

Scott just shakes his head and turns his attention back to the movie, feeling exhausted from just the short episode with Domino. He’s able to eat some popcorn, though eventually quits, his mouth too sore to take any more.

As the movie gets three quarters over, Scotts eyelids become heavy. He’s seen the movie before…he’s not all that uncomfortable sitting here on the floor…the company is good...his body is tired… Before he can stop it, his eyes are closed, his breathing slowed as his mind drifts into sleep.

Domino lifts her head off Katie’s lap, seeming to sense everything. Crawling off, she moves to Scott, sniffing his hand. Noting he’s not responding, she takes to the bottom of his pantleg, starting to pull at it.

Carson sits bolt upright. He’d just gotten into bed, and had started to drift off. What on earth was that noise…music…singing…Misty?!

Springing out of bed, he throws on a pair of jeans and stumbles through the dark apartment, stubbing his toe on the couch as he goes, a curse escaping as he limps, finally finding a light switch.

Reaching the door, he unlocks the deadbolt and swings the door open, staring wide-eyed down at Misty.

Several neighbors have moved just as quickly and are now looking down the hall with some surprise and disgust at the late-night disturbance.

Seeing others watching, Carson is quick to move. Reaching down, he pulls Misty up off the floor and drags her into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. Leaning back up against the door, he blinks. “Good gracious, woman! Are you trying to wake up the whole building?”

Staring at her, the corners of his mouth start to twitch. He deserved every bit of Misty’s ruckus for waking her up every morning by banging on her window. He folds his arms across his bare chest, cocking his head and quirking an eyebrow at her. “I guess we’re even now. Though I’m going to have an awful lot of explaining to do, should one of my neighbors ask me what’s going on.”

“Try explaining it to your roommate.”

Carson looks quickly to the hall where Jason is leaning in his doorway. “Shall we say, this is one battle within a much larger war?”

Jason just shakes his head. Carson and Misty hadn’t changed a bit. Knowing now that it’s just something between them and not the world coming to an end, he says no more and he returns to his room, shutting the door and flopping back down on the mattress.

Carson turns back to Misty, his eyes sparkling with humor. “Shall we call a truce before we both get kicked out of our homes for disturbing the peace?”

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