

*As Luke draws Angel close her smile widens. Luke holding her felt like everything was ok, and there were better day to come. It reminded Angel why she became a docter.*

"Oh Luke, I love you too. With all my heart."

*Angel hugs Luke again. Her heart content.*

*As Kaite feels lifter off her bed for a moment she is shocked but than starts to laugh she Jason and her spin in circles. As the stop spinning Katie can feel the tad bit of embaressment Jason is feeling and just shakes her head smiling trying not to comment on it and make it worse for him. Seeing the happyness is Jason's eyes was a wondeful thing. It was the spark Jason was missing, the fire that had been yurning to come out. Katie was so very happy for him.

"Oh J....I am so happy and excited for you. This is wondeful."

*Katie stairs back into Jason's eyes as she smiles. Her own happyness showing."

"My best friend a rock star..."

*Katie lets out a giggle.*

"I'll be at every concert for you Jason. Keeping a watchfull eye. If Reese wants me to prove myself to him I will, and he can know I will walk again. This is going to be so much fun J."

*As if remembering something Katie gets alittle bit more excited.*

"J put me down on the side of the bed for a moment and watch."

*After Jason puts her down on the side of the bed Katie bends down to take her sock off. Stairing at her foot it looks like she is consintrating very harm finally her toes wiggle very so slightly. Katie looks back up at Jason and beams.*

"Its not much but its a start and more than I could do a week ago. While I was at lunch today I was siting listing to Mable talk and I did it. I think I did it the morning to I just dident pay much attachen to it. Than when I got home I did it again and I relized what I had done. Its happing J, slowly but I am starting to get movement back."

*Jamies heart starts to race again as Con takes her hand. Seeing the grin on his face and the smile in his eyes Jamie knows he does remember what happend yesterday. A smile forms itself on her lip and she sits gazing at Con. In a soft voice she replys.*

"I'm glad I was able to be here Con and help. You mean alot to me. I woulent give up taking care of you for anything."

*Jamie grows silent as she watches Con fight to stay awake. No more words needed to be said right now, Jamie just sat holding Con's hand, leting him know she was still there for him if he needed her. As hard as Jamie trys she cant take her eyes off Con. Studing his face, his eyes, everything as if drawing a mental picture in her mind. Jamie's smile never fades, how happy she was.*

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