
Morning comes again

Band practice continues for about another hour, the guys all enjoying it, and not really wanting it to end, even though they were tired from a long day.

Jason's voice accompanies his playing, the tone so mellow and sweet, that could put anyone in a trance. Even when the tempo picks up, and the rock sound gets rougher, his voice remains smooth, seeming to hold them all together.

Kyle joins in with backup on some of the songs, but mainly sticks to his keyboard as usual, allowing Jason the lead both instrumentally and vocally.

When the notes of the last song finally die away, Jason just sits for a few minutes

This was the first nice distraction I've had in a while... I don't want to give it up and go back to the real world.

He tosses Katie a look, accompanied by a crooked grin.

Rocky leans back in his chair, twirling his pop can in his hand. "So, Kyle, when are you gonna be singing in the spotlight, eh?"

Kyle looks up quickly from his music. He eyes Rocky for a moment, almost as if warning him not to say more

Jason sees it, and quirks an eyebrow.

What was that for? Is it just me, or is Kyle just being strange tonight?

Phil looks to Rocky with a response. "He had the spotlight for a while this year when Jason was gone."

"Oh yeah, that's right."

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Everyone was glad when Jason got back."

Mike smirks. "You did fine."

Rocky eyes Kyle almost suspiciously as if asking a question, or implying he knew more. "I'm sure he did."

"I keep trying to get him to sing more," Jason adds. "But he insists on staying in the background."

Kyle shrugs. "You're the better singer."

Now it's Jason's turn to roll his eyes. He, Mike, Jen and Phil would probably all agree that Kyle's voice wasn't as strong as his. Kyle had a nice tone and was musically talented, but it was a simple fact that while Jason had been gone, JetStream had suffered some. They'd done very well still, and had not been in dire straights, but it was simply known that Jason had the stronger voice. But even so, they didn't like saying it, and Kyle still didn't give himself enough credit, even if he wasn't meant to be the lead singer. "Oh, just stop," Jason chides. "We're a team, remember? It takes all of us to get the right sound, no matter who is singing or playing the instruments."

"Amen," Mike agrees.

Rocky continues to look at Kyle, his eyes narrowing slightly as if waiting for him to say something, but it never comes.

Jen shakes her head and wheels herself to the stairs. "Sorry to break up you little boys, but I need help upstairs, unless you're all too involved in your egos."

Mike laughs and gets up from his drumset. "Aw, we wouldn't leave you, you know that."

"Mm...at least you wouldn't." Jen's eyes sparkle as Mike comes to lift her up and carry her up the stairs. Phil is close behind, carrying the wheelchair.

The basement grows quiet for another minute until finally Rocky stands up and stretches. "Well... g'night, y'all. See you soon." He ambles upstairs with a yawn, ready to head home.

Jason sighs and sets his guitar aside, looking in Katie's direction. "Guess it's my turn. Trooper won't forgive me if I'm any later than this... either that or I'll have a mess to clean up."

He grins a little, then shifts his gaze to where Kyle was still standing, just seeming to be studying the keyboard for no apparent reason. "Hey..."

Kyle looks up quickly. "Yeah?"

"You alright?"

A smile surfaces on Kyle's face. "Of course. Why?"

"Guess you seemed a little far away a few times."

"Not feeling the greatest." Kyle shrugs, but his quirky smile remains. "Had a headache all day, my right contact is giving me problems and I'm kinda tired. Sorry if I bummed out on you guys."

"Nah." Jason finally stands up and shakes his head. "I know I wasn't a hundred percent tonight either."

"Oh, but we'll be ready for the next show," Kyle nods with confidence. He laughs. "And if we aren't, we'll give the audience a good show anyway."

Jason chuckles. "That's for sure. ...Alright, well... see ya later."

"Okay, man. Later."

"Night, Carson."

"Yeah... good night." Carson watches Axel leave before letting himself in the back door of Mom and Pop's and going to his room. Easing down on the bed, he lets out a long sigh. He was grateful for Axel's company. They hadn't talked much. Axel hadn't pushed, and Carson had kept most to himself. The quiet had been different though. A cup of coffee instead of a shot of whiskey had been different, and Axel's quiet company had been different. But...Carson had to admit that it was probably better. At least he wasn't feeling guilty for doing anything stupid. All he was feeling right now was sorrow for how Jess must be feeling.

