

*As Katie sleeps she her dreams drift her and there but most around Jason her mind at peace with the memories. As Katie hears a door open and shut the dreams start to fade and Katie can feel someone in the room. But like so many times before she knows its not a threting presence. Katie instinly gets a wif of air and knows its Jason himself, feeling his eyes on her she keeps her shut still pulling herself from the sleep she was in. As Jason's computer kicks on Katie opends her one eye, seeing Jason stairing back at her. For a long moment Katie says nothing just stairs at Jason in the eyes. Not trying to prod him for his emotions but just looking. Cracking a small smile thought groggyness.*


*Starting to sit up alittle bit Katie relizes where she is, and reality comes back to her as to what was going on. Siting up alittle more Katie looks down to the floor but dosent stand.*

"I'm sorry Jason."

*Katie picks at her fingers as she stumbles over her own words.*

"I....this is where I feel closest to you, and I guess lastnight I just...needed or wanted to be close. I dident mean to invade you privesy. I just....I guess I'm not 100% sure, other than I just wanted to be here."

*Katie continues to pick at her fingers still she looks up at Jason again."

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