

*Katie smiles down at Scott studing his face for a long while searching though his eyes. Not even sure what she was looking for. Was it the spark, the light or many simple answers that she would never find in Scott's eyes but would have to look for them inside herself. Giving Scott's hand a gental squeeze.*

"Your very welcome Scotty."

*Leaning down Katie give Scott a small kiss on the forhead. Drawing away quickly Katie smiles down at him.*

"Sleep well and I will see you in the morning ok. Domino watch over him for me."

*Exiting the infermary Katie makes her way across the floor cleaning up the rest of tonight events. As Katie pass Jason's office a strange pull send her to the door opening it steping inside Katie shuts the door. Taking in a deep sniff Katie can smell Jason. Going over to his desk Katie sits down in one of the chairs. Closing her eyes and smelling the smell Katie mind takes her back to the laughter, the smiles, the jokes, the kiss, and the bikes ride. All the promises they made of stuff to do. A single tear rolls down Katie's cheek as finally her exsaustion takes over and she falls sound asleep.*

*As Carson leans in and kiss Misty she wraps her arms around his neck and drawns him in closer to her.*

"I'm glad you liked my little excurtion. I hope I dident make to much trouble for you though with you nabors. However I really dont care what they think of me. You on the other hand...."

*Misty kiss Carson once more still feeling his warmth on her skin that sent there own heatwave though Misty.*

"...I do care what you think about me and for that fact I am glad you like troublemakers."

*Misty looks up at Carson her face still flush, and her hair spread out on the coutch coution. It was late but Misty dident care being with Carson allways gave her a certin energy.*

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