Looking at the clock, he sees it's late, but he'd done some thinking tonight, and a phone call was due. Going out into the hall, he dials and waits, getting the answering machine. She probably slept through the ringing. "Hey, Dani, um... sorry if I woke you up. I, um... guess I'm ready to take you up on your offer if it still stands. Decided maybe a change would be good, ya know?"

In truth, after tonight, he really did want a change. Something. Anything. Though he hoped for a friendship with Jess, he knew that a light in his life was gone now, and without her, and without the one who had stolen his heart, things just seemed to have turned gray. Within twenty-four hours, things had changed again, and he needed a distraction. Maybe he just hoped that a change of scenery would help.

He clears his throat. "So anyway... stop by tomorrow sometime maybe and we'll talk. Night, sis. See ya."

Hanging up, he trudges back to his room, hoping that sleep would come easier than the day had gone.

Axel ambles down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets as he breathes in the night air. Becoming friends with Carson hadn't been planned, and it was an interesting relationship they were forming. Axel found Carson's behavior and thought processes intriguing, knowing without asking how the past had obviously shaped him.

Much had gone unsaid, but neither had cared. Both men knew better than to ask too many questions, each knowing too much about the other to have any disrespect.

Axel finally makes it back to the auto shop, but instead of going upstairs, he sits at the bottom for a long while, simply enjoying the quiet... the night. Being able to see the stars signified a freedom he savored.

Receiving Misty's prompting, Scott sighs and shuffles the cards. Finally he reaches out and takes one more bite of his supper, though says nothing.

Contemplating a moment, he shrugs and starts to deal out some cards, signaling that Misty is free to join him.

He's quiet, forcing himself to make a little small talk as they play a couple games. He really was grateful that Misty didn't mind sticking around for a while. At least it was a few more minutes that he could concentrate on something else.

By the time she goes home, they were even on wins, and three quarters of Scott's supper had been eaten. Now under the watch of Hal, the night starts, and Scott endures another round of nightmares until finally morning comes again...

"...How you feeling? I see you did a good job on supper last night."

Scott felt like a little kid as Rick greeted him that morning. He scoots up in bed, still under the blanket, and stifles a yawn. "Can I go home today?"

"Well... I promised you could. And I'm a man of my word. So when I go home tonight, I'll take you home, alright?"

Scott wanted to go now, but he also knew Rick wanted him there for the majority of the day in case his absence would work against him when trying to save his own job... if that job even really existed anymore. "Okay," he mumbles quietly.

Rick sighs deeply and slowly comes to sit on the bed. More needed to be said, and he feared the reaction, but this wasn't something he could spring on him at the last minute. "Scott... there's something else I want you to do for me, too."

Scott looks up quickly. "But you promised I..."

"You can go home," Rick assures. "And I won't make this an ultimatum. But I hope you'll consider it."

Scott swallows hard, his thin fingers fidgeting with the edge of the blanket. Domino crawls up from the foot of the bed to come sit on Scott's lap, almost as if trying to give him courage. He moves his hand from the blanket to her head, scratching her lightly.

"Scott..." Rick prompts him gently. "I think it would be good for you if...if you talked with somebody about what happened."

Scott's eyes shoot up, flashing with a mixture of emotions too quickly to be adequately read. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I want you to gain back your strength physically... and mentally too."

Scott's inner defenses rise. What happened to him was private. It hurt, and he didn't like exposing that wound. He could work through it on his own. "You want me to see a shrink," he mumbles.

Rick shakes his head. "Come on... don't twist it around." He keeps his tone soft and gentle. "I think it would be good for you to see a counselor. Get some things off your chest. Talk about..."

"No." Scott's retort comes as the most firm as anything he's said since he'd been back. His eyes fall downward and he looks at his dog.

"Please? It would..."


"But you can..."

