

*Katie smiles at Jason as the mention of leaving.*

"Good I cant wait to go home. I am so tired of being in here all the time. Its so boring, cept for the good company."

*Katie winks at Jason and smiles. As Jason lays down Katie turned the volume down on the tv and watches a movie for about an hour. Finally turning it off and shuting down the light. Katie turns on her side away from Jason to sleep but dosent feel right, she ends up turning twords him. Oping her eyes she studys Jason's face. The Moonlight shone in from the open window lighting up his face more than it already was from the smile. For a moment Katie watches Jason sleep in peace. Her own smile forming. Whispering Katie says.*

"Good Night my...Hotshot."

*Katie closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.*

*Jamie squints her eyes as the sun shines through her blinds urging her to get up. With in munites Jamie is up starting Coffee and heading to the shower. Once she is squeeky clean and awake enough from coffee she heads out the door. Looking down at her watch she has an hour to wast before words and decieds it would be the best time to swing by and check on Con. A half hour pass and Jamie pulls into Con's driveway. Hoping out of the convertable Jamie jumps up the steps and knocks on the door oping it slightly and yelling in.*


Disheartening Discovery

Luke just holds Angel for a long while before finally giving in and letting them both go to bed. They would tell the others in the morning about Con.

Still hyped about the band, Jason’s excitement is already there and now doubles with a dose of pride as Katie demonstrates her progress. “That’s awesome!” His smile widens and he reaches down to playfully rough up her hair. “I knew you could do it, Katie.” He catches her eye, conveying how proud he is of her, and how he shares in her excitement. He’d thought he’d lost her once…knowing that she will walk again means more to him than anything else.

“Oh, I almost forgot…” He flops down in the chair. “I talked to Laura. She said she rearranged the room on the first level for you, so whenever they release you from the hospital, it should be easy for you to get around. She’s also recruited me, Ty and Wyatt to build a ramp on the porch so stairs won’t be a problem.” Jason grins. “We’re all sick and tired of seeing you in the hospital, can you tell?”

He chuckles, then suddenly remembers that he never answered Katie’s original questions, and counts them off on his fingers. “Everything is average, Con is going to be okay – his fever finally broke, and most of the poison got out of his system by the time I’d left. I’m more tired than I’ll get out, but yes, I’ve been eating – Rick saw to that.” He takes a deep breath, grinning. “So on that note…I’m ready to hit the hay early.”

Jason throws Katie a weary grin. “I’d stay up a while, but I don’t think I’d be too good of company.” He rises from his chair to go take off his boots, before sinking into the other bed. He sighs contentedly and lies on his side, his face towards Katie. Random thoughts flow through his mind, and his voice is weary and quiet as his eyes fall shut. “Thanks, Katie…just for being you.”

Con drifts in an out of sleep, and by late evening is able to sit up and eat a little bit of supper, convincing Jamie that he will be fine overnight. Knowing she will stop by in the morning to check on him, he has no worries, and finally begins to sleep more soundly.

In the middle of the night, Con rises, managing to get himself up out of bed, his muscles seeming to be gaining back their strength. Turning to the hall though, he staggers just a little as a wave of dizziness hits him. He takes a moment to regain his balance and moves a little slower, too sleepy to think a whole lot of it, though can’t help but think it is strange.

By morning, Con’s body has done a complete turn-around, his immune system kicking back in to overtake his fatigue at a rapid pace. Though still somewhat tired, Con decides to get himself up out of bed, not used to spending a whole day in bed, let alone a second one. Making his way to the bathroom, he turns on the shower and lets the water run while he brushes his teeth. Turning his head, he frowns, thinking the water has suddenly stopped. Looking back at it though proves that the sound of the water is still there.

A little confused, Con turns his head again, this time paying more attention. He swallows hard as the sound of the water softens again. A sudden fear grips him as he listens intently, only now noticing that something is not right. Though scared to test it, he holds up his hand to snap his fingers by his left ear. Nothing. He hears the snap from his right ear, but his left receives not even a muffled noise.

The fear increases. Con finishes showering and throws on a t-shirt and old pair of jeans with holes in the knees, not even bothering to tuck in his shirt. Several more sound tests confirm that he is not hearing anything out of his left ear. This couldn’t be happening.

