
Till your ok

*As the night falls and all is quiet at the ranch Angel finally make sit home. Stoping at her office Angel puts her stuff downand places the small vial of Con's blood in her sample fridge. Later she would come back to it and test it. This was the second time they saw this poison, there had to be a way to combat it or find out where it was from. Leaving her office again Angel see a small light on in the messhall and a familure form pass in front of the window. Angel makes her way over, enjoying the night air. She hadent been gone long but how she missed it. If her and Luke ever moved she hoped they would at least stay in the country. Once inside the mess hall a smile cross Angel's face as she see Luke siting at the small table. Going over to him, she bends down and throws her arms around his neck huging him tight.*

"I missed you so much Luke."

*Angel lingers huging Luke a bit longer than draws away and sits down next to him.*

"Con is gonna be ok. Ya know Luke, I spend all day around sick people and people who are dieing, but non of them hurt as much as seeing a friend or family member in the brink of death. You would think I was use to it and all. But alas I am not. It helps he relize though each time what I really have and how much I love it ever so much."

*Angel smiles at Luke gazing into his eyes feeling lost in them.*

*Katie smiles and looks up as Jason enters the room. He looked so tired maybe she should wait to tell him about Jetstream and tell him in the morning. It was night now and the moon was bigger and brighter than ever. Glancing out the window fast Katie gives a small sigh than turns her attachen back to Jason.*

"Hey you. How is everything? How is Con? He gonna be ok? How about you how are you? Have you been eating today?"

*Stoping for a moment Katie relizes she just asked Jason a million questions at once.. Blushing alittle she sits up strater.*

"Sorry...I just havent see you all day and whatnot...bah I dont know what I am trying to say."

*Once again Katie changes her mind and cant hold it in anylonger just blurting it out.*


*Katie beams from her hospetal bed the moonlight reflecting off her face.*

*Jamie sets the waterglass back down on the night stand befor giving Con a bref run down of what happend.*

"Ya Angel was here. You were pritty bad of So Katie sujested seeing if she could come to help out since she was there when Jason was pritty bad off. I think Rick was glad to have another set of eyes around."

*Jamie stops and thinks for a moment. It seems as though Con dosent remember anything that happend. Does that mean he dosent remember saying he was falling in love with Jamie, or the kiss. Jamies heart grows heavy but she stuffs the feelings away. This was no time to feel sad. Maybe he dident mean what he said and was just so out of it HE dident know what he was feeling. Oh well. Jamie lets a long drawn out sigh out.*

"I'll probley stay till your up and able to move around. Right now you need to stay in bed and rest. Your body has been though alot and needs to recoop. Pluse Rick asked me to keep and eye on you, and I dont want to leave still I know your ok this time. Coming back over this morning and finding you laying flat on your face was not a good feeling."

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