"I don't want to!" Scott's raised voice comes as a bit of a surprise, as does his glare, even though he won't look up at Rick. He can feel hot tears pooling behind his eyes, and fights to keep them back. His tone comes back softer, almost childlike. "I just want to go home."

Rick's shoulders drop. He wasn't going to give up - this was too important for Scott's well-being, not to mention the effort it had taken just to get funding. But maybe for now, easing off would be best. "I'll take you home," he relents. "Come on... get yourself up for the day. I brought you some breakfast."

Moving to his desk, he writes a quick email to Misty, not wanting an audible conversation.
Trying to get Scott to see a counselor. Don't know what will convince him though. Any ideas?

Laura scurries around the house, not bothering to dry her hair, grabbing a quick breakfast of toast, and hurrying to the door. She was an hour late for work, and nothing seemed to be going her way this morning.

Tripping over Henry, she apologizes as he howls and goes running down the hall. "Sorry Henry!" She sighs and heads for the door.

Opening it up, she stops, almost stepping on the small object between the main and screen doors. A smile spreads on her lips. She knew this was not for her, but it still made her feel good, knowing that someone cared so much for her friend.

Picking up the red rose, she goes and sets it on the kitchen table, knowing Katie will see it when she gets up.

"So..." Bret swallows the rest of his coffee. "...he wants me to at least go down to the track and talk. I'm not sure exactly what he wants me to do, but I don't think I want to ride a circuit. They used to keep a few guys at the track just for local racing... kinda like building up the track, rather than one driver. They liked to get people to come here to see their drivers, rather than send them all out. Not exactly the norm, and a lot of drivers didn't like it because they were stuck in one place unless they found sponsorship somewhere else, but... it's a little more stable as long as you keep winning."

He stops and shrugs, trying to catch his breath from the long spiel. He eyes Charlotte, wondering at her response. "I... guess I'd like to go see what Kirk has to say is all. And..." He pauses again. "I don't know..."

Bret doesn't realize how strongly the longing shows in his eyes. "Thought maybe this could by my job 'til spring or something, if you're alright with it."

"Hey, Jess..." Axel cradles the shop phone between his chin and shoulder, hating leaving messages on answering machines. "Uh, just wanted to let you know your car will be done this afternoon. You can pick it up any time. I should be around all day, but if I'm not, just ask for Leo, and he'll settle things up for you."

He paces around the inside of the office, getting tangled in the phone cord. He always felt like an idiot, talking to a machine. He always hoped at least halfway through, someone would pick up the phone, so he could make up for mumbling incoherently. "So... yeah."


"You know you better eat that Scott."

Misty looks up from her desk at Scott. She hadnt talked much all day and she new she was being standoffish but she just didnt feel like mingaling right now. Putting that aside though Misty new she had a job to do and right now it was making sure Scott would be ok and was healthy. Not to mention he was her friend.

"You want to go home right? Well you can't unless you eat. You need to be strong and healthy. Just let your tummy rest for now and than try and eat a little more later."

Misty trys her best to give Scott a smile though much was on her mind. Carson, Kyle, Carson Kyle....she had exspected her feelings for Carson to come back but even a whilefire that is held back will soon burst through with enough deteurmination. No matter how she looked at things though Misty felt stuck. Misty just wished things were simple and easy but that was just not the real world.

Looking to Scott again Misty trys to keep her mind off things, she just wanted to think about something alse and work was not doing the trick.

"Would you like another person to play cards with so its not so one sided?"

Walking over to Scott Misty gives Domino a gentil pat on the head. The dog was his bestfriend and never left his side. Domino was a smart dgo indeed.

Exiting her apartment Jess locks the door behind her. It had been about an hour since she had been home and she really did not want to be there. So many things when through her mind and so many feelings.

As the cold air hits her face Jess zips her coat up farther before starting her way down the sidewalk. She wanted to walk, she wanted to clear her head.

After walking for a few minutes Jess finally comes to a bench that looks out over the water. She had walked farther than she planed but it felt good. Now sitting down and gazing out to the harizon where small ships bobbed up and down on the water in the dark the tiny light danced.

Watching the lights Jess gets lost in thought. She been alone so many times before in her life but now something was differnt, for some reason a new feeling made its presence. For the first time Jess actully felt lonly.