Con deserts his bedroom and slowly goes downstairs, taking his time as just a little dizziness lingers. He tried to tell himself that this was just temporary, but something in his gut warned him that it was not. He’d injured his inner ear once before…the infection may very well have been the last straw.

Heading into the kitchen, he looks at the clock, noting that Jamie should be here soon. Should he tell her? Should he tell anyone? There would be so many consequences to this, that he didn’t even want to think about it. Within twenty-four hours, his future was suddenly on the line and he knew it.


*As Luke draws Angel close her smile widens. Luke holding her felt like everything was ok, and there were better day to come. It reminded Angel why she became a docter.*

"Oh Luke, I love you too. With all my heart."

*Angel hugs Luke again. Her heart content.*

*As Kaite feels lifter off her bed for a moment she is shocked but than starts to laugh she Jason and her spin in circles. As the stop spinning Katie can feel the tad bit of embaressment Jason is feeling and just shakes her head smiling trying not to comment on it and make it worse for him. Seeing the happyness is Jason's eyes was a wondeful thing. It was the spark Jason was missing, the fire that had been yurning to come out. Katie was so very happy for him.

"Oh J....I am so happy and excited for you. This is wondeful."

*Katie stairs back into Jason's eyes as she smiles. Her own happyness showing."

"My best friend a rock star..."

*Katie lets out a giggle.*

"I'll be at every concert for you Jason. Keeping a watchfull eye. If Reese wants me to prove myself to him I will, and he can know I will walk again. This is going to be so much fun J."

*As if remembering something Katie gets alittle bit more excited.*

"J put me down on the side of the bed for a moment and watch."

*After Jason puts her down on the side of the bed Katie bends down to take her sock off. Stairing at her foot it looks like she is consintrating very harm finally her toes wiggle very so slightly. Katie looks back up at Jason and beams.*

"Its not much but its a start and more than I could do a week ago. While I was at lunch today I was siting listing to Mable talk and I did it. I think I did it the morning to I just dident pay much attachen to it. Than when I got home I did it again and I relized what I had done. Its happing J, slowly but I am starting to get movement back."

*Jamies heart starts to race again as Con takes her hand. Seeing the grin on his face and the smile in his eyes Jamie knows he does remember what happend yesterday. A smile forms itself on her lip and she sits gazing at Con. In a soft voice she replys.*

"I'm glad I was able to be here Con and help. You mean alot to me. I woulent give up taking care of you for anything."

*Jamie grows silent as she watches Con fight to stay awake. No more words needed to be said right now, Jamie just sat holding Con's hand, leting him know she was still there for him if he needed her. As hard as Jamie trys she cant take her eyes off Con. Studing his face, his eyes, everything as if drawing a mental picture in her mind. Jamie's smile never fades, how happy she was.*


Luke breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that Con will be okay. He looks at Angel with compassion, knowing how hard things like this must be for her. But loving her all the more for her own mercy on others.

Scooting his chair out a little ways, he takes both of Angel's hand to draw her up out of her chair and pull her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you, ya know that?" He plants a kiss on her forehead. "The world needs more people like you."

Jason blinks as he walks to Katie's bed, and catches her barrage of questions and opens his mouth to answer her, but her next statement throws everything else out the window, if only for a few moments. He stares at her, his eyes beginning to widen. JetStream had said yes? They'd really said yes? He'd be able to sing and play with them? He'd hardly dared to hope at all, knowing that it was near an impossibility.

The news sends a new surge of excitement into his veins as he experiences a burst of enthusiasm. It's been so long since he's been able to be this happy about anything. It wasn't going to be easy, but he was finally able to get at least a small taste of his dreams.

A huge smile breaks forth, his eyes dancing with anticipation, his tiredness from the day forgotten. Without even thinking, he lets out a whoop, and reaches down to scoop Katie up out of her bed, spinning around in several circles. "They said yes! They really said yes!" He can't help but laugh. "I'm going to be a part of JetStream, can you believe it?!"

As he stops spinning, he suddenly realizes what he'd just done, and a bit of redness creeps into his face. He stares Katie in the eye, his happiness spilling over, with just a slight bit of embarrassment for his over-enthusiasm. But instead of letting any awkwardness take over, he simply holds her closer in a big hug. "And don't think for a minute that I'm going to let Reese take you off duty from me, 'cause I want you at those concerts."

