

Luke breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that Con will be okay. He looks at Angel with compassion, knowing how hard things like this must be for her. But loving her all the more for her own mercy on others.

Scooting his chair out a little ways, he takes both of Angel's hand to draw her up out of her chair and pull her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you, ya know that?" He plants a kiss on her forehead. "The world needs more people like you."

Jason blinks as he walks to Katie's bed, and catches her barrage of questions and opens his mouth to answer her, but her next statement throws everything else out the window, if only for a few moments. He stares at her, his eyes beginning to widen. JetStream had said yes? They'd really said yes? He'd be able to sing and play with them? He'd hardly dared to hope at all, knowing that it was near an impossibility.

The news sends a new surge of excitement into his veins as he experiences a burst of enthusiasm. It's been so long since he's been able to be this happy about anything. It wasn't going to be easy, but he was finally able to get at least a small taste of his dreams.

A huge smile breaks forth, his eyes dancing with anticipation, his tiredness from the day forgotten. Without even thinking, he lets out a whoop, and reaches down to scoop Katie up out of her bed, spinning around in several circles. "They said yes! They really said yes!" He can't help but laugh. "I'm going to be a part of JetStream, can you believe it?!"

As he stops spinning, he suddenly realizes what he'd just done, and a bit of redness creeps into his face. He stares Katie in the eye, his happiness spilling over, with just a slight bit of embarrassment for his over-enthusiasm. But instead of letting any awkwardness take over, he simply holds her closer in a big hug. "And don't think for a minute that I'm going to let Reese take you off duty from me, 'cause I want you at those concerts."

Con sees a brief look of disappointment pass through Jamie's eyes, and he studies her face, not paying that much attention to her words. He knows what she's thinking, and seeing that proved that her being with him the evening before had not been on a whim...her feeling still existed today.

Though tired, a small grin plays at his mouth, and he reaches out to take Jamie's hand in his. "Being flat on the ground wasn't so great for me either," he teases quietly. "I'm glad you're here though... I wouldn't want anyone else..."

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