The cold wind stings her face on the areas where her tears had rolls down. Bringing a hand to her face its as if Jess herself is shocked to see the tears there. This was all new, this was all differnt, this was what real life was about. Pain, and joy, tears and smiles, love and loss...life...what was its meaning...now they Jess spend less time drunk, and more time outside bars, what was her purpis.

Kaite eyes Jason for a moment as the chatter continued. It was strange the whole thing with Axel but who was she to question it.

Maybe he has had a bad past that he just wants to forget!

Katie takes a bit of her cookie and gives a smile and wink at Jason. Now that the air was cleared Katie felt better and her smile was true. How could she be mad at her best friend someone she so cared about.

As the music started up again Katie's eyes romed everyone. Resting on Kyle for a moment as she watched him. Something was up the emotions behind his eyes told all. What it was exacly she wasnt sure but a strange feeling came over her that maybe her friend would nee a shoulder soon.

Continuing her path over the people last but not least Katie's eyes fall on Jason as she gets lost in the music and almost hypnatised watching him strum the strings as the soft music came forth. Oh how she could be lost in these moments forever without a care in the world...when the music and Jason just took her to another place, as the soft feelings emerged from him while he played the music. Oh how Katie lived for the moments like these.

Farther way down south shots ring out as the people from a club scatter. Some lost in the confustion, whole others try to keep there heads on strate...Others panic if caught they surly would be going behind bars.

Trying to make his way to his car a tall dirty blonde runs looking behind him a few times as the words from his lips could out in a differnt language.

"Hayden, Hayden...you behind me man we have to get out of here."

The slightly shorter blonde tails close behind trying to keep up.

"Trey keep going I am right behind you, just dont stop and dont look back. We are almost to the car."

Continuing to run Trey and Hayden's feet pound on the ground as they hearts race in step. Finally making it to the car Trey jumps in the front seat while Hayden gets into the passanger side.

Looking behind them finally Hayden turns whole Trey burns rubber. Seeing no one Hayden sits back front in the seat before looking at Trey.

"Man they were shooting at you."

"Are you sure it was me and not someone alse? I though I saw someone go down."

"There was someone alse who was shot Trey but thats only because I pushed you out of the way. Your parents are only one of the biggest drug lords in Mexico you know. Get to them, they go through you."

Trey turns his head to look at Hayden for a minute before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Thanks Man I would of been a gonner if you hadnt. How long have you known about my parents?"

"Your my best friend Trey, I did what you would of done for me. As for you mom and dad, I am almost like your brother I am always there and your family is always doing business with mine. Not to mention I always wondered where you got the drugs from and your loaded with cash like me. I just put all the peaces together and came up with the picture."

Hayden lifts his hand in the shape of a fist as Trey hits it back the same way. This was there own symbol of friendship something they always did to reminded them without saying it they had eachother backs. Letting out a sigh Hayden finally speaks again.

"So now what? Someone tryed to kill you. What are you gonna do?"

"Tell my parents I guess that would be what was best. I can already hear them now.."

Trey shakes his head and cant help but laugh as he pulls out a pack of smokes and hands one to Hayden.

Pasts and acceptance

Carson looks at Jess, and a small grin quirks the corner of his mouth. He knew she was trying hard, and in this moment, he could relate. Both of them were having a hard time figuring out how to act, and both of them knew the other was feeling the same.

"Yeah. I can to the extra whipped cream." Giving a little nod, he clears off the table and heads to the kitchen.

Once alone, he sighs deeply, moving about to make the milkshake. Was this right? Yes, he knew it was. He cared a lot for Jess... and as much as he wanted to feel more for her, it just wasn't going to happen. The only thing he could hope for was a good friendship... He didn't want losing that to be a result of tonight. He knew it was a possibility, but he did still want to see her if she wanted to, too.

The rest of the evening goes by a bit awkwardly, but they make it through. Carson does his best to not make a huge deal out of anything, and when it's finally time for Jess to leave, he offers a hug and a kiss to the top of her head, promising he'd see her soon.

