

Jen's compassion grows, and she moves her chair to the end of the couch where Katie is, reaching over as far as she can, to put an arm around her shoulders. "Oh, hun...this just doesn't feel good at all, does it?"

She just sits for several moments, thinking...contemplating...praying. "I wish I had some great advice to give you, Katie...I wish there was a simple solution...but I know you know there's just not. Sometimes in life, we're dealt bad hands out of happenstance that we have to live with. Other times it's out own actions that create the consequences that arise as bad hands. And sometimes I believe God allows certain trials to help us grow. But...no matter what the situation is, or why it's hard...God is there...and He knows what's happening. He knows every single intimate detail of your life. He knows your love for Jason...he knows your feelings for Scott. He saw the relationship between you and Jason grow and fall, and He saw that kiss you shared with Scott too."

Jen pauses, straightening up, and going for a tissue to hand to Katie. "He knows the reasons...He knows the answers to all this...and He knows your future."

Pausing again, she continues to think, sighing a little. "I don't ever want you to act solely on the advice of others...I want you to pray about this and act on the wisdom God provides you with. But if you're looking for any kind of opinion..." Jen frowns a little. She'd seen the way Jason and Katie looked at each other, and this pained her now to hear of their struggle. "...if Jason is purposely pushing you away...then I don't know if there's anything you can do about it. You might be able to turn him around...but you might not. And that trying is going to be awfully painful, and I'm not sure that it's best if you allow yourself to be put through that. We do a lot of crazy things for love...and we push ourselves to the limit for it...but at some point...we have to look out for ourselves too."

Jen cocks her head. "And...in a way...perhaps Jason is trying to do what's best for you. He's not stupid...he has to see how he's hurting you...and if I know him, he probably doesn't like it any more than you do, if not hating it more. But for some reason, he must feel trapped, and unable to change. So from that perspective...maybe the best thing is to just let him deal with this the way he is, and respect his decision." She shrugs. "Again...these are just my thoughts, and I don't know if they're right or not."

"As far as Scott goes...you have feelings for him. Either they have to be snuffed out so they don't develop into something you don't want, or they have to be embraced and let out to live...but only if Jason is left behind first. You can't keep living between two men."

Scott cringes a little and tries not to blink in the light that Misty shines in his eyes. "I feel like crap all over, does that count?"

"My mouth isn't great, but until I see a dentist to dig out what's left of my tooth, I don't think that's going to get much better."He moves a little and winces. "I guess the only thing other than my head that feels like it's going to split open is my ribcage. I can't move a muscle without it hurting. I just figured that was to be expected though."

The man's eyes search Rosetta's for a long moment, looking for that key recognition. He cocks his head, a ghost of a melancholy smile almost playing on his lips. "You haven't changed a bit... I wish I could say the same for myself..."

He drops his gaze for a moment, then approaches just a little more to put a foot on the first step, leaning n the porch railing. "Ten years in prison, five more with the Agency, and five more pretending to be dead does no man any good... but sometimes... every once in a while... that kind of man sees a chance to at least try to make up for lost time...to grope for a way to apologize, even though what he's done is unforgivable... to fumble around like a blind man in a cave, if only to get a glimpse of some hope...some light...some warmth that has been missing all those years."

He swallows hard, emotions pooling behind his eyes. "I deserve to die, Rosetta. And I almost made that happen. But for some reason...I'm still here...and for once in my life, I couldn't stand to allow pain to continue. And for once...I decided to take a side." He pauses, wrought with too many emotions to express. "I heard about Mick getting taken and though I know nothing, I couldn't just stand back and watch."

His shoulders low, his posture showing ultimate defeat, he looks Rosetta dead in the eye. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive someone who has caused so much hurt? Someone that has betrayed over and over again? Can you find it in you heart to forgive...your brother?"

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