
Disheartening Discovery

Luke just holds Angel for a long while before finally giving in and letting them both go to bed. They would tell the others in the morning about Con.

Still hyped about the band, Jason’s excitement is already there and now doubles with a dose of pride as Katie demonstrates her progress. “That’s awesome!” His smile widens and he reaches down to playfully rough up her hair. “I knew you could do it, Katie.” He catches her eye, conveying how proud he is of her, and how he shares in her excitement. He’d thought he’d lost her once…knowing that she will walk again means more to him than anything else.

“Oh, I almost forgot…” He flops down in the chair. “I talked to Laura. She said she rearranged the room on the first level for you, so whenever they release you from the hospital, it should be easy for you to get around. She’s also recruited me, Ty and Wyatt to build a ramp on the porch so stairs won’t be a problem.” Jason grins. “We’re all sick and tired of seeing you in the hospital, can you tell?”

He chuckles, then suddenly remembers that he never answered Katie’s original questions, and counts them off on his fingers. “Everything is average, Con is going to be okay – his fever finally broke, and most of the poison got out of his system by the time I’d left. I’m more tired than I’ll get out, but yes, I’ve been eating – Rick saw to that.” He takes a deep breath, grinning. “So on that note…I’m ready to hit the hay early.”

Jason throws Katie a weary grin. “I’d stay up a while, but I don’t think I’d be too good of company.” He rises from his chair to go take off his boots, before sinking into the other bed. He sighs contentedly and lies on his side, his face towards Katie. Random thoughts flow through his mind, and his voice is weary and quiet as his eyes fall shut. “Thanks, Katie…just for being you.”

Con drifts in an out of sleep, and by late evening is able to sit up and eat a little bit of supper, convincing Jamie that he will be fine overnight. Knowing she will stop by in the morning to check on him, he has no worries, and finally begins to sleep more soundly.

In the middle of the night, Con rises, managing to get himself up out of bed, his muscles seeming to be gaining back their strength. Turning to the hall though, he staggers just a little as a wave of dizziness hits him. He takes a moment to regain his balance and moves a little slower, too sleepy to think a whole lot of it, though can’t help but think it is strange.

By morning, Con’s body has done a complete turn-around, his immune system kicking back in to overtake his fatigue at a rapid pace. Though still somewhat tired, Con decides to get himself up out of bed, not used to spending a whole day in bed, let alone a second one. Making his way to the bathroom, he turns on the shower and lets the water run while he brushes his teeth. Turning his head, he frowns, thinking the water has suddenly stopped. Looking back at it though proves that the sound of the water is still there.

A little confused, Con turns his head again, this time paying more attention. He swallows hard as the sound of the water softens again. A sudden fear grips him as he listens intently, only now noticing that something is not right. Though scared to test it, he holds up his hand to snap his fingers by his left ear. Nothing. He hears the snap from his right ear, but his left receives not even a muffled noise.

The fear increases. Con finishes showering and throws on a t-shirt and old pair of jeans with holes in the knees, not even bothering to tuck in his shirt. Several more sound tests confirm that he is not hearing anything out of his left ear. This couldn’t be happening.

Con deserts his bedroom and slowly goes downstairs, taking his time as just a little dizziness lingers. He tried to tell himself that this was just temporary, but something in his gut warned him that it was not. He’d injured his inner ear once before…the infection may very well have been the last straw.

Heading into the kitchen, he looks at the clock, noting that Jamie should be here soon. Should he tell her? Should he tell anyone? There would be so many consequences to this, that he didn’t even want to think about it. Within twenty-four hours, his future was suddenly on the line and he knew it.

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