Locking up for the night, Carson trudges back to his little room. The smile had faded. For once again... he felt alone. Though it was best, his loneliness knew no cure. But perhaps this was his fate. Perhaps it was a simple case of poetic justice for his past misdeeds.

Grabbing his jacket, he decides to get some fresh air. In the back of his mind, he knows what he really wants... he knows the close call he'd had earlier that day... which route would he take tonight?

Outside into the crisp evening air, he heads down the sidewalk, with no real destination, but the inner battle was raging inside of him. Since he'd come here, this was fiercest the temptation had been, and it was driving him up a wall. He just wanted to sit... relax... find a different atmosphere. He just wanted...

"You're out late tonight."

Carson spins around, his hands up, ready to defend himself. Caught completely off guard by the other person who had come up a side street, he blinks and squints for a moment ."Axel? What on earth are you doing here?"

"Taking a walk, what else? What about you?"

Carson shrugs lamely. "Just thinking."

Axel cocks his head, studying his friend's eyes. "How'd she take it?"

"Oh... could have been better... could have been worse." Carson shakes his head, not really wanting to talk about it. Instead, he looks at Axel with curiosity. It was strange he was out at this time too. He did appear to have some odd habits. "So you walk for fun or what? There's a lot of other stuff to keep a guy occupied around here."

Axel almost grins. "Nah. A walk alone is better."

"Then I won't keep you."

Axel stops Carson from walking away. "Carson... where you headed?"

Carson turns back around, guilt showing in his eyes.

Axel doesn't have to ask again. "You know... I heard that all-night cafe at the other end of town has good coffee."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Across town? You kidding me?"

"Nope." Axel gives his arm a light whack. "Come on. Race you."

Carson's eyes widen slightly as Axel takes off in a sprint. Competition was one thing he couldn't turn down, especially when it came to running. "Hey!" Taking off, he runs to catch up, and soon both are jogging down the dark sidewalk, energy being spent on the exercise rather than talking or making regrettable decisions.

Jason find himself able to give Katie a small smile, leaning his head into her hand for a moment.

I'm glad we found each other. I don't know how we did... and I know I'm a jerk sometimes... but you being here sure has made things bearable.

Giving a little sigh, he finally lets go of Katie, switching gears. "Brown said it would be a closed session with the judge, so we can't be there anyway. They have the evidence they need, and... he'll let us know what happens."

His phone rings again and he rolls his eyes.

I tell you... people's timing is perfect tonight.

Flipping open his phone, he sees that it's Mike, so he answers. "Yeah?" He glances at his watch. "I thought it was at eight. Oh... oops. Yeah, I'll be right over. Thanks."

Jason grimaces as he puts his phone away. "Okay, so, I didn't check all my messages, and now I'm a half hour late for practice." He throws Katie a sheepish grin. "We better go or else we'll have to pay for it."

Though he really wasn't in the mood to be with the band tonight, he knew they needed the practice, and maybe it would be a good distraction. He doesn't have to ask if Katie will come...he knew she would...

"...Suspended?!" Phil lets out a low whistle. "You trouble makers, you."

Jason smirks as he sits on the stool with his guitar. Mike's basement was full with JetStream, including Jen and Katie, then Rocky was there on top of it, just to hang out. "Yeah, well, it's a vacation, right?"

Kyle rolls his eyes. "What happened?"

Jason shakes his head. "Long story. It's complicated."

"Yeah, I know, you're sworn to secrecy, right?"

"Actually no, but I don't want to bore you with details."

"Oh, I wouldn't be bored." Kyle leans forward over his keyboard, looking at Katie and Jason expectantly. "I love a good juicy story about you two getting into trouble."

Mike fakes throwing a drumstick at Kyle. "Would you shut up and play?"

Kyle grins and turns his attention back to the song they'd royally messed up on just minutes prior. "Yeah, sure, if Jase would get his act together."

"Me?!" Jason's eyes widen. "It was you that missed a whole measure!"

"You were on the wrong key halfway through!"

"Phil started it!"

Mike starts to laugh and shakes his head, looking at Katie. "See what I deal with?"

Jen's voice loudly interrupts. "No homemade cookies for anyone who bickers!"

