he’s not all that uncomfortable sitting here on the floor…the company is good...his body is tired… Before he can stop it, his eyes are closed, his breathing slowed as his mind drifts into sleep.

Domino lifts her head off Katie’s lap, seeming to sense everything. Crawling off, she moves to Scott, sniffing his hand. Noting he’s not responding, she takes to the bottom of his pantleg, starting to pull at it.

Carson sits bolt upright. He’d just gotten into bed, and had started to drift off. What on earth was that noise…music…singing…Misty?!

Springing out of bed, he throws on a pair of jeans and stumbles through the dark apartment, stubbing his toe on the couch as he goes, a curse escaping as he limps, finally finding a light switch.

Reaching the door, he unlocks the deadbolt and swings the door open, staring wide-eyed down at Misty.

Several neighbors have moved just as quickly and are now looking down the hall with some surprise and disgust at the late-night disturbance.

Seeing others watching, Carson is quick to move. Reaching down, he pulls Misty up off the floor and drags her into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. Leaning back up against the door, he blinks. “Good gracious, woman! Are you trying to wake up the whole building?”

Staring at her, the corners of his mouth start to twitch. He deserved every bit of Misty’s ruckus for waking her up every morning by banging on her window. He folds his arms across his bare chest, cocking his head and quirking an eyebrow at her. “I guess we’re even now. Though I’m going to have an awful lot of explaining to do, should one of my neighbors ask me what’s going on.”

“Try explaining it to your roommate.”

Carson looks quickly to the hall where Jason is leaning in his doorway. “Shall we say, this is one battle within a much larger war?”

Jason just shakes his head. Carson and Misty hadn’t changed a bit. Knowing now that it’s just something between them and not the world coming to an end, he says no more and he returns to his room, shutting the door and flopping back down on the mattress.

Carson turns back to Misty, his eyes sparkling with humor. “Shall we call a truce before we both get kicked out of our homes for disturbing the peace?”