
Emotions running for all

*Katie lets out a sigh and leans back. A few more hours pass as Katie stays and talks more with Jen. They talked more on the topic of Jason, and Scott. Katie shaired how her Aunt was to be married and now Mick was missing. Katie even talked to her about how they all faced jail at TJY if Lockheart couldent pull through. Finally figurng it was time to deal with her own emotions alone Katie gives Jen a tight hug before leaving. Promising she would be in touch so they could hang out again.

As Katie drives away from Jen's house her mind wonders. She could hardly think straght. She couldent go back to work like this today she just needed the day off to be alone, where is was quiet and she could think. Geting home Katie enters her room pating Henry on the head than grabing a glass of water. Disapearing into her room shuting the door tight behind her. Truning on some soft music Katie sits down on her bed and opens her heart and mind leting her thoughts and emotions run free. Tears flow in Katie's eyes. She new Jen was right. For Katies own good she needed to let go but it was going to be hard. Jen had also been right about God doing everything for a reason. And there was a reason Scott was in her life. God had placed him there to be the someone she needed. Katie's mind continues to going from one thing to the next just leting them out and not holding back.*

*Misty cant help but grin at Scott at his comment of hurting all over.*

"OK lets take this shirt off of you and take a look. I am alittle conserned your still pretty sore."

*Helping Scott take his shirt off Misty notices alittle bursing that worryed her. Poking and proding a bit Misty can still feel a bit of swelling. Looking up Misty had a bit of worry in her eyes.*

"I need to go talk to Rick Scott but I think something more than what we though at first. Wait her and its VERY important you DONT movie. Please for your own good."

*Misty exits the office and heads to where she last saw Rick in the break room. Entering Misty sits down acorss from Rick at the table and lets out a long sigh.*

" Rick, Scott came to me and was complaining of his side hurting really bad still along with a headack. I had him take his shirt off so I could examen him alittle better and there is some deep brusing under his ribs and swelling. That should of been gone by now buts its not. The bruse is black, burble, and red. It also felt around the swelling alot of fluid was building up. I havent given him any painkillers yet cuz I do believe there is something more wrong that what we first though that is causing this. I needed him to let us know where the pain was and not have it blocked out so I thought that was best.. I think we need to go over him again and look deeper this time."

*Rosetta eyes open alittle bigger. It was Trent. Rosetta cant take it and her emotions break free. A tear forming in her eye. It was really Trent after all these years. Standing Rosetta puts her coffee cup down on the porch step and takes a step down. Bringing her hand up to Trents she runs it along the side of his face. Touching to make sure he is real. Finally, slowly bringing her arms around him in a strong embrass. Rosetta's mind ran with feelings, emotions, thoughts. For a moment all doubt, anger, distrust was lost her long lost brother was there standing in front of her.*

"Oh Trent...."

*Tears form more in Rosetta's eyes as she holds her brother. God did things for a reson who was she to doubt why he left Trent come.*

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