Suddenly the banter ceases and Kyle gives his sister the most innocent, angelic look. "Us? Bicker? Never!" He starts playing a few chords, though the silly grin remains on his face.

Half an hour later, they're breaking again, enjoying a batch of Jen's cookies. "So what do you got planned this weekend?" Mike asks no one in particular. Not receiving much of a response, he looks to Kyle. "You got that visit to the caves with Misty, right?"

Kyle seems lost for a moment, then blinks and nods. "Um, yeah, yeah. Monday, actually."

Rocky grins. "Oooh, you two got a date to the caves. You know if you don't come back they send search parties. So I wouldn't spend too much time smooching in there."

Jen's eyes widen. "Rocky!"

He laughs. "What?"

Kyle gives a half-hearted laugh. "Yeah, yeah."

Phil quirks an eyebrow at his brother. "I thought you wanted to go."

"Oh, I do. I mean, yes. What's not to like?"

"I don't know. You just seemed like you didn't want to go there for a minute."

Kyle's eyes focus on his keyboard and he rearranges some music. "No... It's great. Should be fun."

The quietness is confusing to anyone who knew Kyle, and Phil exchanges a look with Jen, then Mike, then Katie. "Maybe he's planning to propose," he whispers hoarsly, intending it to bring humor back.

It backfires though as Kyle shoots him a glare. "Phil, cut it out," he growls.

"Sorry, I just..."

"Well stop!" Kyle moves around from his keyboard, heading in the direction of the bathroom. "I got trouble with my contact. I'll be right back."

Jason looks at Phil and Mike for a moment, then polishes off his cookie.

Wonder what's eating him.

Mike clears his throat and finally glances to Rocky in an attempt to change the subject. "So... Cryptic got big plans yet?"

"Naw, not really. Just hanging out at the moment."

"I've wanted to get to know Axel a little better, but he seems pretty quiet. Is he a good addition to the band?"

"Oh, definitely." Rocky nods. "He's got a brain like no other. Kinda odd sometimes, but he can fix anything, and he reads people so well sometimes it's scary. He is kinda quiet though - you're right about that."

"You said he'd been with you about what... a year now?"

"That sounds about right. Picked him up in Wisconsin."

Phils curiosity rose. He knew all the other members of Cryptic so well, it was strange not to know one of them. "What's his background?"

Rocky furrow his brow. "Not sure. He was in a church up there when we found him... he helped us out when our other sound guy left us hanging, then we found out he had an ear for music, so we invited him to hop on board." He shrugs. "He doesn't talk about his past though."


"Don't know. He never talks about any."

"You don't know him very well for having been with him almost 24/7 for a year," Phil muses, almost teasing his friend.

Rocky grins. "Axel's a good guy. He's added a lot to our band. That's all we need to know I guess."

Jen finds this most interesting, and inserts herself in the covnersation. "Women are more curious than men," she admits, "but that does seem a little strange, you traveling with him, but not knowing that much about him."

Rocky shrugs. "Logan liked him... I liked him... we needed sound guy. He turned out to be more than that, and we get along so... we're fine. We asked him once about his past and he said it was a long time ago and the door was closed. So we let it drop. Respected his privacy. We're friends now though. I mean... we could be closer, and you'd think we would be, but... it's all good."

"Does he ever have any friends or anything show up at shows?"

"Never." Rocky lifts his eyebrows. "Come to think of it. I don't think he's got a huge circle of friends though. We did have this one incident at a concert though about seven or eight months ago... We were in Tennessee I think. Some dude came up right in the middle of the concert and started hollering at Axel, actually came up and started swinging his fists around, yelling something about deserving worse and calling him names. I think the guy was drunk, and security took him out pretty quick. We all just let it slide, but it really bothered Axel. He wouldn't say why though. Otherwise, we've never crossed paths with anyone who knows him, except for in Wisconsin."

Jason just listens. For some reason, suspicion rose.
Interesting. I thought there was something strange about him when we first met... I wonder if it would be worth looking into.

Jen almost looks sorry. "I'm in his Bible study group, but even there, it's been hard to get to know him. He seems nice though."