Con sees a brief look of disappointment pass through Jamie's eyes, and he studies her face, not paying that much attention to her words. He knows what she's thinking, and seeing that proved that her being with him the evening before had not been on a whim...her feeling still existed today.

Though tired, a small grin plays at his mouth, and he reaches out to take Jamie's hand in his. "Being flat on the ground wasn't so great for me either," he teases quietly. "I'm glad you're here though... I wouldn't want anyone else..."

Till your ok

*As the night falls and all is quiet at the ranch Angel finally make sit home. Stoping at her office Angel puts her stuff downand places the small vial of Con's blood in her sample fridge. Later she would come back to it and test it. This was the second time they saw this poison, there had to be a way to combat it or find out where it was from. Leaving her office again Angel see a small light on in the messhall and a familure form pass in front of the window. Angel makes her way over, enjoying the night air. She hadent been gone long but how she missed it. If her and Luke ever moved she hoped they would at least stay in the country. Once inside the mess hall a smile cross Angel's face as she see Luke siting at the small table. Going over to him, she bends down and throws her arms around his neck huging him tight.*

"I missed you so much Luke."

*Angel lingers huging Luke a bit longer than draws away and sits down next to him.*

"Con is gonna be ok. Ya know Luke, I spend all day around sick people and people who are dieing, but non of them hurt as much as seeing a friend or family member in the brink of death. You would think I was use to it and all. But alas I am not. It helps he relize though each time what I really have and how much I love it ever so much."

*Angel smiles at Luke gazing into his eyes feeling lost in them.*

*Katie smiles and looks up as Jason enters the room. He looked so tired maybe she should wait to tell him about Jetstream and tell him in the morning. It was night now and the moon was bigger and brighter than ever. Glancing out the window fast Katie gives a small sigh than turns her attachen back to Jason.*

"Hey you. How is everything? How is Con? He gonna be ok? How about you how are you? Have you been eating today?"

*Stoping for a moment Katie relizes she just asked Jason a million questions at once.. Blushing alittle she sits up strater.*

"Sorry...I just havent see you all day and whatnot...bah I dont know what I am trying to say."

*Once again Katie changes her mind and cant hold it in anylonger just blurting it out.*


*Katie beams from her hospetal bed the moonlight reflecting off her face.*

*Jamie sets the waterglass back down on the night stand befor giving Con a bref run down of what happend.*

"Ya Angel was here. You were pritty bad of So Katie sujested seeing if she could come to help out since she was there when Jason was pritty bad off. I think Rick was glad to have another set of eyes around."

*Jamie stops and thinks for a moment. It seems as though Con dosent remember anything that happend. Does that mean he dosent remember saying he was falling in love with Jamie, or the kiss. Jamies heart grows heavy but she stuffs the feelings away. This was no time to feel sad. Maybe he dident mean what he said and was just so out of it HE dident know what he was feeling. Oh well. Jamie lets a long drawn out sigh out.*

"I'll probley stay till your up and able to move around. Right now you need to stay in bed and rest. Your body has been though alot and needs to recoop. Pluse Rick asked me to keep and eye on you, and I dont want to leave still I know your ok this time. Coming back over this morning and finding you laying flat on your face was not a good feeling."


Jason makes his rounds at TJY, reporting to Reese and talking to Laura. He reassures her that Con is going to be okay, and suggests she wait until the next day to see him as he needs his rest.

Finished with as much work as he can get done for the day, he heads back to the hospital, weary from the events.

Arriving at Katie’s room, he knocks quietly and enters, a tired smile creasing his lips. “Hey, Hero.”

While the others disperse after supper, Luke remains in the quiet mess hall, waiting for Angel to return.

“So, did you have fun today?” Phil flops down in the couch and flips on the tv.

Kyle turns in the easy chair, pausing his writing. “Mm-hmm.”

“Anything special?”

“Just lunch at Mom and Pop’s, then back here to clean up.”

“Talk much about the band?”

“No…I told her she could tell Jason though. He’d been busy all day with their friend, so I figured he had enough on his mind.”

