

*Angel nods and soon is on her way home. It was nice to get home but she wasent a city girl. Her heart lived in the country. Not to mention she missed Luke even though its only been a day.*

*Katie smiles at she holds Kyles gaze befor leaving. Looking at her watch Katie knows Jason will be back soon its almost dinner. Katie replys everything in her mind how excited she was Jetstream had decieded to let Jaosn be part of them. He was going to be so excited. Katies mind than drifts to Kyls and the kiss. Looking out the window Katie replys Kyles words in her mind “I definitely like complicated.” Katie couldent shake his words. What was running though his head? What was running thought Katie's head when she kissed him. Did she scair him off, would he be back. As Katie watches the differnt colors in the sky dance around Katie closes her eyes and rests alittle before Jason gets back.*

*As Jamie hears Con call to her she shuts the small TV in the bedroom off and and goes over to the side of Con's bed siting down and smileing.*

"Hey there Sweety. How are you feeling?"

*Jamie hands a glass of water to Con for him to drink some.*

"Can I do anything for you?"

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