"Oh, very," Rocky agrees. "I tell ya, he's got a firm foundation in God, that's for sure. We all kinda wondered about his past, but then decided that acting like Jesus was the best option. It doesn't matter where we've been, ya know? I mean, I wouldn't want someone digging around my own past. I want people to see me who I am today. So really... that's what we did with Axel. And come to think of it... he does the same thing with us. He's never asked about our pasts. Though quite honestly, I think he's got us all pegged." He chuckles. "Sometims I wonder if he's psychic."

"Well I'm no psychic, but I know we're going to be here all night if we don't get through these songs." Kyle rejoins the group, sliding in behind his keyboard again.

Jason grins and picks up his guitar again, looking to Katie. "Guess we better get to rockin'."

Scott picks at his supper. Janet had been so nice to fix extra beef and mashed potatoes that Rick had brought over... and it tasted good... he just didn't feel like eating it.

Rick folds his arms with disapproval after he's wrapped up for the night. "No food, no home," he warns.

"I just don't feel like eating," Scott mumbles.

"Look... you need to," Rick directs. "We made a deal, remember? Eat at least half of what's there." He felt like he was talking to a child, but if that's what it took...

Scott manages to take another bite of potatoes. "Happy?"

"No. But I have to go now. I expect to find out you ate more. Got it?"

Scott shrugs.

Rick sighs and gives Scott's shoulder a pat. "Get some rest, Scott. Tomorrow is a new day." He waves in Misty's direction. "See you in the morning," he calls.

Scott continues to sit cross-legged on is bed, picking through his food after Rick has left. He takes another small bite, then sets his fork down and pushes his plate away. He knew they had a deal, and he wanted to go home tomorrow, but after a few bites, his stomach simply didn't want anything more.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Misty. She'd been quiet most of the day though... and he was banking on her not giving him a bad time about eating. Looked like the evening would be another one of solitaire and boredom. He reaches for his deck of cards. Oh how he just wanted to leave.

Extra whip cream

"I guess thats one thing about getting older huh? At one point in time all we wanted was for things to change and now, now it never stops."

As Jason takes Katie's hand she can start to feel the emotions coming a little stronger now but not enough to cause a great deal of pain. Closing her eyes Katie takes in the feelings and emotions processing them, and letting herself get strength from them.

Though one would think someone would get tired of doing this all the time Katie never did. It never bothered her and she liked the closeness it gave her to Jason. Even if she didnt need it to live she would welcome it with open arms.

As Jason's phone rings it causes Katie to jump snapping her eyes open. The moment had been broken. Watching Jason as he talked on the phone Katie wanted. Once he is off she looks to Jason with question about what was to happen next.

"Do we need to be there? or will Brown call us."

As Jason comes close for a kiss Katie's heart starts to race once again like it did so many times before. Each kiss with Jason was special, each kiss felt like it was the first all over again. Being close to Jason she felt safe, being this close she almost felt untouchable.

As Jason backs away Katie can spot the reminent of where the tear had fallen. Bringing a hand up to his cheek Katie smiles and runs her thumb over the spot.

As long as we have each other we will be ok. We are in this together Jason. Giving up on you is not even an option in my mind.

Giving a small nod to Carson Jess keeps her smile even though on the inside it felt like a rain storm. It wasnt hard to tell Carson was already having a hard time with her. Showing her own emotion wouldnt help him much and Jess didnt want to put him through even more.

Looking down at the table as Carson asks his final question Jess is silent for a moment. All the other guys she had dated she was never friends with after the break up. Peter, she just forgot about him till he came around again she never really felt close to him anyways. So how was she to act now? Any differnt other than not kissing and holding hands? What would she say? Would they still have dinner sometimes? Would he still come over? Things would change but how much would really change!

Looking up Jess catches Carson eye for a moment. They were going to be friends, she had to try. Carson had been to good to her, he's showed her what it was to really be treated good and she had, had deeper feelings for him. She had to try and maybe the milkshake was the first step.

"I'd like that but can I have extra whip cream on mine today?"

Jess smiles again as she looks up at Carson. This was gonna be differnt but it was worth the try.