
Crisp morning

*As Jason pushes Katie to the door she stands for a long moment turning just looking deep into Jasons eyes. She new it was coming and it couldent be stoped. He new too. Katie still felt so confused though. Relationships were about hard times right, ups and downs. Than why was she walking away. Jason was one of the best things in her life and now he was slowly fading. Katie feared she would lose him all together. Finally feeling her heart so heavy and that the air was geting thin around her Katie breaks her gaze.*

"I just dont know how. I..I have to get out of her for alittle bit if anyone asks."

*Katie turns and makes her way across the floor, up the elavator and out the door. Geting into her car Katie just sits for a long while the tears in her eyes. Katie new it was early still but she needed someone to talk to a friend. Con was probley sleep and she dident want to wake him. Katie new Jen would be up at this hour. Katie had wanted to talk to her anyways. whiping her tears away Katie pulls her car out of the driveway and makes her way for Jen's house.

After an hour of just driving slow and thinking Katie arrives at Jen's house. Shuting off her car she gets out hoping that Jen in face is still awake. Slowly walking up to the door Katie gingles her keys as a nervouse habit. Katie knocks on the door and waits her mind so full and her heart ever so heavy.

As the door opens Katie smiles when she see Jen. Reaching down she give her friend a hug and enters the house out of the crisp air making her way into the living room to join Jen.*

"How are you Jen?"

*As Misty enters TJY she is still breathing a bit heavy from her run with Carson this morning. It had been fun, they laughed, and they joked. Misty really enjoyed there time together.

Entering TJY Misty makes he way across the floor and to where Scott was. Entering she is quiet as to not wake him. Going over Misty checks his vitles, and his bruses and cuts making sure everything is ok. Once she is done she exits and heads for the infermary to get an early start to her day.*

*Rosetta wakes with a start thinking she hurd her name being called. Geting out of bed she slowly looks out the window everything was normal. Pulling on her jacket she makes her way across the wet grass to the mess hall and enters BJ's room to check on him. He was fast asleep. Gently Rosetta runs her hand down the side of his face and smiles. Soon the little house would be ready and BJ would be closer in case he needed anything. Exiting again Rosetta gets a cup of coffee and exiting siting on the proch step taking in the fresh morning air. Rosetta stairs across the yard her heart still heavy. Lifting Mick again in a silent prayer. She missed having him around already. Rosetta just hoped God would be with him and he was ok.*

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