

Carson chuckles. “Are you crazy? The night’s cold – I’d freeze to death.”

Shaking his head, he waves to her. “I’m right behind you.” He goes to his bedroom to retrieve a t-shirt and throws a flannel shirt on over that. Quickly slipping on his sneakers, he hurries back out, pounding on Jason’s door as he goes, knowing he’s still awake. “I’ll be back,” he calls loudly.

Jason listens as he hears the front door shut, then all becomes quiet. It was interesting…hearing Carson and Misty interact. They didn’t care a bit about what other people might think… Both had their moral standards, but to a certain degree, threw caution into the wind, and lived for the moment. That much was evident. Jason wondered how that must feel…he wasn’t sure he knew.

The brisk walk to Misty’s proves to be a refreshing one, and soon, Carson finds himself, leaving Misty at her door. “See you tomorrow,” he waves. “And I expect you to be out here with your running shoes bright and early.” He throws her a wink before turning around and heading back down the sidewalk.

Arriving back at his apartment, he gives Misty a quick call before flopping back down in bed, now to sleep the night through.

Jason trudges into work, feeling as though he hadn’t slept at all, even though he knew he had. At least he couldn’t remember half the night, so surely it must have meant he’d slept. Running on only a glass of orange juice, he stifles a yawn before heading across the main floor. He was early this morning….he didn’t know why. But when he’d heard Carson leave for his routine run, he’d decided to get up and be gone before Carson got back.

Figuring he’d check in with Reese later, Jason heads for his office. Stepping inside, he shuts the door behind himself and flicks on the light. Stopping in his tracks, he’s startled to see Katie in one of the chairs. What on earth…

Jason just stands for several moments, watching her. She was sleeping so peacefully…he knew his presence would only prove to shatter that peace once she woke. He wasn’t a shelter anymore…he was the cause of pain and he didn’t know how to reverse it.

Taking a step forward, he studies her features, reacquainting himself with them. It had been too long since he’d studied her face. Reaching out, he almost brushes her face with his hand, but he stops. He couldn’t keep confusing her.

Sighing just a little, he withdraws and moves behind his desk to sit in his own chair. Turning on the computer, he knows the sound will wake Katie, and simply waits to find out why she is there.

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