Phil turns his attention to his brother, sensing something just a little out of the ordinary. “Anything else?”

Kyle quirks an eyebrow at him. “Should there be?”

“I don’t know…” Phil shrugs. “You’ve been quiet since I got home. That’s an abnormality.”

A wide grin forms, and Kyle shakes his head. “Just thinking, Bro… just thinking.”

“Anything you care to share?”

“Nope.” Kyle turns his attention back to his notepad, still grinning. “I think I like my thoughts right where they are.” …nice and neat and perfect and memorable

Con accepts the glass of water and takes a few swallows before setting it back down again on the night stand. He scrunches his eyes shut tight, then opens them again, still trying to rid himself of the mental fog. “I feel like I’ve slept for a year and I’m still tired.”

Pausing, he furrows his brow. “What all happened, anyway? I remember getting sick yesterday…and you were here last night…I think…right? Then Rick was here today and Angel too? Either that or I had some major hallucinations.”

He shakes his head at her question. “I’m almost hungry, but not enough to want anything right now. Thanks though…. How long are you staying?”


*Angel nods and soon is on her way home. It was nice to get home but she wasent a city girl. Her heart lived in the country. Not to mention she missed Luke even though its only been a day.*

*Katie smiles at she holds Kyles gaze befor leaving. Looking at her watch Katie knows Jason will be back soon its almost dinner. Katie replys everything in her mind how excited she was Jetstream had decieded to let Jaosn be part of them. He was going to be so excited. Katies mind than drifts to Kyls and the kiss. Looking out the window Katie replys Kyles words in her mind “I definitely like complicated.” Katie couldent shake his words. What was running though his head? What was running thought Katie's head when she kissed him. Did she scair him off, would he be back. As Katie watches the differnt colors in the sky dance around Katie closes her eyes and rests alittle before Jason gets back.*

*As Jamie hears Con call to her she shuts the small TV in the bedroom off and and goes over to the side of Con's bed siting down and smileing.*

"Hey there Sweety. How are you feeling?"

*Jamie hands a glass of water to Con for him to drink some.*

"Can I do anything for you?"


Kyle laughs. “I know you hate to go back to the hospital, but unfortunately, if I take you to my place, I think I’d probably wind up getting nothing done with a pretty distraction such as you around.” His grin persists as he stands from the table. “Come on. I’ll get you back safe and sound, lest that nurse come after me.”

He leaves money for the meal on the table, and waves to Mable and Herb as they leave. Helping Katie into the truck, in no time they’re on their way back, then finally back in Katie’s room. As she gets settled, Kyle lingers. “I’m guessing that Jason is busy with this friend of yours, so the guys and I won’t bother him now with a call. You can tell him of our decision if you want though, then we can all get together and discuss the details here this week sometime.”

Kyle lets his gaze remain on Katie for several moments before turning to leave. “Later, KT. We’ll talk about that payment for your picture…” He leaves, his voice trailing behind him.

With Con finally sleeping soundly for several hours without a fever returning, Rick makes the judgment call to leave him be. Packing up his bag, he looks at the others. “Jason, I guess you can get back to work…I’ll be along shortly, so you can go ahead and give Reese a report, and Laura too. Angel…I can’t thank you enough for your help. I’m not sure we would have gotten through this had Katie not suggested you come. Before anyone finds out you’ve been here, I can take you on to the airport and get you on back to Texas, so you can be home later this evening.” He turns to Jamie. “And Jamie…if you wouldn’t mind sticking around here for a little while? Give me a call in a couple hours at TJY to let me know how Con is doing, or sooner if anything changes?”

Settled with the plans, Jason heads out, and Rick follows, ensuring that Angel is behind him, to take her to the airport.

The afternoon grows long, and the sun begins to sink lower in the sky. Evening descends upon the Nevada day, bringing a brilliant sunset’s display that scatters a million colors across the sky.

After hours of sleep, Con finally stirs, rolling over on his back, and forcing his eyes partway open. He furrows his brow, trying to bring things into focus, trying to remember why he’s here and what all has happened. Feeling too warm, he kicks off half the covers and rubs his face with his hand, wincing a little at the dull throbbing in his ear. Blinking, he starts to bring the room into focus, and realizes that there are people missing now. “Jamie?”