
New face? Or...?

Jason watches Katie leave, then shuts his door quietly. He pauses for several minutes, trying to maintain control before he goes back to his desk. He had to keep his mind busy...he had to keep it occupied so he doesn't dwell on what just happened. Opening some files on his computer, he starts to read, forcing himself to concentrate.

Jen gives Katie a surprised smile, and returns the hug. "Well good morning, Katie!" Once inside the living room, she gestures for Katie to sit on the couch. "I'm doing alright... After the whole "I'll never walk again news" from the doctor a few weeks ago, things have gotten back to normal, though Kyle is still being an overbearing worrywart." She rolls her eyes, but grins.

Looking at Katie, she cocks her head. "Hey...is everything okay?"

Scott takes a deep breath, shifting his weight in bed. The room next door to the infirmary wasn't as stark and it was quieter, but it still wasn't his own bed, and he still wished he were home.

Moving to sit up, his head feels like it's been hit with a hammer. Grimacing, he swings his feet over the side and stands up, teetering just a little bit before attempting to walk gingerly to the hall. Domino looks up at him from her spot on the floor, but stays put, not having received any signal to move.

Scott walks slowly down the hall, leaning on the wall for support, squinting in the bright lights. Making it to the infirmary, he knocks and enters slowly, spotting Misty. "Hey..." He offers as much of a smile as he can, despite his tired eyes and sore mouth. "Got anything for a killer headache around here?"

An old beater pickup truck pauses at the end of the R/M driveway, the driver staring at the sign with hesitance. His eyes and tired face show years of hardships. His long sigh hits at a weariness of the heart.

Finally making up his mind, he turns into the driveway and slowly drives towards the buildings. Parking near the mess hall, he pauses again after the motor is shut off, just sitting in the driver's seat, taking in the surroundings. His eyes fall onto Rosetta, who is sitting on the porch, and his hesitance increases.

Willing himself forward, he exits the truck and shuts the door...just standing...just watching. Slowly he approaches, his thin frame proving the toll time has taken. The lines on his face...the gray streaking his hair...they all add to someone who is no longer easily recognized...no longer known from a distance...perhaps forgotten enough that he is no longer known at all.

Making it to Rosetta, he stops, his thumbs hooked in his pockets, and he gives a little nod. "Rosetta..."

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